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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Not sure if any of you Smashers are familiar with Athene. He is a world-class WoW player, known for his 1337 Pally skillz, specifically in PvP. He also hit #1 on the Starcraft 2 boards recently and has announced coming to LoL.

This could be an epic development for the LoL community...

If you don't know who he is, get acquainted.

He's coming to LoL?


EDIT: For those who don't know, he's acting in those videos, he's made quite a few BtS vids about what goes into them + his attitude, he's actually a legitimately good gamer and a relatively mellow guy.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
<3 vox! Anytime ask me for a game and as long as I'm not in a 5 I'll play. I allways see you solo queuing and I'm like ugh ask to play with us.
haha alright I shall :)
Not sure if any of you Smashers are familiar with Athene. He is a world-class WoW player, known for his 1337 Pally skillz, specifically in PvP. He also hit #1 on the Starcraft 2 boards recently and has announced coming to LoL.

This could be an epic development for the LoL community...

If you don't know who he is, get acquainted.

sigh... the LoL forums are already blowing up with Athene drama. I'm still pretty shocked that anyone cares.
I love this guy. He's so arrogant its amazing. He's got tiger blood and adonis DNA. He's the Charlie Sheen of PC Gaming. Love it so much. I can't wait to see him start streaming LoL.
Milkfat who? What? You guys lost me.


Apr 10, 2008
People seem to think LoL isn't very deep for some reason. It's pretty funny imo.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
I dont think leagues depth was what I was referring to, I love this game and think it has a very deep metagame.

But Ive seen this guy do crazy ****.

Like, bonkers ****ing off the wall creative ****.

Hes incredibly smart, as a gamer.

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
I dont think leagues depth was what I was referring to, I love this game and think it has a very deep metagame.

But Ive seen this guy do crazy ****.

Like, bonkers ****ing off the wall creative ****.

Hes incredibly smart, as a gamer.
thats great and all but hes doing solo que.
in which no one is smart everyone wants to take the lead and lack coordination. i wouldnt be surprised if he rages every game, and if he does he needs to go outside more often..


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
if he actually does solo queue (and not that milkfat duo queue crap) then i will be impressed if he can work his way to top 10.

also, 5 straight ranked wins as karthus :) one more and i break 1500 elo. karth is op. gonna buy his statue of karthus skin to use in conjunction with bird of prey anivia. because i love america


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
LoL is not "technically" challenging like with advanced techniques and stuff. But in terms of strategies and decisions and all that, there is quite a bit. When you guys play against a very high leveled team for the first time you will see. Smashboards should make a team for nationalesl.com it's free.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
LoL is not "technically" challenging like with advanced techniques and stuff. But in terms of strategies and decisions and all that, there is quite a bit. When you guys play against a very high leveled team for the first time you will see. Smashboards should make a team for nationalesl.com it's free.
didn't we have a team run by odin or something? but then it kinda fell apart and stuff


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
It's also pretty hard to believe people are falling for this guy's act. He doesn't really act that way, just like Colbert doesn't really act the way he does on the Report.

It's to garner popularity and create an image for himself. People like headstrong and cocky. Either to see them fail or to watch them succeed.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
LoL is not "technically" challenging like with advanced techniques and stuff. But in terms of strategies and decisions and all that, there is quite a bit. When you guys play against a very high leveled team for the first time you will see. Smashboards should make a team for nationalesl.com it's free.
So true. I learned a ton of stuff by watching the Solomid vs. CLG match last weekend.

"Kassadin just left mid to get blue, we can do dragon GOGOGO"

See I never would have thought of that before.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
didn't we have a team run by odin or something? but then it kinda fell apart and stuff
Make your own team, Odincore is busy and thus not a good leader.

So true. I learned a ton of stuff by watching the Solomid vs. CLG match last weekend.

"Kassadin just left mid to get blue, we can do dragon GOGOGO"

See I never would have thought of that before.
Yes little things like that add up and help a lot.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
Really, if you're looking to improve this is a really good option. You might get stomped but at least you can realize there is such a gap, and you can see how they. and placing 5th/6th is like a go4lol weekly win.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
chill out. I think you're misunderstanding the issue here. I don't think this is talking about Mystic Shot hitting invis stuff. I think it's talking about Arcane Shift (his blink) showing you when a ward is around/missing your intended target because there's a ward closer. At least that's how I read it.

EDIT: and I mostly agree with jpak, but I don't think Mundo is OP.
I know it was directly talking about Arcane Shift.

Mystic shot no longer connects with invisible units, by the way. It passes right through them.
(as in, an invisible jack in the box in the way of someone will not have the jitb tank it, it will go right through and hit someone behind it, same exists for wards).

I was entirely referring to Arcane Shift being usable as a way of pinpointing the location of a ward.


Apr 10, 2008
I know it was directly talking about Arcane Shift.

Mystic shot no longer connects with invisible units, by the way. It passes right through them.
(as in, an invisible jack in the box in the way of someone will not have the jitb tank it, it will go right through and hit someone behind it, same exists for wards).

I was entirely referring to Arcane Shift being usable as a way of pinpointing the location of a ward.
I think it's hilarious they're taking away all this stealth detection/hitting stuff (garen spin, corki Q, ez Q, etc) but they keep in Nidalee's traps and pounce detection. :p


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music

Mission accomplished :awesome:

Sure, it's normals so it doesn't mean much but I'm actually quite happy about this. Only the second time I've achieved the full win page, I feel like I've achieved something here :)

Alright, now to try out the Karma buffs and become a killer Singed >:D


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I think it's hilarious they're taking away all this stealth detection/hitting stuff (garen spin, corki Q, ez Q, etc) but they keep in Nidalee's traps and pounce detection. :p
Yeah, that's the point I honestly wanted to counter any arguments for it with.

Nidalee can pounce to detect. Which is pretty much 100% how Ezreal detects wards too.... yet they remove it from ezreal. ****ing *******s.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Yeah, that's the point I honestly wanted to counter any arguments for it with.

Nidalee can pounce to detect. Which is pretty much 100% how Ezreal detects wards too.... yet they remove it from ezreal. ****ing *******s.
But this would require them fixing a Nidalee bug. What a preposterous idea :laugh:


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
This woman is Asian.

This woman is Indian.

I would think for the MAJORITY of people, at least in the West we would associate this as a woman from China/Japan/Korea as opposed to India.
Dude, I'm from the west. The majority of Europeans would associate the term "Asian" with South Asians in their mind. Like India.

It has nothing to do with what your "official status" or "politically correct" definition is. It's simple majority rules.

TL/DR: I understand perfectly that people from India are Asian. But my first association to Asian people are Chinese/Japanese/Korea/Phillipines etc.
This is a very different argument to the original one presented. I'd still challenge this association because you're grouping people on a very superficial basis instead of using culture or geography or ethnicity. These are all more useful markers to define a group of people.

The only thing I don't really understand about the whole argument is why you would want to be associated as Asian, but that's a completely different matter and I'm not saying that China or any other "Asian culture" has a right to be called Asian over another. Simply I would think India would have more to gain by being known seperately as a culture as opposed to being lumped with a bunch of other cultures regardless of title.
I want to be associated as Asian because I am Asian. It's not about what I want to be or being offended (I'm not); it's simply a fact.:bee: I'll repeat, all South Asians will associate themselves as Asian. It seems sensible in most cases, including this one, to refer to a group of people the way they wish to be referred to, no? Additionally, there's a fair few countries where you may find it difficult to tell if someone was South Asian or East Asian!

Referring to all East Asians as "Asian" tells you very little. Personally, I think the difference between a Chinese and Japanese and Malaysian person are incredibly obvious. Let alone the vastly differing cultures of each country. As kleeck stated earlier, recognizing people in their details shows more respect than an umbrella term.

To be fair, around 80% of my year is Asian. This includes Pakistanis, Indians, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Chinese, Phillipinos and Malaysians. When I hear somebody looks "Asian" I honestly don't think anything. Living in London, it's a pretty useless term to describe a person's appearance. People use "Asian" to briefly describe the location somebody is from or to acknowledge shared cultural traits such as strict Asian parents or Asians being good at maths.

I know this is off topic so I won't say anymore (unless you want to in pms). sorry.

In other news, I'm enjoying the sona changes. Finally tried her out since the buffs. She seems much better. Rylais is the ultimate troll item on her.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
By the way, Wit's End > Madred's blood razer.

Removing Mana, giving magic resist(+++) and doing pretty nice extra base damage compared to an item that is honestly only good for helping do Baron (but as Shaco Wit's End is pretty ****ing sweet for that) is better.

I've been going Wit's End instead of MBR on Shaco as of late, almost 2k cheaper, which can be used to grab Youmuu's or defensive items which increases Shaco's DPS to just about everything significantly while still having pretty epic baron control.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 7, 2010
^^ lol

also at someone saying hotshots jarvan wasnt good.
He ***** solo queue every time he plays. yeah menas nothing ok.
but verse tsm he couldnt really intiate on anyone cause janna was sitting there to reset once the team followed the cataclysm. this is one of the reasons why janna is so good lol.

hotshotgg has the appropriate level of confidence I guess, without being arrogant. I'm pretty sure he never brags when he goes on his stream, he's just being realistic without hyping himself up. that guy on the youtube video is just kind of annoying. why does one player get that much attention who hasnt done anything? I don't understand. And then even if he gets all the way up in solo queue, that doesnt even justify his trash talk.

***king maknoon was #3 at one point, and I've seen him do the most ******** **** that i've ever seen in solo queue. like flat out completely stupid, and the games were still close. then people like the 1800 korean players who just do the most ******** stuff ever all the time.. and make jiji and hotshot rage.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 7, 2010
dont provoke the ego

also im glad someone else thinks blitz is op.
tank blitz that is. amazing cc and initiate, aoe silence on 30 second cooldown.. wish more people on my teams played him


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
LoL is not "technically" challenging like with advanced techniques and stuff. But in terms of strategies and decisions and all that, there is quite a bit. When you guys play against a very high leveled team for the first time you will see. Smashboards should make a team for nationalesl.com it's free.
premier league isn't free, gotta be premium members :(.

TL might not play because enough of them might be too cheap to play in it.
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