running upsmashes. either jc or cc to upsmash. i prefer cc but
sometimes i cant dash dance to upsmash and the crouch cancel just feels wierd doing it anyway. is jc the only way to upsmash directly out of a dd? i remember vaguely reading somewhere that you cant cc the initial dash animation, only the full dash which is probably why im having problems. confirm or deny?
You're right; you can't dash cancel your initial dash animation. So you either
- do a full run and DC (hold down) at a certain point and usmash with either up+a or the cstick.
-during your initial dash animation, JC usmash using up+a or the cstick
If you find JC usmashes to be difficult (random fullhops, accidental moves, etc), try this. After you hit forward to begin running, do a quarter circle motion towards the top vertex and hit up on the cstick as soon as you get there. Its basically a hadouken motion upwards. It helps time the usmash and makes your life easier.
Oh, and if any of you claw, you can use X or Y + up on the cstick too.