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Get Melee into Evo 2013! (FOR REALS... maybe)

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Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
Wobbles, get as far into bracket as you possibly can.
If you make it anywhere less than GF, get your *** off the loser's chair and get at that mike :D

@thechunkylover now i know ur trolling lol


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
... how can you cite a song from Sonic Adventure 2 when that game also includes such keep-fighting-attitude stuff like "It Doesn't Matter" (it doesn't matter / now what happens / I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT) and where the heroes winning despite the odds is literally guaranteed, like in every Sonic game ever made? You can't just do that. You can't say "Nothing is guaranteed" and then reference a ****ing Sonic game. There are ****tons of guarantees in those.
lol that quote didn't work because in context its the opposite of what he's saying. "Guess what lies ahead only one way to find out. Just keep on moving ahead, no time for stopping follow my lead instead ... I know with some luck that we'll make it through. Got no other options only one thing to do."

But damn was that nostalgic.


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
Melee just passed 3500, while the next best, KoF, just passed 2300. More than a 1200 vote lead, we should at least keep it steady there. Trying for more would be great though.


Certified Ponch
May 2, 2010
Mantua, OH
I'm going to go ahead and make one final post regarding today, then I shall sign off for the night.

For the past few hours, I've been watching both this thread and the EVO Facebook page. Our efforts today have proved to be absolutely remarkable. As a quick reminder to all....

....here are the top five choices the FGC would like to have added to the EVO lineup:

5) Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - 1,657 votes

4) Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition - 2,006 votes

3) Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - 2,121 votes

2) The King of Fighters XIII - 2,303 votes

....and of course........

1) Super Smash Brothers: Melee - 3,512 votes


Let me point out a few things to everyone:

~ The gap between us and second place is 1,209 votes. We are crushing the polls.

~ We discussed earlier if it'd be possible to double the votes TTT2 gathered......and we have done even more so.

~ The polls were put up Thursday, but this thread here was posted only an hour after midnight/early morning Friday. This is what we have done within only a little over a day. That's incredible.

~ The post I wrote off on EVO's wall has received over 100 likes. I thank everyone for taking their time to hopefully read/like the post, as the more likes the post has, the more chance it leaves for EVO to read it themselves.

But even after this, that's no reason to stop. This was only one day. Imagine what we can do with an entire weekend. Tomorrow, or before I head to bed tonight, I'll post the links for the polls on my signature and the link for my post as well, but they're also listed below in this post.

I just want to thank everyone for everything that they've done so far, and to keep up the awesome work. Love you guys <3


Link to EVO Polls to vote for Melee: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Evolu...es/Evolution-Championship-Series/156605564382

Link to like my post so EVO Staff will read it: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10151204683879383&id=156605564382

This is .Ðempt, signing off.


Certified Ponch
May 2, 2010
Mantua, OH
Your post is a really really good read also, you and Funk's posts should be carved on stone tablets Moses style
Moses style XD

The goal is to get as many likes as possible so they'll read. There's a lot of support from the pros too.....although I actually had to tell Jason to do it :/

Just glad it's all for smash though :)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2009
Waikoloa, Hawaii
yeah last night it was 13th place & a one page thread.

I was hoping maybe we'd get like 700 and ALMOST catch up with persona.
woke up this morning, it was around 1900, now it's 3600+, about 1500 more than #2


I hope this continues to keep growing, seems like the momentum has slowed down


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Reading back threw a few pages of this thread:

1) Sorry guys, but some serious pessimism is necessary. People have a tendency to overshoot things in real life and assume the best-case scenario will always happen. You don't think that's what you're doing, but it is.

2) The pessimism displayed thus far in this thread is the useless kind: "it won't work so give up."

3) Useful pessimism is "these are reasons why it won't work, and how to avoid them."


Let's say they let Melee be part of the event. Here are things the community MUST DO or it will fail. Things I don't necessarily have a lot of faith in Melee players to actually happen, TBH, but I mean, it's possible.

--NO FRIENDLIES DURING TOURNAMENT. Evo is an event with a **** ton of games that has to try and run on a tight schedule. Smash events already run long enough as it is because a full 3 game set with 3 minute matches will take 9 minutes to PLAY, counter-picks and name tags and stage striking not included. When there are matches to be played, Smashers have a tendency to screw around.

This isn't an indictment of the community, per se, because we don't get to play friendlies with each other that often. If I wanna play SF4 with someone in Cali, I can do that. If I wanna play some Marvel with them, I can do it too. If I wanna play Melee.... well, I guess there's finally fanmade netplay out there. But it's nowhere near the same. So tournaments aren't just chances to buckle down and compete, they're opportunities for 99% of the community to train and learn and finally interact with each other. But at an event like EVO, that has to wait until matches have concluded in an efficient manner.

--We have to bring all our own setups. We need CRTs, cubes, power strips, memory cards, etc. This isn't a big deal REALLY, but people will be flying and that might put a dent in the number of TVs. And if we can't have EVERY necessary tournament match running at the same time, it'll kick us in the ****. The number of tournaments where you have too many TVs is pretty darn small compared to the number where everybody thinks "ehhhh we'll have enough" then a 20 man basement tourney lasts until 2 in the morning. Oh, and that also happens because people don't play their matches.

--Bracket johns. Melee players spend a lot of time trying to craft "perfect brackets" because (again) playing each other is kind of a rare opportunity. We're very regionally divided and so nobody wants to play their crewmate unless it's in finals, and if they do, they start complaining. So the brackets and pools take forever to make, since everybody and their little brother stops by to offer two cents on how it should be put together.

--Isolated communities. We're groups that mostly don't know what's even interesting about the other games, with a lot of misconceptions about the playerbases as well. Add loud minorities and you have the situation we're in now. Or at least the situation we WERE in several years ago, which seems to be less caustic nowadays. But it's still a thing to deal with.

Fortunately, lots of Melee players are taking an interest in the FGC's diverse offering of games, and there's nothing more interesting than being interested. So I dare hope that'll be less of a problem.

in case you're wondering, I certainly think it's doable. Conditions must be met though.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2007
To the left, To the left
THANK YOU Wobbles the former Phoenix that's really what I was getting at. The people in this thread are very Kum Ba Ya which is nice and all but the smash community should start discussing these potential roadblocks in the event that melee is included.

And showing up would be hot. I think it was CEO or some other "fgc tournament" where only a handful of smash brothers showed up. If you guys crush the poll and don't show up, not a good look.

also shoutouts to anth0ny for being salty i took his avatar lol

also 40 posts per page is weird

... how can you cite a song from Sonic Adventure 2 when that game also includes such keep-fighting-attitude stuff like "It Doesn't Matter" (it doesn't matter / now what happens / I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT) and where the heroes winning despite the odds is literally guaranteed, like in every Sonic game ever made? You can't just do that. You can't say "Nothing is guaranteed" and then reference a ****ing Sonic game. There are ****tons of guarantees in those.
I'm going to take a wild guess here- are you a Sonic fan?


Mada Mada Dane
Mar 19, 2007
East Stroudsburg, Pa
The fact that we got the vote tally so high in a matter of hours can't ignored let alone the fact that we are beating the fgc's most popular games. Even if we don't get it into the lineup we already should have sparked something with the people who run evo. They can't ignore the fact this community is still alive and bring kept alive by players with no sign of slowing down. In my opinion we should try And invite someone who helps with evo to apex for the day with melee top 8/gf's being played just to show
them what its like


Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
For what it's worth, that's largely because the Brawl community didn't understand how to create a ruleset for a brand new game. Banned 800 things before even testing them, which you just don't do. Melee EVO events all had rulesets similar to MLG's rulesets at the time, which were close to the community standard.


Smash Lord
Aug 18, 2007
Lille, France
I don't think posts on the EVO page calling Melee the most technical game will cut it either. We ought to be modest and polite, and not play the trolling game that we all know a part of the FGC will be glad to instigate.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
I'm going to take a wild guess here- are you a Sonic fan?
Well duh. (excluding that awkward period from Heroes to whatever-came-right-before-Colors where everything was terrible, I like most of the games in that franchise) What's your point? :p I was throwing out the quotes and moments from the game and whatnot because you used an "example" from a creation that actually directly opposes your overall point. It'd be like if you took a random depressing quote from Harry Potter and used it support the point that hate is the most powerful force in the universe. Just looks contradictory and silly.

The Wobbles brand of pessimism is the brand I've been advocating too. Notice how all my prior posts say stuff like, "It's unlikely they'll take us into Evo, and even if they do there'll be kinks to work out." The reason people have been jumping at you is that yours does not seem to be this Wobblicious pessimism. Wobbles pessimism is considering problems that have a high likelihood of arising and starting to consider solutions to them. Yours seems to be the "Life sucks then you die" kind of pessimism where you were deliberately posting solely to kill hype and make everyone feel ****ty, not make everyone feel thoughtful.

Glad to see us in the lead by a larger margin when I woke up this morning, was admittedly worried that a bunch of stream monsters from other games would band together to overtake (or that actual legit fans of the other games just hadn't voted yet), but this is real and awesome. I choose to believe that there are enough dedicated people in this community that if we really got this chance, they'd do everything in their power to make it work. No one wants to lose this chance to shine.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2007
To the left, To the left
The Wobbles brand of pessimism is the brand I've been advocating too. Notice how all my prior posts say stuff like, "It's unlikely they'll take us into Evo, and even if they do there'll be kinks to work out."
New goal ten thousand

I want Melee on billboards

I want Melee on TV

I want Melee to overtake soccer and the Olympics

New goal two billion

In all seriousness, though, who knows. The poll might end in an hour. The poll might end in two weeks. The poll might not end until after Evo's game lineup is announced, or even after that. Setting a goal for 24 hours is nice, but let's think bigger. I wanna think about how we're gonna hit 5000, not how we're gonna hit 3100.

what a load lol

haha as if I care people are "jumping on me"

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Kid's excited. Let 'em be.

Wobbles (and you, Chunk, to a muuuuuuuuuuuuch lesser extent) have brought up some valid concerns, though. We'll address 'em in due time.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN

what a load lol
Well for starters that was some massive-*** cherrypicking, involving skipping past a more recent post that that was in direct response to you (that you've already quoted part of, no less) that contains this line:

"Most people here are rational enough to know that the poll isn't a free entry to Evo. Most people here are rational enough to know that if it DOES get accepted to Evo, there will be some kinks that need working out. But most people here are also rational enough to accept the positive possibilities and realize that there are ways of preparing for those kinks rather than dismissing everything as doomed. "

But even ignoring that entirely, let's talk about the post you've quoted now.

PRETTY sure it should be obvious to anyone who can understand the concept of exaggeration that the lines up to "New goal two billion" are not "false optimism" but blatant exaggeration for the giggles. No, I do not believe with any part of my body that Melee will overtake soccer and get two billion votes and become the sport of the world. This can be clearly noted by the "In all seriousness" that opens the last paragraph, which makes it obvious that the preceding material was not to be taken seriously.

That last paragraph... also has nothing to do with false optimism "kumbaya" shenanigans. I'm legitimately confused as to why you quoted this post. o.o The last paragraph, in summary, says "Let's try to get to 5000, let's not sight our goals so short-sighted that we don't get as far as we want." That's not false optimism, that's trying to plan for a goal that is realistic, albeit difficult, to reach. We're already almost to 4000. I wasn't saying "MELEE WILL GET TO FIVE THOUSAND VOTES" just like I'm not saying "MELEE WILL GET ACCEPTED BECAUSE OF THIS POLL AND EVO WILL BE AMAZING AND EVERYTHING IS OVER WE WIN" now. I was saying, "Let's start talking about how to hit a loftier goal," just like I'm saying "Let's start planning for how to make Evo work if they accept us" now. :p
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