leffen honestly you know a lot about melee but you fall for the "mental melee" trap more often than any good player i know. something feels right in your head and you argue to death with it (not to mention going into ultra virgin troll mode when ppl argue w/ you sometimes) but in reality you havn't faced it before so you're KINDA talking out of your aszz
i know that once you get a lot of experience with the game overall you can answer questions like this off the top of your head, but how about for 1 time u show some humility and realize you've never fought wes when he's done this ****, and realize you'd learn a lot when you actually face against a new technique irl.
i appreciate you TRYING to help me (even tho i never asked anyone in this thread once for help, and i pretty much learned that tourny i suck **** at playing stoned) but honestly you defend this **** so venomously i really doubt if that's your goal here.
Will you get off your ****ing high horse
do you seriously believe that westballz is the only one in the world doing this? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Please, I have both fought against it and I have used it myself (back in 2010 when I played falco and couldn't multishine properly, you could probably find vids of it)
and you're right, I wasn't trying to help you specifically. My aim was to show the techniques weaknesses, and to help EVERYONE who read it. Even westballz could get some knowledge of that if he didn't take so much pride in HIS technique
Neither of you have made ZERO valid counterarguments to ANY of my original points
"No it doesn't"
and yes, while it is true that you can indeed space shines outside of theirs sometimes (since your shine pushes them back) BUT since you are doing one more shine you HAVE to be in range of another shine which means that their shine will always hit if you're in the range to do yours.
you can also do that with normal multishining AND they can space their shine outside of yours...not to even mention shield DI >_>
as for the mental melee comment... I have tested this out in dolphin several times already...
IF anything, are you really arguing that you cannot punish the wavedash lag?