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Get Melee into Evo 2013! (FOR REALS... maybe)

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Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
I'm almost positive some people are making tons of accounts and voting. This just hurts melee when you cheat on polls.
What is making people think this? Are there blank day-old accounts that you've personally observed? Are there really people stupid enough to think they can realistically get away with massive cheating on a Facebook poll? Seriously why do you think this, I'm legitimately curious, because it's kind of an insult to the whole community when you just assume that mustering three thousand votes must mean someone's cheating somewhere.

I don't get it.


Certified Ponch
May 2, 2010
Mantua, OH
As long as the posts are totally pointless/spam worthy, there's no reason why we can't post the way we have been.

Also, Melee now has 3,208 votes, breaking the 3,200 mark. My post has 85 likes. We're going sooooo good. Really proud of everyone. :)


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
I'm sure the folks over at r/smashbros on reddit contributed a bunch of the votes!
yes...all 10 of us...<_<

(jokes aside /r/smashbros is actually pretty good sometimes yall should go there and recruit them to smashboards whenever people have questions about smash. random aside)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2008
Paris !!!
Guys, I feel proud being a part of this, communities from all around the world getting together for one simple thing, get our voice heard about the greatest and deepest ( imo ) fighting game so far. Sorry My words ain't deep or anything i guess all i wanna say is thank you everybody for making this happen



Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I'm sure the folks over at r/smashbros on reddit contributed a bunch of the votes!

Reddit, videos, threads, multiple facebook posts, tweets and retweets. Honestly 3k isn't surprising and in no way a fraudulent amount. What is surprising is how quickly everyone came out to support it.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Does anyone remember that time where we (Smashboards) voted for Melee in a "best game of the decade" thing (I think that was it) and got basically DQ'd for supposedly fraudulent voting, lol


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
yes...all 10 of us...<_<

(jokes aside /r/smashbros is actually pretty good sometimes yall should go there and recruit them to smashboards whenever people have questions about smash. random aside)
imo, over 6k subscribers is really substantial and the traffic report shows anywhere between 1000 and 2000 unique visits per day. That's possibly better than Smashboards. reddit has been awesome for giving the community more exposure.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
To be fair, there has been almost 9000 views in this thread ALONE. Not that many people revisit this thread ( at least compared to other threads) and then you have to factor in all other types of social media.

There is also a ****ton of people who LOVE melee, but they just don't play it actively/competitively. In sweden we still get a ton of people who still didn't know that there was a competitive scene, and who have been playing all along. Any time you go into a fighting game stream, there is always people who talk about melee at some point during the stream. Yes, there are a few "omg smash platform game" but its very rare these days, since major profiles/commentators have spoken for the good of smash recently. Apex had around 9k viewers for Marvel at one time, together with all the other fighting games it showed a LOT of new people smash. Streams like it and Big House 1/2 being on the frontpage of twitch helped I'd think

I hope that people start to advertise Melee Online, because I think that with the new people getting shown the competitive scene, it'd be much easier to get them into the scene by letting them start out with online play.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Since melee has about 3,000+ votes now, I'm guessing it's pretty damn confirmed.

And I'm pretty confident about that.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2007
To the left, To the left
Don't get your hopes up.

Let's say it does get confirmed, there's still problems and stuff.

Basically you smash brothers use CRTs and stuff while evo usually provides their monitors iirc.

So like, I doubt you can just walk in with tvs and ****.

And if Evo does make you guys use their monitors I'm sure smashboards will have a ****fit and so on...

then back to how it used to be.

Circle of life.


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
People, get your hopes up
Dream about everything and anything that is possible, and anything that is impossible

Be happy and be proud, you guys made it this far as a community

And any TO's who know we have a serious shot at pulling this off, start planning


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Don't get your hopes up.

Let's say it does get confirmed, there's still problems and stuff.

Basically you smash brothers use CRTs and stuff while evo usually provides their monitors iirc.

So like, I doubt you can just walk in with tvs and ****.

And if Evo does make you guys use their monitors I'm sure smashboards will have a ****fit and so on...

then back to how it used to be.

Circle of life.
You're so painfully pessimistic that it makes my face hurt to read your posts. Have you posted anything productive?

I do not believe it's likely that Melee will get into Evo, even if we do stay on top of the poll by this large a margin. But I believe it's possible. And I believe that if they let it in, they'll work with the community to sort it out. Melee had a good Evo experience before, didn't it? At Evo World 2007, everything went as normal, did it not? Like, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know when Melee was at Evo everything went fine. Brawl kinda had a cluster**** owing to a series of bad decisions by a lot of people IIRC, but Melee's Evo experience was fine.

Seriously. Do you really, honestly, with your heart of hearts, believe that they would:

A. Knowingly provide laggy TVs for a game?
B. Knowingly provide TVs that are vastly more expensive when they could pick some up cheaper? Or just let the associated community bring TVs, which we do all the time for all our events?

If they DO let Melee in, it would be an enormous waste of THEIR time, money, and venue space to run things stupidly. They'd probably run them the exact same way that they ran it in 2007, with any tweaks needed to make it more efficient, so that they looked like geniuses for including Melee rather than idiots. It's as if you're assuming that Evo, should they include Melee, would WANT that event to be a colossal failure. :p


Jan 10, 2007
People, get your hopes up
Dream about everything and anything that is possible, and anything that is impossible

Be happy and be proud, you guys made it this far as a community

And any TO's who know we have a serious shot at pulling this off, start planning
I love this post


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2007
To the left, To the left
Yes that's very Kumbayah and all but uhhhh let's start thinking here. Yeah beating the hell out of the poll helps to an extent but that merely gets the Canons to consider it. It is not guaranteed that this poll gets your game a free pass to Evo. Nothing is guaranteed. That's life.

"Live and Learn" -Crush 40


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
Nono, dude has a point, there are some issues we gotta think about, that's true.
We need some great minds to get together and seriously consider these, because there is actually hope that we get Melee in the EVO lineup, and we want our EVO experience to be AS EVER BIT EPIC AS THIS COMMUNITY EFFORT DONE HERE WAS

So any TO's who'd be interested in working with EVO to make Melee run and run well at EVO should start thinking about this stuff

Edit: Well, to his previous comment anyway. **** what he says about being realistic, that ****'s boring as ****


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Logistics aren't the problem. They never really were. The issue is the perception that most people have about Smash.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
yall should get your pessimism outta hereeee. to even have evo recognize melee again is quite a feat, but obviously we won't be sure that'll happen until they say anything.

even if this doesnt make it to evo at least it shows to at least some other TO's/people the potential the community has. that's a big deal and already a pretty good accomplishment, one we should be proud and happy about. baby steps still count as progress

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I do not believe it's likely that Melee will get into Evo, even if we do stay on top of the poll by this large a margin. But I believe it's possible. And I believe that if they let it in, they'll work with the community to sort it out. Melee had a good Evo experience before, didn't it? At Evo World 2007, everything went as normal, did it not? Like, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know when Melee was at Evo everything went fine. Brawl kinda had a cluster**** owing to a series of bad decisions by a lot of people IIRC, but Melee's Evo experience was fine.
Just putting information out there, but I believe they did best of 1, single elimination, resulting in stuff like M2K getting tied for 9th with Edgar Valentin, George-Is, and CHAD. Also I've heard about sudden death pools (a loss in pools means you can't play in bracket) and a choice between counterpicking stage or counterpicking character, not both? Brawl was just a step further with the items, because basically disrespecting our community and propping up their own was on their agenda. Doesn't necessarily mean they'll do the same thing again, though, and it's better than nothing.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Yes that's very Kumbayah and all but uhhhh let's start thinking here. Yeah beating the hell out of the poll helps to an extent but that merely gets the Canons to consider it. It is not guaranteed that this poll gets your game a free pass to Evo. Nothing is guaranteed. That's life.

"Live and Learn" -Crush 40
... how can you cite a song from Sonic Adventure 2 when that game also includes such keep-fighting-attitude stuff like "It Doesn't Matter" (it doesn't matter / now what happens / I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT) and where the heroes winning despite the odds is literally guaranteed, like in every Sonic game ever made? You can't just do that. You can't say "Nothing is guaranteed" and then reference a ****ing Sonic game. There are ****tons of guarantees in those.

In fact how can you cite a song from Sonic Adventure 2 in any serious context?

Most people here are rational enough to know that the poll isn't a free entry to Evo. Most people here are rational enough to know that if it DOES get accepted to Evo, there will be some kinks that need working out. But most people here are also rational enough to accept the positive possibilities and realize that there are ways of preparing for those kinks rather than dismissing everything as doomed. And most people here are rational enough to acknowledge that even if we don't get accepted to Evo, at the very least we send a message to the broader competitive gaming community that we are a real thriving scene, we show them that we have a voice, and at least one person out there finds out something that they didn't know about Melee and starts to consider Melee in a higher regard or considers attending a tournament. And that alone is victory.

Also at The Star King, I do remember the single elimination stuff now, I think you're right about that, not sure about the other stuff, but I choose to remain hopeful that if they went to the trouble of including Melee after it got all this attention they would probably try to avoid a ****storm.
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