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Q&A -Fox Advice/Questions Topic-


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2010
Ohio yeeeee
I may be wrong, but I believe there is a sort of latency in regard to command inputs in the game. As in, you can't spam a button faster than the game reads inputs and if you do it actually creates larger gaps between registration. I could be completely wrong.
No you're right

but considering that the game reads inputs at 60 a second, it's kind of hard to spam a button faster than the game can handle

definitely possible though, ****s happened to me

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
If you press the button, release it, and then press it on the next frame it will register that you were holding the button down. I estimate that is unlikely happen [for me] though, i think my normal presses are 1 per 3 frames


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
You can't smash DI throws besides jiggs' fthrow, so you'd have to be holding it to input DI...
I didnt say smash DI.

I said i just smash the controller when i know/think im going to get grab. For example, if im performing a shffl, I cant simultaneously be holding left/right. But if i "hit confirm" that i whiffed my move, then i immediately just smash the direction i want to be DI'ing so that ensure i did it quickly enough so i dont miss the di.

guess i should have made tht clear :/

also, another effect of "smashing" the controller is that i make sure I f\pressing it as hard as I can in one direction. Im not sure how many people know this, but you get more or less DI fr mthe upthrow depending on how hard/fast your holding a direction. Like you can get varying degrees of DI and some of them can still be rested. Me smashing the stick is just my way of ensuring i get the optimal DI but i know its not smash DI obviously.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
yeah holding it is as effective, not to mention if you are "smashing" it, it is more likely to have your control stick in between neutral and your desired destination, causing sub-par DI.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
smashing was the wrong word.

i should have said tap quickly, flick, hit, move with haste so as to not be caught off guard, etc. :/


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
I estimate that is unlikely happen [for me] though, i think my normal presses are 1 per 3 frames
So you can press and release a button 20 times per second?
On my best day I can only do like 7-8

Also @lovage
When you uthrow hugs sometimes you uair and sometimes you leave him alone. I'm guessing this is because at some percents you can space the uair so that his nair won't hit you. Do you know percents for this or do you just look at the distance and then react mid-match? or am I making all of this up?


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Waiting after the uthrow allows you to punish their double jump if they waste it or at least limit their options in the air, but yes, you can sometimes beat the nair with a spaced uair. The same applies to other characters who don't get combo'd by uthrow > uair (Mario, Luigi, et al).

Also, in their most recent set, Lovage only used uthrow like twice. He mostly stuck to dthrow or fthrow depending on where he landed the grab.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
Waiting after the uthrow allows you to punish their double jump if they waste it or at least limit their options in the air, but yes, you can sometimes beat the nair with a spaced uair. The same applies to other characters who don't get combo'd by uthrow > uair (Mario, Luigi, et al).

Also, in their most recent set, Lovage only used uthrow like twice. He mostly stuck to dthrow or fthrow depending on where he landed the grab.
I understand the theory, that's why I asked about percents vs just judging space... <_<.

Also watch the set again and count the grabs and what type of follow up. He also only used dthrow like twice... just as much as uair.

But once again that's not the point. At the beginning of hugs last stock on match three he tried to go for a grab from a neutral position, something he didn't do the entire set except that one time. And he had that uthrow at 19% which got him an uair.

I just want lovage's opinion please. Not trying to be a jerk this time but I'm really just trying to understand how he plays the match up. That's it.

EDIT and before you say just aim him: I had aim like 8 years ago and I forgot my password and username.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
idk maybe the air in tucson is nice.

all i know is, seattle has hella trees, so the air is crisp and clear. northwest *****
Jun 27, 2005
the west
nah. im not going to canada until shane and ciz get passports.

plus we have our monthly tourney in wa on that day, and this ones critical :o


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
slow down. ok. go.

really tho. Take a few days off. do everything you can to keep the game out of your head
just for a day.

dont play the game at all on the second day.

do some push ups.

find new people to play with. (i know this can be hard.)

watch a lot of M2k's marth

when you get back to the game think about something you're really having trouble with, whehter its a technique like wavedashing or your spacing vs. certain characters.

think of more creative ways to space yourself. for example, space away with dash grabs. down air combos, down air tech chasing. Get good @ reading DI/Smash DI vs the up air and then cross up with a back air for early kills.

use the shine, it makes you invincible.

aerial side > side step dodge.

what makes you feel like you hit a plateau?


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
taking a week break always does the trick for me

and toph-ok ..sounds good..bring all of japan with u though..like the whole japan


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
slow down. ok. go.

really tho. Take a few days off. do everything you can to keep the game out of your head
just for a day.

dont play the game at all on the second day.

do some push ups.

find new people to play with. (i know this can be hard.)

watch a lot of M2k's marth

when you get back to the game think about something you're really having trouble with, whehter its a technique like wavedashing or your spacing vs. certain characters.

think of more creative ways to space yourself. for example, space away with dash grabs. down air combos, down air tech chasing. Get good @ reading DI/Smash DI vs the up air and then cross up with a back air for early kills.

use the shine, it makes you invincible.

aerial side > side step dodge.

what makes you feel like you hit a plateau?
taking a week break always does the trick for me

and toph-ok ..sounds good..bring all of japan with u though..like the whole japan
lol, I think Raynex not playing enough is the problem. He goes weeks at a time without playing. He is a busy man, so I don't blame him.

He should've explained that part.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
I've been playing smash for my entire teenage life.

Then I suddenly got back on track started doing meaningful **** with my time. Not that smash isn't meaningful...but getting decent was hella time consuming.

I find that the breaks I take are too long because of work/school, then I come back and have rust issues. I know if I sit down I'll be legit in a few weeks...but there is no competition out here besides Unknown/KK. I.B. lives too **** far.

it's been like this for 3 years, and our scene has no real motivation to improve. It's sad really.
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