I may apply for medical school later in my life... I just got accepted into a Surgical Technology program, which is almost as good. It will last a year, and once I get out, I'll be able to get a job as a surgical technologist right off the bat. So I'll be 19 and making over 35k a year, which will be really nice.
A bit off-topic... I just came home from a tournament about 15 mins ago. I got 7th out of about 30 in singles, and I teamed up with a CF main (YoshQ, if anyone knows him) and we got 2nd out of about 8 in low tier doubles. I went mostly Ganon in singles, though I went DK for a few of my worst matchups as well. I felt really confident with Ganon tonight, and I'm really satisfied with how I did. I also got some great replays for our combo video as well
edit: I remember you Sgt. :D