Quinn has some good matchups bot lane and brings more to the team than, say, Fiora, so she's not an instant lose. The problem is that she doesnt peel well for herself, something that Vayne, another late game hyper carry with the same range, can do. Teamfights for Quinn are basically just positioning super safe and doing typical adc stuff, saving ult for if you need to re-position really fast, Pick off the enemy adc immediately if he is seperated, or clean up. Her kit is more fitting of an assassin tbh.
i feel like quinn is just...fundamentally stupid. adc with melee ultimate, was a cool idea i guess but nobody had made it work yet, and for all the theorycrafting people are doing (omg best split pusher) there are no results
keep in mind my opinions are just that, and are mostly founded on my climb up the ladder and what i see in tournament play in case something i personally don't think is valuable actually is by high level players...i wouldn't think gragas would be a good pick at all, he's in the bottom 10 win rates for a while, but i think if you're good enough with him you can climb
Meh, even those champs you listed I can see doing well in solo queue. It's feast or famine. A farmed GP with like, Shiv+IE+whatever does INSANE damage with Q. And I assume it's a gimmick, but I've seen AP gangplanks wreck face. Also just had a Karma top lane against a Pantheon yesterday, I assumed she would feed but she built tanky AP (was like, sunfire cape+liandrys+stuff) kinda like an Elise might, and she was actually amazingly useful, I might need to reconsider Karma.
And Quinn... I sometimes play her but if my support isn't properly aggressive then I can't really win lane as hard as I'd like. It's true though, even if she gets fed she blows in teamfights. She can splitpush and take towers really well, but you don't really want your adc away from the team doing that. I've had people tell me to build her bruiser, but I can't see her doing sufficient damage to be useful like that.
you can use anecdotal evidence for any champion doing well, it's about doing well consistently. i just don't think gangplank has the tools to consistently win his lane or even get the farm he needs to reach that point. if you're really good with him you can get high sure, but i'm talking about like...master-level vampyro specialist stuff.
i'm talking about like, someone with a ton of games on just one champion hitting diamond. for those 10 champs i just...don't know if it's possible, or at least would be much harder than just picking something actually worthwhile
this convo started when i was talking to HAT (the melee player) who wanted to know about sivir as a champion. sure, she's not TERRIBLE and you can do well with her/be good at her, but...why
Master Yi not on your list? I guess people have finally basked in the holy light of Sword of the Divine.
was thinking about it, but AD yi top can be a headache for solo q up until a point when people start getting good (he excels at that pseudo-good elo where everyone has egos, when everyone sees 1 single person pushing top, even after u kill all 4 and have 5 people pushing bottom, they overreact and all go back instead of just winning the game)
but a very good AP yi can climb well, i think