This woman is Asian.
This woman is Indian.
I would think for the MAJORITY of people, at least in the West we would associate this as a woman from China/Japan/Korea as opposed to India.
Dude, I'm from the west. The majority of Europeans would associate the term "Asian" with South Asians in their mind. Like India.
It has nothing to do with what your "official status" or "politically correct" definition is. It's simple majority rules.
TL/DR: I understand perfectly that people from India are Asian. But my first association to Asian people are Chinese/Japanese/Korea/Phillipines etc.
This is a very different argument to the original one presented. I'd still challenge this association because you're grouping people on a very superficial basis instead of using culture or geography or ethnicity. These are all more useful markers to define a group of people.
The only thing I don't really understand about the whole argument is why you would want to be associated as Asian, but that's a completely different matter and I'm not saying that China or any other "Asian culture" has a right to be called Asian over another. Simply I would think India would have more to gain by being known seperately as a culture as opposed to being lumped with a bunch of other cultures regardless of title.
I want to be associated as Asian because I am Asian. It's not about what I want to be or being offended (I'm not); it's simply a fact.

I'll repeat, all South Asians will associate themselves as Asian. It seems sensible in most cases, including this one, to refer to a group of people the way they wish to be referred to, no? Additionally, there's a fair few countries where you may find it difficult to tell if someone was South Asian or East Asian!
Referring to all East Asians as "Asian" tells you very little. Personally, I think the difference between a Chinese and Japanese and Malaysian person are incredibly obvious. Let alone the vastly differing cultures of each country. As kleeck stated earlier, recognizing people in their details shows more respect than an umbrella term.
To be fair, around 80% of my year is Asian. This includes Pakistanis, Indians, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Chinese, Phillipinos and Malaysians. When I hear somebody looks "Asian" I honestly don't think anything. Living in London, it's a pretty useless term to describe a person's appearance. People use "Asian" to briefly describe the location somebody is from or to acknowledge shared cultural traits such as strict Asian parents or Asians being good at maths.
I know this is off topic so I won't say anymore (unless you want to in pms). sorry.
In other news, I'm enjoying the sona changes. Finally tried her out since the buffs. She seems much better. Rylais is the ultimate troll item on her.