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Get Melee into Evo 2013! (FOR REALS... maybe)

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Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Please, continue prove that this wasn't done in spite by posting a spiteful comment bashing the game.
The thread was posted by a different person. You came in here being extremely passive aggressive, basically begging for vocal anti-Brawl players to start flaming your game.

So what if it was done in spite anyhow? You posted the thread, and Brawl/Melee players are voting for each other's games according to their preferences. Problem solved. Tell me if your post served any purpose but to tell people how salty you were.

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
I personally wouldn't mind seeing melee nor brawl at EVO. I play both, but I'm more into Brawl over Melee. I think maybe that was that Dr. Robotnik due was trying to say. That or he's just trolling.
I'm saying that it was extremely selfish and petty to only post this here, leaving Brawl and 64 players without this knowledge and costing us a lot of votes.


Jan 10, 2007
I'm saying that it was extremely selfish and petty to only post this here, leaving Brawl and 64 players without this knowledge and costing us a lot of votes.
I posted the FB Thread on Brawl forums, as well as Smash 4 forums. But hey, the voting is still on, nothing's lost =)


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
I'm saying that it was extremely selfish and petty to only post this here, leaving Brawl and 64 players without this knowledge and costing us a lot of votes.
Between these two:

"Haha I will post this where only melee players will see, THAT will show those pesky Brawlers who has the best game!!!!11`"


"Oh boy I could get Melee at Evo! *post*. Cool, people are responding!"

Which do you think is a more likely state of mind for somebody excited to get his game at the event?


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
I'm saying that it was extremely selfish and petty to only post this here, leaving Brawl and 64 players without this knowledge and costing us a lot of votes.
However, it's not intentional or some conspiracy theory to spite anyone. This has been a pretty positive thread until you showed up, no offense really meant but it's the truth.

Maybe you should read through the thread and see that some Melee players actually did vote for Brawl, too. Please stop acting like people vehemently hate Brawl so much as to not post it in a subforum they feel likely should already have it covered... given how it's been posted elsewhere already and in multiple different sites like reddit/facebook.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
I'm saying that it was extremely selfish and petty to only post this here, leaving Brawl and 64 players without this knowledge and costing us a lot of votes.
Kind of selfish to think we have to do something for you that we don't. Plus we told people they could vote for brawl if they wanted to, so we did help you guys out. Blame your own players for being too lazy to make a thread not us for advertising to our peers (and even a little bit for you). Honestly this comes off as kind of pathetic.

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
I posted the FB Thread on Brawl forums, as well as Smash 4 forums. But hey, the voting is still on, nothing's lost =)
Really? I didn't see anything there. Either way, my point was that this should've been posted in a more general area, not just here, because this concerns everyone and is a very big deal. I'm enjoying the :u mad" posts, though.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Really? I didn't see anything there. Either way, my point was that this should've been posted in a more general area, not just here, because this concerns everyone and is a very big deal. I'm enjoying the :u mad" posts, though.
People have posted in here multiple times saying it should be on the Smash News at the top of smashboards, but it's not. Nothing we can do about it.

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
Between these two:

"Haha I will post this where only melee players will see, THAT will show those pesky Brawlers who has the best game!!!!11`"


"Oh boy I could get Melee at Evo! *post*. Cool, people are responding!"

Which do you think is a more likely state of mind for somebody excited to get his game at the event?
You intentionally made the first option look like an idiot typed it out to make the point you believe in look better. Nice debating skills.

Kind of selfish to think we have to do something for you that we don't. Plus we told people they could vote for brawl if they wanted to, so we did help you guys out. Blame your own players for being too lazy to make a thread not us for advertising to our peers (and even a little bit for you). Honestly this comes off as kind of pathetic.
Wow, I'm pathetic for saying that this should've been posted somewhere else? By the way, I did make a thread, two actually, one of which was in the tournament and event discussion place where it belonged.

People have posted in here multiple times saying it should be on the Smash News at the top of smashboards, but it's not. Nothing we can do about it.
If this is the truth, then good.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
No spite involved, but my recollection of brawl at evo is that it was such a fiasco and embarrassment that it un-did years of work we had put in to make smash more respected by the FGC. No small part of that was their horrible ruleset, but it still happened on brawl's watch.

I would be horrified to see a similar thing happen again. That's why I hope melee wins; it's a much better spectator game.

>500 lead now

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
No spite involved, but my recollection of brawl at evo is that it was such a fiasco and embarrassment that it un-did years of work we had put in to make smash more respected by the FGC. No small part of that was their horrible ruleset, but it still happened on brawl's watch.

I would be horrified to see a similar thing happen again. That's why I hope melee wins; it's a much better spectator game.

>500 lead now
The Brawl thing was because they had items on and the commentators had no idea what they were doing, along with it being a new game.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
No spite involved, but my recollection of brawl at evo is that it was such a fiasco and embarrassment that it un-did years of work we had put in to make smash more respected by the FGC. No small part of that was their horrible ruleset, but it still happened on brawl's watch.

I would be horrified to see a similar thing happen again. That's why I hope melee wins; it's a much better spectator game.

>500 lead now
This is the truth whether you like it or not. When Melee was at EVO everything went smoothly

(now lets stop letting the Brawl troll ruin the thread)


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
Wow, I'm pathetic for saying that this should've been posted somewhere else? By the way, I did make a thread, two actually, one of which was in the tournament and event discussion place where it belonged.
You come off as pathetic because you immediately jumped on us like we all intentionally wanted to spite your community instead of just being excited to put our game on evo, especially pathetic with plenty of smashers like Fuzzyness telling everyone to vote for both. Sorry the thread wasn't in the most convenient spot for you, but like I said plenty of brawl players before you came through who could have made this a thread elsewhere so if you want to get mad at anyone get mad at your own players for being lazy. Not all of us check the brawl boards just to see if you have your own thread.


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
Dr. Robotnik, you hate Melee trolls in the Brawl discussion, why do you think we would like Brawl trolls in Melee discussion?? I'm glad your posts have alerted us that this poll has other places it could be at Smashboards, but why does that give you the excuse to come in here, accuse us of being selfish and petty, and taking out your general dislike for the game that we like out on us?

I mean GOD, if you hate Melee trolls so much, why are you trying so hard to be a Brawl troll?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2012
Trondheim, Norway
Argument over. Line ends here


^End of line

Has anybody at Evo recognized this landslide yet, like on Twitter or something?


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Has anybody at Evo recognized this landslide yet, like on Twitter or something?
Not that I've noticed. I only saw a tweet from Maximillian, who isn't Evo staff or anything, but he's a pretty big FGC youtuber so... doesn't really mean much. His tweet surmounted to just being surprised at Melee being at the top of the poll, not realizing so many people play it still.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
You intentionally made the first option look like an idiot typed it out to make the point you believe in look better. Nice debating skills.
Well, go ahead and make it look prettier in your mind, and THEN ask yourself which one looks more plausible. The first option will still look like a conspiracy theory no matter how it's written.

I just find it amusing that you're attacking Wobbles' debating/posting/whatever when he's being perfectly calm and pleasant and is generally considered one of the best posters on the boards by like everyone ever as far as I know.

Wow, I'm pathetic for saying that this should've been posted somewhere else? By the way, I did make a thread, two actually, one of which was in the tournament and event discussion place where it belonged.
... you just sound angry and paranoid, seriously.

The TC plays Melee. So he posted it in a Melee thread. Didn't post it in Brawl/64 threads for the same reason that he didn't post it in a King of Fighters forum--not the games he plays, not the thought that was on his mind. Can't help but notice that you made a thread in Brawl General Discussion but not N64 despite your talk of "costing of Brawl AND 64" and how it affects EVERYONE and whatnot. It's because you care about Brawl and not 64. Be honest with yourself, if you'd seen the poll at last night and thought to yourself about posting it, you'd probably have put it in the Brawl area. Not because you're malicious against Melee or something, but just because Brawl is your dig.

If this is the truth, then good.
So you didn't even read the topic to notice some of the people citing support for Brawl and trying to get it in the news feed and stuff and just came in here all pissed off, and then called out everyone else for being a bad debater and a biased fiend and whatnot. Doesn't really seem very fair.

Let's try to keep the hate in general out of here from either side, we don't want the mods to have even the slightest reason to close this thread.

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
You come off as pathetic because you immediately jumped on us like we all intentionally wanted to spite your community instead of just being excited to put our game on evo, especially pathetic with plenty of smashers like Fuzzyness telling everyone to vote for both. Sorry the thread wasn't in the most convenient spot for you, but like I said plenty of brawl players before you came through who could have made this a thread elsewhere so if you want to get mad at anyone get mad at your own players for being lazy. Not all of us check the brawl boards just to see if you have your own thread.
Sorry if I came off like that, but please stop focusing on that and focus on my point; This poll is for everyone, this needed to be on a general board. Do you understand? I'm not demanding that you make a thread for Brawl (I've already done that), I am stating that this thread does not belong here. I'm sorry if I came off like that, but it really did rub me the wrong way that this kind of information was posted here first and only here.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Sorry if I came off like that, but please stop focusing on that and focus on my point; This poll is for everyone, this needed to be on a general board. Do you understand? I'm not demanding that you make a thread for Brawl (I've already done that), I am stating that this thread does not belong here. I'm sorry if I came off like that, but it really did rub me the wrong way that this kind of information was posted here first and only here.
Please stop posting, you have no idea what you're saying. A post saying you should vote for Melee tournaments belongs in Melee general discussion.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC

jesus christ I am a brawl player also, stop making me look bad Dr. Turd

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
Sorry if I came off like that, but please stop focusing on that and focus on my point; This poll is for everyone, this needed to be on a general board. Do you understand? I'm not demanding that you make a thread for Brawl (I've already done that), I am stating that this thread does not belong here. I'm sorry if I came off like that, but it really did rub me the wrong way that this kind of information was posted here first and only here.
dwi nerd


also, i got my dad to vote for this, and managed to convince him to start playing melee. Its a goddamn shame he lives in mexico, so i can't even play with him lmao


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2012
Las Vegas
Why is it on us to look out for brawl? Most of us hate that game. (the game, not the player.But Robotnik is making that distinction VERY difficult.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Why is it on us to look out for brawl? Most of us hate that game. (the game, not the player.But Robotnik is making that distinction VERY difficult.

Cut the ****ing hate, lord, just stop it, you're helping no one.

Let's just all post happy things while Melee inches closer to breaking 3000.

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
I'm done with this because apparently everyone has to stop what their doing and throw a fit every time someone posts something negative, but just to clear things up to some people; I don't hate Melee, and game preference has nothing to do with anything anyway.


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
Sorry if I came off like that, but please stop focusing on that and focus on my point; This poll is for everyone, this needed to be on a general board. Do you understand? I'm not demanding that you make a thread for Brawl (I've already done that), I am stating that this thread does not belong here. I'm sorry if I came off like that, but it really did rub me the wrong way that this kind of information was posted here first and only here.
There is no General Smash Discussion. There is only the Pool Room, and that place has 60% of the activity as Melee Discussion and is generally a low-quality place for discussion.

Not to mention it would be off-topic there. Just saying.

Anth0ny didn't post in Brawl discussion because he doesn't play the game.
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