[quote="DMG, post: 12430286"]Nasus with your build minus Warmog:
D Shield / Boots 5 / Chalice / Trinity / GA
2478 (+448) Health
6.34 (+1.6) Health Regen
31.7 (+8) ^^ per 5
6658.14 (+3044.74) Physical Health
6066.14 (+2970.39) Magical Health
6362.14 (+3007.57) Effective Health
"Regular" build minus large item like warmog (like the first build. Roughly 1k more gold for this one)
D Shield / Merc / Aegis / Trinity / Banshee
3123 (+1093) Health
6.34 (+1.6) Health Regen
31.7 (+8) Per 5
6808.14 (+3194.74) Physical Health
8322.8 (+5227.05) Magical Health
7565.47 (+4210.89) Effective Health
118 Armor
166.5 MR
Standard build compared to your build minus warmog:
Standard build has 645 more health
Standard build has 200ish more physical health (this is also after factoring in your armor runes as well, and with my mana regen runes)
Standard build has about 2300 more magical health
Standard build has about 1210 more effective health
Standard build has slightly more damage from Aegis aura which leads to slightly more life steal. Armor pen marks also contribute to more damage overall than crit marks.
Trinity force and GA are solid items on him. Boots 5 and Chalice are hampering you down though. The regular build pulls ahead even if I separate B Veil into its two components to make the builds almost the same cost (300 gold or so apart). Its also not factoring the CC reduction benefits you get.
If you want, you could replace Banshee with something else. Randuins, GA, FoN, etc and it would still pull through ahead of your build in most areas. While they would be about 1k more gold, the margin that they outshine your build by is larger than you can cover with 1k gold spare change after your build. Aegis in particular is outshining your build: I can forgo chalice with mana regen runes and mastery, get Aegis instead, and benefit my entire team and myself.
Edit: and Nasus is someone who gets a lot of his damage from areas you CAN'T crit. Which is why I'm stunned he wants to go that route with Nasus. Q and Trinity force procs do not crit because they are bonus damage. Your high AD after Warmog/Atmas can crit, but not the above damages.
Even assuming Warmog to atmas was good on Nasus, why consider building that as a super late game build when you can find a plethora of builds that outshine you earlier on by a noticeable margin WITH room to expand to Warmog/Atmas anyways?[/QUOTE]
Oooo, an intelligent reply. Let's see if I don't butcher my response.
You're saying the "standard" build costs about 1k more. A Giant's Belt is 1k.
Also, I think it's a bit of a stretch to say most games are over before the 9k gold mark. I'll admit this could be entirely due to my ranked ELO (which is where I play Nasus to carry) but if I recall correctly some of my mathcrafting when I was creating my Lux build, average gold/game is 10-12k.
Some of your numbers seem off to me;
118 Armor
166.5 MR
Without Warmogs my Nasus will have 176 Armr and 165 MRes just about (played a game an hour ago and saw these figures in the late-game).
I also don't see how APen from Marks alone will out-DPS the equivalent in crit Marks.
Aegis is a situational item to counter poke teams or if you have a lot of squishies (re: bad team comp)
I don't really see how "You don't crit from Q" is an argument against crit. If you can't boost your damage in one area, then why don't you boost it in another? (This is related to how I don't see 10 APen beating 25% crit)
There are some other things that I know that I won't get in to because then everyone and their dog will try to say I'm wrong. But those numbers don't really dissuade my build. Obviously I'm going to build mercs and veil if I'm facing AP heavy teams or teams with a lot of CC, but for making Nasus able to kill people, my build is pretty good. And I don't understand the hate on Warmogs. Warmogs used to be bad, not it's not so bad. The regen and +1k health is a lot better than I think you're giving it credit for. And I normally hate Warmogs.