I need some tips on shortening Fox's phantasm. It's the only tech that I can't do easily with Fox, and it's sort of hindering my recovery options. Tips?
practice. just learn when you should be hitting b, there's nothing we can tell you that can really help.
Raynex you were doublejump camping a little riskily in my opinion, sometimes you'd get hit out of your dj by nair/dash attack because of this
at 7:44 armada knew you were gunna go for that ledge cancel, I think he meant you nair you. One of my favorite mindgames is after I have done that once, I'll do a ledgestall then a high dj off the ledge spaced to do the side b, but I won't actually do it. If they take the bait and throw a move out on that plat then I just waveland onto the stage and go from there
I also think you should buffer rolls out of those dsmashes on your shield, or at least light shield. It's tempting to wd oos and punish but I don't put that kind of faith in my shield, I get poked too often for me to see it as a fair trade. Maybe there is some shield angling you could do to get around that?
also I love your decisions. You did an excellent job at dodging his nairs oos when you hit his shield. Near the end he stopped trying to do it because it never worked, I think that's your chance to do stuff on his shield like you would with falcon. even shine jc grab would have been working.
also when you guys in close quarters spacing each other and he floats high and waits for his chance you aerial, you should have just lasered him. You don't risk a trade, or getting hit that way, and you still tack on some damage. It's also at the height for fullhop triple laser to hit 2 shots.
also you had some GREAT DI that set.
the only thing I can really say you should do more is ftilt. Especially at the end, ftilt would have been the safest choice on your ledge guards and probably would have won you that game.
for instance, when I dair approach people and I land behind them too far for shine to work, I just ftilt their backs. I hope I was able to help!