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Get Melee into Evo 2013! (FOR REALS... maybe)

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Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
I'm done with this because apparently everyone has to stop what their doing and throw a fit every time someone posts something negative, but just to clear things up to some people; I don't hate Melee, and game preference has nothing to do with anything anyway.
I posted what I consider to be a calm and reasoned retort that completely took into account your non-hate of Melee, but you ignored it. Sooo. :/

TCB, I agree that 3000 is reachable within only a couple hours. I wonder how much higher it can go after that. I won't make any predictions, because this has shattered so many people's expectations that I fear looking foolish. XD

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
There is no General Smash Discussion. There is only the Pool Room, and that place has 60% of the activity as Melee Discussion and is generally a low-quality place for discussion.

Not to mention it would be off-topic there. Just saying.

Anth0ny didn't post in Brawl discussion because he doesn't play the game.
Tournament and Event discussion. EVO fits that.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
To be honest, we really need to CRUSH everything to have a chance since this is almost become an active community effort. Hopefully we can keep pace and get to 5k+ by Saturday.


Certified Ponch
May 2, 2010
Mantua, OH
I just posted a giant article practically in the polls. About to post it in the actual website too.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 16, 2012
I posted what I consider to be a calm and reasoned retort that completely took into account your non-hate of Melee, but you ignored it. Sooo. :/

TCB, I agree that 3000 is reachable within only a couple hours. I wonder how much higher it can go after that. I won't make any predictions, because this has shattered so many people's expectations that I fear looking foolish. XD
I know right? I voted at around 350 when we were in 11th place, and now we're winning by 500 some. Crazy, isn't it?

To be honest, we really need to CRUSH everything to have a chance since this is almost become an active community effort. Hopefully we can keep pace and get to 5k+ by Saturday.
I'm curious as to how we'll keep this up. Smashboards as a whole only has 3.5kish likes on facebook, our community is quite small. Hopefully passerby to the page will see Melee at the top of the list and get a little twinge of nostalgia and vote for it?

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
So someplace with 1/5th the activity as Melee General Discussion, then?

That seems appropriate to gather attention, alright.
Alright then, next time I want to make a thread, I'll just go look for the most active subforum instead of the most relevant.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
I know right? I voted at around 350 when we were in 11th place, and now we're winning by 500 some. Crazy, isn't it?

I'm curious as to how we'll keep this up. Smashboards as a whole only has 3.5kish likes on facebook, our community is quite small. Hopefully passerby to the page will see Melee at the top of the list and get a little twinge of nostalgia and vote for it?
Smashboards is only a small sampling of the Smash Culture. Whenever I went to Smashfests only five of the players that would attend actually had accounts on Smash Boards. I'd like to believe that Smash still has those players that value the game, but never cared to post on a forum about it.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2009
Pass it on to your friends and family. Going off of what Ran said, hopefully, you can track down those people from smashfests and get them to vote as well.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2011
Gensokyan Embassy, Munich, Germany
What's that Robotnic guy even doing here? Let us post in MD whatever the guys moderating here deem okayish (and they do a mighty fine job btw, if I can be allowed to add that).

edit: sorry nobody cares about your game, but well that's kinda YOUR problem. Not something anybody around here is in any way obligated to care about at all.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Holy crap this thread blew up so fast! I posted on page 1, went to sleep and woke up, and now it's past page 12 (on 40 posts per page). Heck yeah!

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
Ok time to stop with the internet fighting.

Robotnik, go hang out in the brawl forum or something so you're not tempted to continue posting.
Everyone else, ignore him.

Seriously, cut it out.
I'll stop when they stop, because I know it won't happen the other way around.


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
K, I'll shoot you a PM if I really feel the hate riling up, but it would really do a lot better for your own game to go to your forum, talk to friends, and tell them to vote for Brawl, rather than spend all day generating posts in the Melee discussion for no conceivable purpose other than to argue.

I cannot believe that Melee has so many goddamn votes right now. I'm amusing myself just repeatedly checking the site and seeing the number rise every single time. You guys are amazing and I love all of you.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
I'm pretty surprised, myself. Does Melee really have over 2500 unique players who also pay attention to EVO? If so, I really hope we show our support in more than just a poll number, and bring some great attendance too.


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
I'm pretty surprised, myself. Does Melee really have over 2500 unique players who also pay attention to EVO? If so, I really hope we show our support in more than just a poll number, and bring some great attendance too.
In all honesty, I usually do not pay attention to EVO, but the community just seemed to come together at this crucial moment and now seeing that Melee has an actual shot of getting into EVO, I think a lot of people who were unwilling to give support before now have something to encourage them to do so.

Melee players should start considering adding EVO events to their calendars now haha


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
I'm pretty surprised, myself. Does Melee really have over 2500 unique players who also pay attention to EVO? If so, I really hope we show our support in more than just a poll number, and bring some great attendance too.
I agree, I'm astounded. I thought this would get like... a little under 1,000 votes. But once again, the community surprises me and exceeds expectations! I really, really hope because of this poll there is some kind of acknowledgement from the FGC and/or Evo Staff like Mr. Wizard.

And... I also hope it pushes more people to go to NEC and support Smash there. :)


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Posted the link in Brawl's tier list thread, which is usually fairly active.


On the subject of Brawl:

Y'all tell me what's better: having all the melee players and all the brawl players voting only for their game, or having all of those people vote for both games.


That's what I thought.

I have no right to speak for Brawl as a whole, but I will: Brawl is supporting Melee (or at least I am saying to). Melee, please support Brawl back.

Thank you.

And in case that last sentence had you curious, I play primarily Brawl, but I consider myself a member, not of the "Brawl community" or "Melee community", but of the Smash community as a whole. In practical terms, that means I camp the New Posts button, post wherever I feel like, try to keep us from trolling each other like what just happened, and generally try to set a positive example. Like so...

Botnik, you're the one that came in here and acted highly sarcastic and aggressive. "They", in fact, will stop as soon as you stop posting. If you really feel like the victim here, the best thing you can do is leave.


Certified Ponch
May 2, 2010
Mantua, OH
This is what I posted in the polls:

Let's just talk about Melee for a bit.

Reasons why EVO should put this game into their lineup:

~ International Interest: This game has thousands of players from all over the globe. Japan, Europe, Mexico, South America, and yours truly, USA. If this game were to be streamed, it would draw high amounts of traffic in from everywhere.

~ Strong & Growing Community: This game is eleven, going on twelve, years old. Not only has this game maintained an active, organized community, but it has brought more new players than ever before. If EVO has this in the lineup, there would be an excessive amount of other new players as well, and who doesn't like a game where the community just keeps on growing?

~ Technical & Comphrensive Gameplay: This isn't your Grandma's game of checkers. This game demands technical play. We have pages and pages of in-depth techniques, and even after all is said and done, this game has still yet to be truly mastered. EVO's decision to put this game into the lineup will recognize that, and show the rest of the FGC that this is something to talk about, in doing so goes hand-in-hand with gathering new members, not just for the game itself, but to the FGC in general.

~ Active & Live Audience: The Melee community is by far one of the most insane groups to be around when an anticipated match is happening. There's been countless tournaments held, not just of local or regional calibur, but national and international tournaments with excellent commentary, including a roaring crowd behind it. I could post multiple examples, but I'd rather those interested let them see it themselves.

If all that isn't enough, then let me just put in my two cents, rather than simply state the facts.

I've played Melee since the day it came out, and I've been playing competitively now for almost three years. I've played many other games as well, other fighters, shooters, strategy-based, etc. I'm not saying any of them are downright bad at all, but nothing ever stuck to me quite like Melee did. I love this game, I love the community, and I don't plan on quitting this game anytime soon.

I want other people, not just the FGC, but other gamers and those interested to see what we have to offer. I want those who knew about this game to know that it, and the community, are not even close to dead. We're making a comeback, and we want everyone to be a part of it.

If the EVO staff is to read this, I would greatly appreciate the time you have taken to do so. Don't just take my word for it though. Look at all the other posts and remarks that people have made here on the page and elsewhere, thirsty for Melee to be on the lineup. We all know that it isn't guaranteed to be on the lineup, even if we win the polls. However, we want our voice to be heard, so everyone is doing what they can to do so much as raise your eyebrows.

I would just like to say thank you for your time, to the FGC, and to the community I know and love. Long live Melee.

~ Matt ".Ðempt" Bidwell


But the more people I can get to like that post, the more they are going to see it. So if everyone can like my one post (I hate to sound like a Facebook ***** but I have to), that'd be awesome. Here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.p...879383&id=156605564382&ref=notif&notif_t=like

Also, can someone link me to the other page that was dicussed earlier in the thread for EVO? Not the one for the polls obviously. I tried sifting through to find it, but I couldn't. :(


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Again, Robotnik, I posted what I consider a reasonably civil retort to some of your claims and you just completely ignored it...

But Exarch says we done, so we done.

Construct--isn't it beautiful? I, too, voted when we were still below Guilty Gear and stuff like that. Love it. Watching that approach towards 3000... such a sight to see.


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
This thread was under 300 posts four hours ago. Now it's almost 700. Dafuq lol.
Also, I'll be getting a couple of my casual friends and one of my non-casual friends to vote for this. I did awhile ago tho.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Not necessarily; Smashers are gonna go to Apex in droves anyway because it's an established smash tournament. The reason NEC is so important is because it shows that they're giving us a chance and we're willing to take part so I think NEC is actually more important than Apex because of that.

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
Posted the link in Brawl's tier list thread, which is usually fairly active.


On the subject of Brawl:

Y'all tell me what's better: having all the melee players and all the brawl players voting only for their game, or having all of those people vote for both games.


That's what I thought.

I have no right to speak for Brawl as a whole, but I will: Brawl is supporting Melee (or at least I am saying to). Melee, please support Brawl back.

Thank you.

And in case that last sentence had you curious, I play primarily Brawl, but I consider myself a member, not of the "Brawl community" or "Melee community", but of the Smash community as a whole. In practical terms, that means I camp the New Posts button, post wherever I feel like, try to keep us from trolling each other like what just happened, and generally try to set a positive example. Like so...

Botnik, you're the one that came in here and acted highly sarcastic and aggressive. "They", in fact, will stop as soon as you stop posting.
I was honestly about to quote you and say "can we at least agree on this?", but then you posted that. I stopped a page ago, but then "lol look I blocked him I'm so cool" and "this conversation is over!". That doesn't sound like stopping to me.

Seriously, though, this guy is right about this, just look at it and hold hands and sing or some ****. Peace.


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
How many entrants would be a reasonable amount for that tournament to receive some good recognition, if anyone can muster up a pretty good estimate?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 16, 2012
NEC is a big fighting game tourney coming up that also has Smash at it.

You guys need to hype this to Cali, or in the character specific boards or something I think. Not to sound like a douche, but from quickly glancing through that thread Melee doesn't have the hype it'd need to get EVO's attention
that still came off as pretty douchy, sorry


Certified Ponch
May 2, 2010
Mantua, OH
Way ahead of you Dempt.
Good **** Habefiet.

I've already posted this too in multiple FB regional groups, and I may (or may not idk if I'll get an infraction) start posting this in Regional Social threads on the boards here.

I may just suck it up and take the infraction though. <3 Melee. <3 Smash.
Oct 5, 2008
My comment on it

Alright guys, starting to get some more people liking my post. Reminder to all, I want EVO to see my "letter" I posted. The more likes I get, the more likely they'll see it.

Here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.p...83879383&id=156605564382&notif_t=feed_comment
What I like about Melee is how this game can be so easy to learn. Every character has only about 19 attacks and the inputs are very simple. The gameplay is more about intuitive movement than calculated moveset. Because of its flexibility in movement, not many things are well defined. There's never a never and there's never an always. This game is a lot like learning to play chess; easy to learn, forever to master
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