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Game & Watch Match-up Export Thread Directory


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2007
You did post one thing I wasn't aware of (that Game & Watch can get a forward air out of down throw), but I'm not sure if this actually changes my opinion of the match up. Thanks for advising me of this fact though.

I appreciate your effort in constructing a reply to my post (this is an acknowledgment of your points). However, I will leave it to some other players to post their opinions now.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
I have yet to lose to Ness in a tournament set. GW is just by far the superior character compared to Ness overall. A lot of GW's moveset naturally counters what Ness does, and this is the reason why GW lays waste to low tier characters in general. His incredible attributes (lingering disjoints, Up B, smashes, etc.) overwhelm a good amount of characters, and Ness isn't an exception.

And it's not like Ness's only nightmare matchup is GW.

Eh whatever; Ness's will just play the "you didn't play good ones!" card.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2008
SoCal. Twitter is @ViceGripSSB4
Hey, I'm very familiar with this matchup and even though my postcount isn't 5,000 plus (I'm on aib a lot more) My Ness has placed the highest overall in California and i've had to beat many gaw's along the way (at a quiznos tournament over a month ago i had to beat 2 of em). Just a disclaimer so you don't assume i'm some random newb shooting smoke out of my arse.

First off, the fact is that Ness is middleweight, In your mind he may be lightweight but facts don't lie.
Link on Smashboards: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=162546
Count it, he's EXACTLY the middle of the weight chart. Just wanted to set that straight. not really a big deal but Since hylian was so adamant about proclaiming that he's a lightweight. If you consider the middle to the end of the roster lightweight then that's your call, 'lightweight' is a subjective term. People can draw the line wherever they want.

Okay so, gaw is a hard matchup for sure (duh, most high tiers are challenging for nearly everyone) but if you know what to do it's really not bad. I'd much rather fight a gaw than meta, snake, olimar, and marth. He's very straightforward how to fight. Although his bair outranges Ness's fair by a tiny bit It can't be denied that Ness has one of the best answers to the bair in the game. Most characters don't have an answer to gaw's bair but ness's fair will beat it out everytime if the ness is spacing it correctly. Just got to start out either underneath it or before the bair begins. ness actually has a very slight positioning advantage just for the fact he doesn't have to turn around to unleash his wall of priority while gaw does. Also about sheilding the turtle, Hylian is right, unless the gaw spaces poorly and you manage to time all the hits for a sheild grab a ness is not going to be able to punish it. Just gotta retreat and deal with another bair. But Ness's fair and nair are more than enough to combat gaw's ariels. Fair will beat out gaw's nair and ness's nair is ridiculously quick, those should be easy to land. ness's dair is primarily used to punish spot dodges and bair can be used to hit a gaw out of his dair. Also it's unlikely to land a uair in the air against gaw because of his key but it's very possible to land a double short hopped ariel that ends in an uair. But anyway, won't dwell on that, just was stating other uses for ariels cause hylian said that gaw negates EVERY ariel that Ness has except fair which is simply not true.

It's easy enough to rack up damage on gaw's w/ fair, other ariels and pivoted pk fires. i say pivoted because that's the easiest way to land them on gaw's. And when a gaw is trapped in fire he basically has only the options of using up B (which is a good option, saves damage) or trying to bucket it. Either way a Ness can usually dash grab a gaw before he does either if he's quick about it. gaw is NOT a hard character to grab. he has plenty of lag to take advantage of such as after a landing bair, fair, dair, in between dsmashes, and even after an fsmash. You may think gaw is a hard character to grab but with ness's incredibly fast dash grab it's honestly not hard at all. Plus gaw dies at 105%. Even though gaw can kill Ness at an earliar percent than 105% with smashes, ness's grab is one of the most reliable kills moves in the game. Reliability is more important than how early a move can kill i find, just cause ness's spike kills at 0% it's not too reliable just cause spikes don't happen all too often(especially against gaw lol. read: never), therefore it's not as good a kill move as the throw...just an example.

gaw can obviously gimp ness with bucket and i'm not gonna lie, that's a huge threat and it's happened to me before in tournament but when you know a gaw is coming to bucket it you a lot of the time you can either start the recovery sooner, or you can fair them away first, situation depending. it's a huge threat, but it's not going to be the way a gaw is going to reliably gimp ness. And jumping out with a bair is not the amazing edgeguarder you think it is against him, a sweetspotted fair is usually much more effective. I'm rarely gimped by gaw, i think a lot of ness's don't use too many mindgames when recovering and just telegraph what they are going to do and that's why it's so easy for you to edgeguard them.

But yea, ness can rack up damage, land grabs, combat arielly better than most charcters can against gaw, and somewhat on the ground ( I mainly uses jabs, and ftilts, very rarely dash attacks) and when used smartly his energy projectiles can catch gaw's offguard and deal damage. gaw is an overall better character so i'd say this matchup is 55-45 in gaw's favor. it's nothing more ridiculous than that. You may say i need to play better gaw's but I think it's MUCH more likely that you've played poor ness's who don't know exactly what to do, when to do it, and what to abuse against gaw. i also play online against really good gaw's so i don't mind playing online either, but online doesn't count for **** as we all know and was stated earliar.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Well, this will be fun.

GW vs Ness: 70-30.

First off: I found it funny that people brought up Edreese. I JUST played him in an online crew battle for the SBR. GW vs Ness. 3 stock each. I 2 stocked him while taking 34%.

Disclamer: Online sucks and doesn't mean anything. It was just ironic.


I suck online so much =( Suicide in the first 10 seconds for the loss. Sadly ness is my best character online too. If I used peach i think you woulda 3 stocked me. I can't beat anyone online. LOl i know its ironic but pleaaaaaaaase don't take anything about the matchup from that match even if you are kidding.

I basically agree with Vicegrip's entire post at 55-45 in Game's favor. By the way I couldn't find these game and watch boards because I thought it was Mr. Game and Watch. Pfft that's like calling the Peach boards the Each boards.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I suck online so much =( Suicide in the first 10 seconds for the loss. Sadly ness is my best character online too. If I used peach i think you woulda 3 stocked me. I can't beat anyone online.
It's ok. Online doesn't mean anything lol.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
It means less for Ness :p
I also like how Cutter phrased that bit:
"I have yet to lose to Ness in a tournament set"

Anyways, I am brimming with my opinion of this matchup, but I will wait until either tonight when I can sit down and write it out, or Saturday.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
First off, the fact is that Ness is middleweight, In your mind he may be lightweight but facts don't lie.
Link on Smashboards: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=162546
Count it, he's EXACTLY the middle of the weight chart. Just wanted to set that straight. not really a big deal but Since hylian was so adamant about proclaiming that he's a lightweight. If you consider the middle to the end of the roster lightweight then that's your call, 'lightweight' is a subjective term. People can draw the line wherever they want.
Forgive me for intruding, but I just wanted to clear this up. That is not how you read the chart. EXACT middle weight is Mario, seeing as that's who he based his other weights off of. The difference of weight between Ness and Mario is the same difference between Mario and Wolf; Ness is that much lighter than Mario. Being in the middle of the chart means little, just that there's more characters below Mario on the chart than above him, which is true. That's why Mario doesn't get Dthrow -> Dsmash, but Ness does. That's why Hylian said:

Ok, Ness is not medium weight, because GW's dthrow to Dsmash doesn't even work on Med weight characters, yet it works on ness. He may be at the top of light...but he isn't very heavy. GW can kill ness in the 70's with Fsmash or Usmash and with sweetspotted Dsmash at 76% fresh.
Top of light...which is right.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Hey, I'm very familiar with this matchup and even though my postcount isn't 5,000 plus (I'm on aib a lot more) My Ness has placed the highest overall in California and i've had to beat many gaw's along the way (at a quiznos tournament over a month ago i had to beat 2 of em). Just a disclaimer so you don't assume i'm some random newb shooting smoke out of my arse.

First off, the fact is that Ness is middleweight, In your mind he may be lightweight but facts don't lie.
Link on Smashboards: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=162546
Count it, he's EXACTLY the middle of the weight chart. Just wanted to set that straight. not really a big deal but Since hylian was so adamant about proclaiming that he's a lightweight. If you consider the middle to the end of the roster lightweight then that's your call, 'lightweight' is a subjective term. People can draw the line wherever they want.
Above poster cleared this up :). Ness is light enough to die in the 70's from GW's smashes. At the top of light.

Okay so, gaw is a hard matchup for sure (duh, most high tiers are challenging for nearly everyone) but if you know what to do it's really not bad. I'd much rather fight a gaw than meta, snake, olimar, and marth. He's very straightforward how to fight. Although his bair outranges Ness's fair by a tiny bit It can't be denied that Ness has one of the best answers to the bair in the game. Most characters don't have an answer to gaw's bair but ness's fair will beat it out everytime if the ness is spacing it correctly. Just got to start out either underneath it or before the bair begins.
Incorrect :). The only way you are going to hit GW out of his bair with Ness's fair is if the GW has horrible spacing. The bair is multi-hit and has a lingering hitbox so the only way you are going to hit GW is from below or above. Really only below because going above GW is basically giving away your stock. If you hit GW before the bair comes out then you're not beating the bair lol. You're beating the player. Retreating Bairs are impossible to punish with ness's aireals.

ness actually has a very slight positioning advantage just for the fact he doesn't have to turn around to unleash his wall of priority while gaw does. Also about sheilding the turtle, Hylian is right, unless the gaw spaces poorly and you manage to time all the hits for a sheild grab a ness is not going to be able to punish it. Just gotta retreat and deal with another bair. But Ness's fair and nair are more than enough to combat gaw's ariels. Fair will beat out gaw's nair and ness's nair is ridiculously quick, those should be easy to land. ness's dair is primarily used to punish spot dodges and bair can be used to hit a gaw out of his dair. Also it's unlikely to land a uair in the air against gaw because of his key but it's very possible to land a double short hopped ariel that ends in an uair. But anyway, won't dwell on that, just was stating other uses for ariels cause hylian said that gaw negates EVERY ariel that Ness has except fair which is simply not true.
I think I've already established that GW's bair beats all of ness's aireals. Nair beats all of them easily save fair, and it trades hits with fair. GW actually has the positioning advantage due to his up-b which people never seem to consider.

It's easy enough to rack up damage on gaw's w/ fair, other ariels and pivoted pk fires. i say pivoted because that's the easiest way to land them on gaw's. And when a gaw is trapped in fire he basically has only the options of using up B (which is a good option, saves damage) or trying to bucket it. Either way a Ness can usually dash grab a gaw before he does either if he's quick about it.

You say that like you are going to be beating GW in the air a lot, which isn't true at all. Ness takes damage fast compared to GW if they both take to the air.

PK fire is almost useless. GW can just Dtilt on reaction and stop it. If GW does get hit, he can tap-DI out an up-B before Ness can reach him easily.

gaw is NOT a hard character to grab. he has plenty of lag to take advantage of such as after a landing bair, fair, dair, in between dsmashes, and even after an fsmash. You may think gaw is a hard character to grab but with ness's incredibly fast dash grab it's honestly not hard at all. Plus gaw dies at 105%. Even though gaw can kill Ness at an earliar percent than 105% with smashes, ness's grab is one of the most reliable kills moves in the game.
Hahaha I should just stop arguing with you here. GW easy to grab? That's pretty funny. Again, all GW has to do to avoid grabs is Bair, Dtilt, and Up-B camp. When you are in kill range for a grab from ness(120%, not 105%) all GW has to do is start playing reactively to avoid grabs rather then aggresivly. It's pretty obvious when Ness is trying to grab you especially if you know you will die from it. It's also very easy to punish ness for trying to grab.

Yes, ness has one of the most reliable kill moves in the game. That doesn't change the fact that GW is going to be dealing damage faster and is going to be killing ness before he hits 100%. Not to mention it's hard to grab GW in the first place. Ness's bthrow does not make up for his shortcomings in this match-up.

Reliability is more important than how early a move can kill i find, just cause ness's spike kills at 0% it's not too reliable just cause spikes don't happen all too often(especially against gaw lol. read: never), therefore it's not as good a kill move as the throw...just an example.
Ness's spike does not kill GW at 0% lol. That is an example from Ness's moveset. GW has SEVERAL killing options as well as gimping options. Ness has one reliable one. Options > Reliability. At high level play reliability isn't as much of a factor. Out thinking your opponent becomes more important.

gaw can obviously gimp ness with bucket and i'm not gonna lie, that's a huge threat and it's happened to me before in tournament but when you know a gaw is coming to bucket it you a lot of the time you can either start the recovery sooner, or you can fair them away first, situation depending. it's a huge threat, but it's not going to be the way a gaw is going to reliably gimp ness. And jumping out with a bair is not the amazing edgeguarder you think it is against him, a sweetspotted fair is usually much more effective. I'm rarely gimped by gaw, i think a lot of ness's don't use too many mindgames when recovering and just telegraph what they are going to do and that's why it's so easy for you to edgeguard them.
Bair is good because it set's up for another bair and is (look at this!) reliable against Ness's recovery as it covers all of his options. I've already gone over GW's edgeguarding game and why it's so good vs Ness. Eliminating options is GW's forte.

But yea, ness can rack up damage, land grabs, combat arielly better than most charcters can against gaw, and somewhat on the ground ( I mainly uses jabs, and ftilts, very rarely dash attacks) and when used smartly his energy projectiles can catch gaw's offguard and deal damage. gaw is an overall better character so i'd say this matchup is 55-45 in gaw's favor. it's nothing more ridiculous than that. You may say i need to play better gaw's but I think it's MUCH more likely that you've played poor ness's who don't know exactly what to do, when to do it, and what to abuse against gaw. i also play online against really good gaw's so i don't mind playing online either, but online doesn't count for **** as we all know and was stated earliar.
What good GW's are you playing? I've never played an amazing ness, as I am the best ness I know. The only notable GW's in Cali are LeePuff and Valdens. Leepuff more so >_>..

Overall it just seems like you overestimate Ness. He just doesn't have the options in this match-up to promote an even match-up.



Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
Reliability is more important than how early a move can kill i find, just cause ness's spike kills at 0%.
Why are Ness mainers still throwing around this garbage?

As a sidenote, one of the reasons I left AiB was because of all the bull**** that people continued to push... like Simna saying about how GW/Ness was neutral.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2008
SoCal. Twitter is @ViceGripSSB4
u left because Simna was being Simna?

Go you

smashboards and aib have a lot of the same people...simna is on here too i hope ya know lolz. I wouldn't leave smashboards just cause I didn't like some guy's opinion, or a bunch of people's opinions, who cares. Plus smashboards has more people and thus inescapably, more scrub posts (if that's the thing you wish to avoid at aib).

And the spike kill isn't bullcrap. it's much more LIKELY to kill after about 20% but it has enough initial knockback to send many characters far enough down for a kill at 0%. i'm not talking about spiking sumone at the top of the screen. i have a replay on my wii of spiking a falco who was jumping up from the water on delfinos getting spiked at 0 and going past the blastzone.

i haven't had the chance to play leepuff in doubles or singles yet, I'll let u know when i do. Edrees played him though as a fairly rusty ness and almost won meanwhile his peach got handed to him. i have beaten JonT's gaw in friendlies but that's friendlies so who cares.

and bthrow kills between 105-110%. test it. 120% is the generic number for average weight people. I get what your saying about options over reliability, that's a very valid point. But also take note that even when you are at high percent only a stupid ness would run around dash grabbing. Have to play it out and wait 4 an oppourtunity.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
u [sic] left because Simna was being Simna?

Go you [sic]

smashboards [sic] and aib [sic] have a lot of the same people.. [sic].simna is on here too i [sic] hope ya [sic] know lolz [sic]. I wouldn't leave smashboards just cause I didn't like some guy's opinion, or a bunch of people's opinions, who cares. Plus smashboards has more people and thus inescapably, more scrub posts.

You think I left Allisbrawl solely because of Simna? Maybe if you read my post you see that was ONE of the reasons I left. It really pains me to see many character threads in disarray and not much of site makes the place any better, upon many other major problems I see with the site.

You really don't even see Simna here on Smashboards today.

The communities aren't even remotely close to the same.

And the spike kill isn't bullcrap. it's [sic] much more LIKELY [sic] to kill after about 20% [sic] but it has enough initial knockback to send many characters far enough down for a kill at 0%. i'm [sic] not talking about spiking sumone [sic] at the top of the screen. [sic]i have a replay on my wii of spiking a falco who was jumping up from the water getting spiked at 0 and going past the blastzone.
Who cares about Falco. We're discussing GW/Ness, not Falco/Ness.

I've seen other spikes kill at 0% before, yet you don't see other people exclaming how amazing they are like Ness players do.

random stuff

and bthrow [sic] kills between 105-110%. test [sic] it. 120% is the generic number for average weight people. I get what your saying about options over reliability, [sic] that's a very valid point. But [sic] also take note that even when you are at high percent only a stupid ness [sic] would run around dash grabbing. Have to play it out and wait 4 [sic] an oppourtunity. [sic]
How is Ness going to set up a grab in the first place again? Especially when GW knows Ness will grab him for the kill.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
I think I've already established that GW's bair beats all of ness's aireals. Nair beats all of them easily save fair, and it trades hits with fair. GW actually has the positioning advantage due to his up-b which people never seem to consider.
Meh...usually when people get stupid with their air moves I throw out Ness' anti-air quick flash...but whatever...

Hahaha I should just stop arguing with you here. GW easy to grab? That's pretty funny. Again, all GW has to do to avoid grabs is Bair, Dtilt, and Up-B camp. When you are in kill range for a grab from ness(120%, not 105%) all GW has to do is start playing reactively to avoid grabs rather then aggresivly. It's pretty obvious when Ness is trying to grab you especially if you know you will die from it. It's also very easy to punish ness for trying to grab.
120% was the worse possible event for it actually...as in if you grab G&W in an bad area for the throw...

Ness's spike does not kill GW at 0% lol. That is an example from Ness's moveset. GW has SEVERAL killing options as well as gimping options. Ness has one reliable one. Options > Reliability. At high level play reliability isn't as much of a factor. Out thinking your opponent becomes more important.
Ness has 3 main stay options actually...although I question how effective they are vs. G&W...
Uair, Bair are Ness' other 2...

Overall it just seems like you overestimate Ness. He just doesn't have the options in this match-up to promote an even match-up.
I'm not overestimating Ness...6-4 really isn't good IMO...

Oh and BTW...according to that G&W guide here...Ness' PK Fire Pillar and his Thunder tail are in the high point for kills...not 70%


Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2008
SoCal. Twitter is @ViceGripSSB4
okay, i didn't mean that ness's spike can ko EVERY character at 0%. i should have made that more clear because you took that to mean that he could ko gaw with a spike at 0. i know that gaw can just up b back from a 0% spike. Also I stated in my earlier, longer post that i never get spikes on gaw.

Yea the boards on aib aren't super active but I like the place.

just cause a gaw knows that a ness is gonna want to get a grab doesn't mean he's going to be perfect at avoiding one. the dash grab is surprisingly quick. Just like, because you KNOW a fox is going to do a dashing usmash doesn't mean you can always avoid it. Unless your perfect. i'm assuming not. that's not an insult by the way lol.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Shut the **** up Hylian. We all know your a Game and watch fanboy.

just kidding XD, I have very little GaW experience, the way you owned that guy has stayed in my mind forever.

My summary:

From what i've experienced, Game and Watch is ****. He's like a love child between Wario and MK. Aerial + Range + KO Power= X<

GaW beats Ness in the air, which is a big negative. I cannot approach because of that darned bair, and his aerials outrange Ness' too. In fact, they general overshadow Ness' aerials in usefulness.

The battle on the ground is also hell. Ness has a rather poor time on the ground with GaW, especially with his downtilt spam, and his neutral B too.

Down B shuts down Ness PKF approach, and to a certain extent PK thunder too.

Sorry Ness mains, i've got nothing on this matchup. At least GaW is light ><

K 2

Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2008
Whoa, I thought you were me for a second after I saw the Avi. I was like wtf, I didn't say that, but then I read the name >.<

This is some intense debating...Does anyone still think Ness can handle G&W (lol) ?


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2008
My summary:

From what i've experienced, Game and Watch is ****. He's like a love child between Wario and MK. Aerial + Range + KO Power= X<

GaW beats Ness in the air, which is a big negative. I cannot approach because of that darned bair, and his aerials outrange Ness' too. In fact, they general overshadow Ness' aerials in usefulness.

The battle on the ground is also hell. Ness has a rather poor time on the ground with GaW, especially with his downtilt spam, and his neutral B too.

Down B shuts down Ness PKF approach, and to a certain extent PK thunder too.

Sorry Ness mains, i've got nothing on this matchup. At least GaW is light ><
G&W beats Ness in the air by a small amount, PK Nintendo. You approach when you can. Besides, you generally let the characters with long range approach you. Same on the ground.

The bucket will not stop smart projectile use. The bolt of PK fire KO's at high percentages. Same with its pillar and the tail of PKT. The only danger projectiles are the head of PKT and PK flash. PKT is controllable, so if he absorbs the head, it's the player's fault. PK flash is really only used to stop aerial approaches.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Houston, TX
Whoa, I thought you were me for a second after I saw the Avi. I was like wtf, I didn't say that, but then I read the name >.<

This is some intense debating...Does anyone still think Ness can handle G&W (lol) ?
haha i did that the other day too i was like
wuuuuut o_0

and naooo G&W is too ****. air and ground.
7/3 mos def


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
From what i've experienced, Game and Watch is ****. He's like a love child between Wario and MK. <
I love this ^_^

Anyway...would any of you sexy demon kids of MK and Wario like to go a few sexy rounds with me in a hot shower or something? ^_^

Oh...I mean...would any of you like some matches? ^_^

PM me if you do ^_^


Certified Lion Rider
Oct 16, 2004
Spencer, MA
they work around this 'light' argument by saying that he is the 'median' weight, not the middle weight, there is a difference.

ness is on the light side of the spectrum, they just use the word median to buff their arguments


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
How is being in 1 Standard deviation right next to the median "light"?

You might as well call everyone else a heavy weight who isn't Mario by your guy's logic

I mean really...Ness is like 2% less compared to Mario when it comes to dealing with knockback...god...

People and stats...god...


Really...how can you call Ness a light weight when you see stuff like this?



Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
Melbourne, FL
Okay, get off of that, its meager information at this point.
Bottom line, G&W kills Ness quite early, regardless of weight class.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Okay, get off of that, it doesn't even matter.
The point is across, G&W kills Ness pretty early, regardless of weight class.
Actually the point is...G&W kills pretty early for everyone in general with his kill moves...which is funny...IMO...because that is suppose to "round" everything out >_>


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
G&W vs Ness is at least 60 : 40 for G&W, actually I think Lucario should be moved down to 60 : 40 and Ness placed at 65 : 35. That seems more accurate IMO, Lucario has more tools vs G&W than Ness and has an easier time handling G&W (Even though both of them are at a disadvantage.)


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
G&W is a character that usually relies on a few moves for many situations. Most characters usually adapt to situations with a variety of moves depending on the position they are in, but it usually doesn't work that way for G&W. He's a character that usually has an easier time relying on a few ridiculously powerful attacks that handle most situations effectively on their own.

Emblem Lord describes him as a simple brute force character. To quote him, "he's like the most predictable character in the game, but he raaaaaaaaaapes..."


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
G&W vs Ness is at least 60 : 40 for G&W, actually I think Lucario should be moved down to 60 : 40 and Ness placed at 65 : 35. That seems more accurate IMO, Lucario has more tools vs G&W than Ness and has an easier time handling G&W (Even though both of them are at a disadvantage.)
**** straight. DMG doesn't even main Ness and Lucario and know's his stuff.:laugh:


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2007
(12:21:31 PM) HotGarbage: turns out I was hooooribly wrong about his dtilt having zero cooldown
(12:25:22 PM) HotGarbage: dtilt lasts 25 frames
(12:25:27 PM) HotGarbage: hitbox is out 6-15
(12:27:19 PM) HotGarbage: you can perform another action on frame 26

Some relevant information.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Oh well, doesn't really matter. You're not punishing it on reaction or out of shield easily.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Uh, OBM promised me that after we did high tier chars we would do Ganondorf I think.


Certified Lion Rider
Oct 16, 2004
Spencer, MA
lol mario...

ya i think tommorow i'll write the matchup (likely a 7:3 unless i see other convincing arguments)

who's left? pit, rob, kirby? probably rob next


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2007
70-30 is unreasonable.

Hylian's argument amounts to "Game & Watch will never use any moves when they won't hit", which is nonsense, as well as presenting some kill figures that assume no DI. Ness has moves that outrange Game & Watch on the ground, aerials with less commitment that have almost as much range as the turtle, a fast/good range dash grab and can punish effectively from a grab, and if he recovers competently he is really not gimped that often since his forward air outranges Game & Watch best aerial over the edge (forward air). Turtle really isn't that good over the edge... you can just SDI through it behind Game & Watch and continue back to the stage.

Even if you don't buy my 55-45, 60-40 is more reasonable than 70-30. It's your forum though.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Ness only has Dash attack and MAYBE F-smash that outrange G&W on the ground. D-tilt ***** Ness otherwise pretty effectively. Neither of those attacks are good against G&W.

If an aerial doesn't outrange the turtle, it sucks against it. No exceptions really. Even attacks that outrange it don't have that easy of a time against it.

G&W's best aerial attack offstage is actually D-air or Up-B. You're not beating those any time soon. Besides, Ness's F-air has ending lag that can be punished by F-air since G&W is a character that can linger offstage for quite some time. if he takes one hit off stage, he is forced to use PK Thunder most of the time, which is a near guaranteed gimp on Ness.

You're not grabbing G&W anytime soon if he knows how to space back aerials.

Ness doesn't really have any good ways of dealing damage to G&W, and his only reliable KO move on G&W isn't that hard for him to avoid.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
I guess I'll take a stab at this...70-30 is too much IMO still as well...

Ness only has Dash attack and MAYBE F-smash that outrange G&W on the ground. D-tilt ***** Ness otherwise pretty effectively. Neither of those attacks are good against G&W.
Ness' Fsmash sucks...

What about the Yoyo? And really I wonder why we haven't talked about Nair and the amount of sexy stuff it has?

If an aerial doesn't outrange the turtle, it sucks against it. No exceptions really. Even attacks that outrange it don't have that easy of a time against it.
Right...the fact that Ness' Fair is faster by a bit and has almost the same reach (which can be adjusted) makes it worthless IYO?

G&W's best aerial attack offstage is actually D-air or Up-B. You're not beating those any time soon.

if he takes one hit off stage, he is forced to use PK Thunder most of the time, which is a near guaranteed gimp on Ness.
Actually for the most part I'd rather just do an air dodge...and then Nair if you try and follow it...why would I try and "beat" your airs?

Besides, Ness's F-air has ending lag that can be punished by F-air since G&W is a character that can linger offstage for quite some time.
How much landing lag do you think Ness' Fair has?

You're not grabbing G&W anytime soon if he knows how to space back aerials.
Mind my asking why you think it is easy for G&W to chase Ness as well then? I mean...I know a G&W on pure 100% defense will beat a Ness on 100% offense...but what about when it is the other way? I mean really...what makes you think I want to play offense on G&W that much anyway?


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
If a move out ranges you there are always ways around it. The point is Ness will not just keep trying to out range the turtle. There are ways Ness has around it.

The key for Ness in this match up is to get at a closer yet safe range to be able to defend himself yet be offensive.

A dash attack is one of the more effective moves in this match up. Ness can grab even good spacing G&W's because of that far sliding dash grab and the early frame it grabs on.

G&W does have great KO power however, he is sort of light so Ness' KO moves can knock him out earlier than most.

The bucket is not anything to fear, for it KO's at a very similar percent to G&W's forward smash, when filled with Pk fire pillars and Pk thunder tails. Once that bucket is full you are free to use what ever projectiles you want, Unless G&W releases it.

Smash DI'ing the turtle is very helpful to Ness, for he has a 5 frame N air start up. However this usually depends on G&W's spacing on whether he will take an N air or not. This also makes it a sort of invalid gimping tool. If you F air, Ness can out range it with an F air.

When Ness' D airs to U air, G&W seems to have only 1 choice, which is Air dodging due to the start up of his key. Air dodges can then be punished with F airs or N airs. If G&W air dodges then aerials, Ness will probably be close enough to out speed the incoming aerials or be at the space to F air to hit G&W.

U air can take out G&W very early... Why is the forward smash being talked so much about, anyway if G&W really wants to fill his bucket off of PK fire he will probably take a Forward smash if the Ness times it right to get passed the invincibility frames.

G&W's F air can be out prioritized by Ness F air.

Dash attack can be used effectively to punish instead of a dashing grab, it also consist of 3 hits, so it is sort of anti spot dodge if G&W is expecting to be grabbed.

This match up is at most 60-40, the reason people feel this match up is in such a disadvantage to Ness is because the Ness vs. G&W match up is kind of hard to learn, once you understand it though you will see it dramatically drop in difficulty....

Ness B air is kind of effective on G&W for some pretty unknown reason... I remember spamming it some times and actually hitting quite often, it also consist of high priority.

Just stuff...


Certified Lion Rider
Oct 16, 2004
Spencer, MA
interesting points brought up...

the way i see gw players can chose to play very defensive or very offensive in a lot of matchups, he has the flexibility in his playstyle to do so.

defensive -

since ness has no *quick* projectiles to bother a gw player with at mid to long range, he can certainly play a defensive style against ness. Thus we would look at ness's general approaches. Dash attack has been mentioned quite a few times, which isn't a bad move by any means, but doesn't really break gw's defense. If ness is dashing at gw, its likely he will dash attack, sliding upsmash, or grab. In gw's retaliation, dtilt beats upsmash and grab of course, shielding beats dash attack and upsmash, and either rolling back or up b'ing out of shield will beat grab as well.

thus we move to his air game. fair seems to be the only real approaching aerial, and if gw is chilling on the ground, up b out of shield is certainly capable of beating this, although I imagine that its possible to space this move to avoid getting grabbed against shields. I can also see the dtilt beating the fair when ness is approaching because it hits so high.

overall i see no really good ways to punish a defensive gw. nothing really sheild eating like snakes cc game, no frame traps like mk/marths dtilts, no quick projectiles that can't be absorbed, and no quick/uncommitted outrange'ing moves (once you dash attack you'll be closer to gw than you'd like to be to continue pressuring).

offensive -

if the gw plays offensive, then there are a lot of things that ness has to deal with. Gw players will usually approach with turtle, nair behind sheild (or even in front in ness's case), spaced dtilts, key behind sheild sometimes, and these are just a few approaches that i can think of that ness really can't deal with.

☼ turtle - if the gw player sh's a turtle and ness is trying to be defensive, he has choices of sheilding or trying to attack it with a fair. We've already covered that the turtle will beat the fair. Thus they either have to shield it fully and move away, or try to dash/walk away and punish. Since ness has no long range attacks to do this, he either has to move out of the way or sheild it thats it.

☼ nair - works similiar to the turtle, just with less range and less lag. Ness has no oos options thus would have to attack this with a fair. Gw will probably be watching for this (its the only real approaching move ness has in the air), and can either back off or just air dodge through and grab to punish.

☼ dtilt - no projectiles or grounded range attacks. gw can simply walk near the ness player and start spamming to pressure his sheild. If he tries to go into the air the dtilt will catch him. He can really only roll away and regroup.

☼ key - if landed behind the shield i don't think ness can turn around and grab fast enough. the only times that this approach doesn't work for gw that well is when either the character has a move that will outprioritize it (upsmash might, but since that is a tricky timing situation, slowfalling would certainly be an option to get by that) or they have a very fast grab/oos shield option. Ness doesn't really have either of these, thus its probably another safe approach.

Well that covers offensive options, most of which force ness to move away, he has little to combat gw's range.

Overall gw's combos will be much better and rack up much more damage, not to mention they are easier to land. Ness has no answer to up air spamming, which he would drastically need to avoid nair combo'ing along w/ a high priority/range dair (none to be found). He has no combo interrupters (nair might work if it had more range).

Offstage when ness is recovering, all gw really has to do is wait. If ness is looking to use his dj to get back from below (slowfall key works nicely) and from the side (dtilt beats both fair and just him trying to grab the edge). If gw sees the ness start the up b sequence, a fair will knock him out of this easily. If he's too far away for that, its likely that he needs to grab the edge, which a hog solves. If you are too far into the stage to do anything, grab the ledge and use the up air to get a smash off and punish.

When gw is recovering, he goes low, and ness has really nothing he can use to interrupt him, fair will block a pkt, which is the only thing i can see ness using to edgeguard.

Ness's spike killing at 0 is a pretty moot point, unless he has a guaranteed combo to go with it ( i have yet to see anyone bring one up, thus i'll assume it doesn't exist) or it could be used to effectively edgeguard, both of which don't seem to be options.

Ness's kill moves are: fsmash, bair, bthrow, upair, dair. Fsmash is certainly much too slow to really do anything, bair would be nice if it beat any of gw's approaches, bthrow is legit (kills early, might be his only reliable kill), upair/dair don't have enough range or priority in any situation to hit gw.

Gw as you know has a lot of kill moves, all of his smashes (most of which are safe on block v ness because has no ground range), and fair (only ness's fair will beat it), and bucket (can be used out of grab release or in a lot of other situations). Most of these are reasonable to land vs ness due to his lack or range.

So what have we covered?
Ness can approach gw ok, seems more like a stalemate due to his lack of projectiles.
Ness can't do very much at all vs gw's approaches, he has to run away.
Ness can't edgeguard gw at all.
Gw will likely destroy ness off the stage
Gw can combo ness well (dthrow setups are nice, ness has no answer for up air/nair, no combo breakers)
Ness can really only kill with his bthrow.
Gw has a lot more options to kill.

How is this not a 7/3? again unless i have a lot of major flaws in my argument, i see no reason this shouldn't be rated as stated.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
If a move out ranges you there are always ways around it. The point is Ness will not just keep trying to out range the turtle. There are ways Ness has around it.
It is true, there are ways to work around the turtle. However, you must understand that this requires significant skill and precision for Ness, which means G&W is at the advantage when he has his B-air out.

The key for Ness in this match up is to get at a closer yet safe range to be able to defend himself yet be offensive.
The key to beating G&W in general is getting close and Jabbing him so he actually takes damage.

A dash attack is one of the more effective moves in this match up. Ness can grab even good spacing G&W's because of that far sliding dash grab and the early frame it grabs on.
B-air is safe on land due to the huge range and landing hitbox. You're not dashgrabbing it out of shield before he jumps away.

G&W does have great KO power however, he is sort of light so Ness' KO moves can knock him out earlier than most.
If he DIs right, he's actually going to survive a reeeeeealy long time. Because it's hard as hell to actually rack on damage to G&W most of the time unless you're a good character, which Ness really isn't.

The bucket is not anything to fear, for it KO's at a very similar percent to G&W's forward smash, when filled with Pk fire pillars and Pk thunder tails. Once that bucket is full you are free to use what ever projectiles you want, Unless G&W releases it.
The fact G&W can even Bucket Ness's projectiles should tell you how bad they are. It means that they are easy to react to and shouldn't be used at all in this matchup, which only puts Ness at a disadvantage due to the lag he commits himself to when using projectiles.

Smash DI'ing the turtle is very helpful to Ness, for he has a 5 frame N air start up. However this usually depends on G&W's spacing on whether he will take an N air or not. This also makes it a sort of invalid gimping tool. If you F air, Ness can out range it with an F air.
If G&W spaces right, you're not punishing the B-air even if you SDI.

When Ness' D airs to U air, G&W seems to have only 1 choice, which is Air dodging due to the start up of his key. Air dodges can then be punished with F airs or N airs. If G&W air dodges then aerials, Ness will probably be close enough to out speed the incoming aerials or be at the space to F air to hit G&W.
D-air is a horrible approach against G&W. If he sees you D-air, you will get D-tilted.

U air can take out G&W very early... Why is the forward smash being talked so much about, anyway if G&W really wants to fill his bucket off of PK fire he will probably take a Forward smash if the Ness times it right to get passed the invincibility frames.
Good luck landing that. G&W is one of the most difficult characters in the game to juggle.

How much landing lag do you think Ness' Fair has?
Not landing lag, aerial ending lag. Offstage, if Ness whiffs an F-air, G&W can easily punish it with his own. G&W is very powerful offstage due to his amazing recovery and good DI, and a single F-air offstage is almost always a KO.

I feel the Ness forums are overestimating their character and underestimating G&W. In fact, I feel G&W is being underestimated in general. It's true G&W is a character that is somewhat limited in terms of options, but it doesn't change the fact that his options are extremely good. Ness isn't a character with a lot of options either, but none of his options are nearly as good as those of G&W's (except for the occasional B-throw KO which won't happen often due to G&W being difficult to grab and deal damage to). Ness also unlike G&W has a horrible recovery, so all in all he's a much more fragile character than G&W.
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