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-Fox Match-Up Topic- (Week #3: Sheik)

4% APR

Smash Champion
Sep 5, 2006
lol, everyone just holds down now. Spacies CC all the time because they try to shine.

lol, yeah.

I ban FD or Mute city vs peach. I don't mind FOD at all. Mute city, I can go falco / puff / doc / stay fox.
i said i ban FD not fod. I usually go puff on mute as well. Fod is fine


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Same here. I don't find it very effective.
You don't crouch cancel to counterattack much but to avoid being launched or knocked over so you don't get tech chased or comboed or whatever. Or do you can tech it and avoid being tech chased if you do get knocked over. Or so you can ground yourself and tech it so you don't get knocked off the stage. And other stuff.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Miggs, you should let me be in charge of Falcon, since Falcon is essentially my specialty. I play with Forward, and two very solid Falcons on a weekly basis, so I pretty much have the matchup down pat. Enough that I can actually pull off wins against better players falcons, only because i know the matchup so well.

..Also I've watched every cactuar vid like 9001 times each. <3 Cactus.


Pancake Sandwiches
May 28, 2007
Bermuda [We Gotz De Triangle]
Very well, Ruby. Go for it. Although anyone is allowed to post whatever useful information that they know. Neither you or I can cover everything alone, hence why I like when we all work together and get as much info as we can.

But I look forward (no pun intended) to your post, friend. XD


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
last minute sheik stuff:

The Sheik match-up is fairly simple. Don't run in unprepared. Sheik's aerials have barely any lag on them, and she can auto-cancel ALL of them in a SH if she really wants to. This means that if you try to run in with nair, the tip of ftilt or dsmash will beat you. When you're on stages with platforms, use them to keep your approaches varied. Don't always jump in on her at the most obvious of times. Use your double jump cautiously and random wavelands or quick DDs to get her to either come up at you or whiff a move on the ground. When you get the opportunity, grab -> uthrow ->uair. At 0%, she can nair out if you try to combo afterwards. Start uthrow comboing a bit after 10%.

When you edge-guard always grab the ledge vs. Sheik. They always try to vanish sweetspot the edge then stall or w/e to make it back. If you take the edge away Sheik is forced onto the stage. From your position on the ledge, you can ledge-hop dair->shine->grab and punish, or dair->shine->usmash to punish/kill. Watch how close the Sheik is to the stage, because she might try to double jump and airdodge onto it to avoid getting punished. If you can react fast enough, jump over and bair her back off. This is where watching your opponent and reacting comes into serious play. You need to cut off all her options and force her off the stage. At lower percents, spam shine for gimps and to push her off into a ledge situation. It gets really easy to build up free damage on Sheik from edge-guarding alone.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
Its not so much a complicated match-up as it is an obnoxious one. If she gets 2 gimps on you, she should win on most levels. Don't get gimped and you win. Sheik performs terribly when you force her to "real fight" you. (Comparatively of course)


Smash Cadet
Dec 31, 2007
I find running off the stage and nairing back onto the stage an effective edgeguard against sheiks


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Its not so much a complicated match-up as it is an obnoxious one. If she gets 2 gimps on you, she should win on most levels. Don't get gimped and you win. Sheik performs terribly when you force her to "real fight" you. (Comparatively of course)
Yeah we suck at real fighting.

It's hard though! We only have to do it in like four matchups :urg:

U-throw Nair at sub10 percents honey bunny it'll work you just have to believe <3

RaynEX said:
From your position on the ledge, you can ledge-hop dair->shine->grab and punish, or dair->shine->usmash to punish/kill.
That never works for me D:

Couldn't you in theory just get up and grab her and do U-throw --> moveset combo? Or simply Dair U-tilt to negate any DI she applies to the Dair? Or do a billion Back Airs and combo Back Air into Back Air with ledge invincibility if she tries to recover with just her jump and something? Or am I just doing it wrong and Drillshine U-smash is just too good?



edit: PHYRE that probably works if she's close and has to recover early with Up+B without her precious invincibility. The risk is she just attacks you though and eats your Fox Nair with her Sheik <insert aerial suite> and gimps you.


Smash Cadet
Dec 31, 2007
I agree. I use it more when the sheik is forced to recover somewhat horizontally (after she uses her dj) and it catches them in that really short vulnerable part of her upb. also what about uthrow->sh uairing at sub 10%s? Doesnt that work or am I just a noob? btw I love watching your vids KK I'm definitely a fan.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain

I'm so bad though :laugh:

Uhhh at less than 10 if they DI behind or in front you can combo SHFFL Nair and then **** them with U-tilt, U-smash, regrab, and all sorts of stuff. They'll probably come down with Nair so if you're low you can just CC and **** them hahaha

RaynEx completely ignores that though and just does Back Air --> run about a dash length away and continue pressuring 'cuz he's too good for combos at low percent :laugh:

SH Uair works if they don't try to double jump and don't DI I think, I don't know if it will beat Nair or not I think it depends on how fast they do it


Smash Apprentice
Oct 28, 2008
Miggz! i love all your posts and ability to keep cool when people disrespect. Thanks for the advice and keep it up.


Pancake Sandwiches
May 28, 2007
Bermuda [We Gotz De Triangle]
Captain Falcon match up Information

Onstage Strategies:

Fox V.S. Captain Falcon is an extremely fast paced match up that requires a lot of precision and technical aggression. I'll first cover Fox's on stage options, followed by Falcon's. Due to Fox's overall speed (running, aerials, shine) abilities, he has the proper tools to shut down Captain Falcon's offensive game. Fox's SHFFL nair is an extremely useful tool in this match up, especially when its followed by shines/waveshines. Fox's nair not only comes out faster then some of Falcon's aerials, but they tend to cut right through them as well.

It doesn't matter if your SHFFL nair hits Falcon, or his shield. In both scenarios you have the advantage. The combined speed of Fox's SHFFL nairs and shine keep Falcon locked down in his shield. One of Falcon's best options out of his shield is his stomp/dair. But both Fox's nair and shine come out faster then Falcon's dair. So if you cancel your nairs/dairs correctly, and follow them up with shines, Falcon is under a lot of pressure. His offensive options in this scenario become limited. If at low percents (0%-14%) your nair hits Falcon follow it up with a waveshine, and link it to a up smash. At mid to high percents you can juggle Falcon with nairs. Fox's SHFFL dairs are the perfect lead ins to waveshine at any percent. Remember to use your fluent dash dancing and wave dashing, while keeping your eye on Falcon, to find/create an opening.

Now let's talk about the grab game. Falcon is a fellow fast faller. So at low percents you can use up throw and follow it up with a series of up tilts, and end it a nice up smash. Up throw to uair works really well on Captain Falcon (35% and higher is it?) although he can survive this combo far easier then Marth. Of course if you grab Falcon near the edge, simply back or forward throw him off.

Now let's quickly cover Falcon's options. Captain Falcon arguably has the best/fluent dash dance in the game. What makes his so frightening is that he can quickly punish any of your mistakes, even if there is a considerable amount of space between you and Falcon. C. Falcon will basically use his fluent dash dance to make you "flinch" i.e. spot dodge, roll, ect. If you spot dodge/roll at the wrong time, miss a SHFFL, up smash, or even a dash attack...prepared to get punished!

Captain Falcon has a powerful tech chasing game. Since Fox is a fast faller, Falcon will use either up throw or down throw to get things started. Its important that you do not become predictable with your techs. For example, if you always tech backwards, then don't be surprised that the Falcon will follow and grab you. Most players forget that they have so many options! You can tech in place, tech to the left, tech to the right, don't tech at all, wake up attack, or simply stand after a missed tech. Another sneaky option is to miss a tech and do a delayed wake up attack. But do keep in mind that if you miss a tech, Falcon can still stomp you with dair and finish you with his knee. My point...just be unpredictable....switch it up!

Falcon can also combo Fox extremely well. At around 35% Falcon's dair, or forward B can prop Fox in the air at the perfect height for the knee. If you get hit by Falcon's knee remember to DI UP! This will dramatically increase your chances or surviving. If you find yourself at 50% or higher, then you are in the danger zone, for a well placed knee can easily kill Fox around this percent. At higher percents, Falcon can use up throw to knee as well.

Off stage Strategies:

Lucky for you Falcon is pretty easy to edge guard. He probably has the most predicable recovery out of all the melee cast. But by no means does this mean you take Falcon lightly when you get him off the stage. If Fox is facing the recovering Falcon he can use his forward tilt to "eat" Falcon's jump and proceed to down/forward smash him to his death. Its important that you don't try to hit Falcon at the very beginning of his Up B, it will ruin your edge guard. Simply wait for Falcon to lunge forward a bit and then proceed to intercept him. If your back is facing Falcon while standing near the ledge a well timed bair can knock him to his doom. If you are feeling daring, you can jump off the level and hit Falcon with your nair, and up B back.

If you grab the ledge, you can simply wait for Falcon to be in your bair range. You can also (although you have much better options) wait for him to fly above you so you can kill him with a ledge hop uair. Oh and of course we can't forget our lovely shine spikes. One shine spike is enough to kill Falcon. Just grab the edge (remember to renew your invulnerable frames) drop down and shine spike Falcon. Although it isn't as powerful as Falco's, Fox's ledge hop dair can push the recovering Falcon below the stage a bit. From there you can wave dash onto the edge and shine spike, or wait for Falcon to attempt a sweet spot and down smash him. So many options, just have fun with it.

Lastly is Falcon's edge guarding against you. Falcon's edge guarding moves include uptilt, forward tilt, dair, fair, uair and bair. As you can see Falcon has a lot to be gay with too. If Falcon is standing close to the edge facing you, expect an up tilt. This move can cut through both your side B and Up B. So its important you sweet spot these moves, although Falcon's up tilt has an insane hitbox. Falcon's forward tilt can ruin your side B recovery attempts. Lucky for you, Fox can shorten his side B, just to keep things tricky. If you are using your Up B from below the stage get ready to tech. Falcon will attempt to stomp you to your death his his dair. On stages such as FD, you can actually curve your Up B by grazing/riding along the stage for a sweet spot.

Now don't think Falcon can't jump out and hit you, trust me he can. Be careful where you use your Up B. Fox's FireFox takes a long time to charge, giving Falcon plenty of time to hit you out of the sky with his uair, bair, or knee. If Falcon is grabbing the ledge, he will either intercept you with his bair, or even a ledge hop uair. Also, if you land close to the edge upon recovering and Falcon is still holding onto the edge, he can kill you with a ledge hop knee while Fox is lagging from his recovering move.

Miggz! i love all your posts and ability to keep cool when people disrespect. Thanks for the advice and keep it up.
Thanks buddy! Glad you like my info. I shall keep it up, thanks for reading. :)


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Just Nair Shine into additional Shine, Nair, Grab, or U-smash depending on percent, positioning, stage, and what their common DI patterns are.

Don't lag and get Daired, Faired, or grabbed.

Get through his Nair. All he will do is DD camp and Nair camp. So beat the Nair half by either beating it before the hitbox comes out, by being so close that he can't position his hitbox over yours to eat it, or by simply not running into it and waiting for him to lag from doing it.

Edgeguard with moves, it doesn't really matter what you do because Falcon is horrible on recovery. Hold edge and wait for him to recover onto the stage (unless he's in a position where he can edgecancel off a platform) and then get off ledge and U-smash him when he's over 120 unless it's Dreamland.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Burbank, IL
Just Nair Shine into additional Shine, Nair, Grab, or U-smash depending on percent, positioning, stage, and what their common DI patterns are.

Don't lag and get Daired, Faired, or grabbed.

Get through his Nair. All he will do is DD camp and Nair camp. So beat the Nair half by either beating it before the hitbox comes out, by being so close that he can't position his hitbox over yours to eat it, or by simply not running into it and waiting for him to lag from doing it.

Edgeguard with moves, it doesn't really matter what you do because Falcon is horrible on recovery. Hold edge and wait for him to recover onto the stage (unless he's in a position where he can edgecancel off a platform) and then get off ledge and U-smash him when he's over 120 unless it's Dreamland.
this man speaks the truths falcon cant do anything against a fox that pressures him.
plus your nair comes out so fast.


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2007
Some boring suburb of, NY
against falcon i like to do short hops to extremely late nairs. most falcons as a habit will wait to see if you're nairing and if they believe you aren't they'll go in for a grab, so the late nair gets them. of course this gets read easily after a while so when you see them dd camping to avoid late nair just run back and laser cause they can't do anything :p

you're far more likely to kill falcon with an edgeguard than an uair/usmash, simply because he has the highest resistance to vertical KOs of any character.

when you get grabbed, don't panic, just make sure to mix up your techs, think of it as if not even YOU know where you'll texh next, that way you'll be genuinely unpredictable.

more to follow


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
think of it as if not even YOU know where you'll texh next, that way you'll be genuinely unpredictable.

more to follow
I don't think this is a valid strategy. You'll always retain the same pattern to some degree. The human brain is literally built on unremitting, methodical, almost mechanical modes of computation. Thankfully, teching patterns aren't as habitual as say, breathing. So varying those patterns is possible, just not by as much as you might think.

input later. I've been drinking
I consider this valuable input.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
His Fox has been so lawlsy since his Fox controller died.

edit: I typed up a huge review of Miggz Falcon advice, complete with corrections. I even copied it in case my browser failed. So, as I predicted, my browser ends up failing. I open wordpad to copy my work and what happens...

I can't select the paste option. COMPUTER FAILURE.



Pancake Sandwiches
May 28, 2007
Bermuda [We Gotz De Triangle]
His Fox has been so lawlsy since his Fox controller died.

edit: I typed up a huge review of Miggz Falcon advice, complete with corrections. I even copied it in case my browser failed. So, as I predicted, my browser ends up failing. I open wordpad to copy my work and what happens...

I can't select the paste option. COMPUTER FAILURE.

Oh no! That sucks!

Yeah I've been there before. If you want, you can PM me the parts that are incorrect and I can tweak it a bit.

Hopefully your computer won't give out again.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
I don't want to re-ignite a fire that already died down, but here's an example of what ruby was talking about.


1:19 - 1:25 (ends with a dtilt) and 1:29 - 1:37
that is some really bad DI, but yeah, fox combos 2 good

against falcon.... you shouldn't tech completely unpredictably. just don't be predictable in your techs (patterns, do one thing more often all of the time, etc.). a really **** Falcon will be able to techchase you relatively consistently no matter what you do, but there's no point in making it easy on your opponent.
personally I like to dash dance a lot, pew pew at falcon a little bit, and approach with nair and then do stuff based on what they do. it works for me.
just hit falcon a lot and don't get hit very much.


Pancake Sandwiches
May 28, 2007
Bermuda [We Gotz De Triangle]
Well it depends, really. If the dair does force you in a tech chasing game, switch it up.

If the dair pops you up in the air, all you can really do is pray that the Falcon messes up his knee follow up. Falcon's dair has a ridiculous amount of stun to it. Your choices are somewhat limited. For the knee simply di up. By di-ing up, you increase your chances of survival.

If you get hit by dair, all you can do it wait and see if it leads into tech chase, or pops you up in the air.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
I usually DI the Dair enough so that A) I don't get F-smashed and B) I land on a platform away from Falcon so he can't knee me.
idk, I tend to have really good DI on dairs. It's a really fast attack so I can see why most people don't even get a little bit of DI though.

One time, I smash DI'd a dair and it killed me off the side.... ;_;


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
when you say to di the knee up and the down air down do you mean with both the joystick and the c-stick? the way i understood it was the best way to di would be the joystick in the opposite direction and the c-stick in the perpendicular direction

so to di a knee sending me left i would go up with the c-stick and right with the joystick

sorry this is a bit confusing and not really related to fighting falcon but back on topic

i have heard that you can shine out of chainthrows such as marth's would this mean that a fox could shine out of any throw or would it not be worth the effort?

in relation to falcon i was thinking you could potentially shine out of the up throw and stop the tech chase since you wouldn't hit the ground although you would be vulnerable it could be a decent way to throw off a falcon if they have been tech chasing you and try to set up another one
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