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FAST 1 - Orlando, FL - Jul 17-20, 08 Thanks to everyone who came!!


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
Let the bracket decide that. He could have played bad people. DJ Nintendo 2-0'd him with bowser in pools. What does that say? lol
It says I don't know how to fight a good Bowser player.

The reason why Rx- can't adapt is because apparently, since Rx- gets 2nd or 3rd almost every florida tournament, i can safely say that everybody besides afro thundah is ******** since we can't get through tornado. If Rx- had somebody to play who could beat tornado, he would learn other strats, but since he isn't tested in florida, he doesn't need to, and he will get beat by people who can get through tornado, like DJ.
Afro Thunder actually gets hit by more tornados than Seibrik and Tommy G combined.

i beat rx 2-0 with wario let that be an example to those who thnk they cant beat got tier with middle tier
Abe farted on me.

I was the skinny girl that wasn't Marin or Boss Magnet. Gmoney's girlfriend.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn that's hot. Double date?

Thee Incubus

Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2001
Fighting Colbol in my first Bracket match was no bueno....
Chaingrabbed right off of Delfino XD


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I just had a blueberry scone, and it was delicious.

Frames lied to us all. ;_;

I'm going to bed.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Fighting Colbol in my first Bracket match was no bueno....
Chaingrabbed right off of Delfino XD

Now you know how I feel when it came to TGMTSBCO.

My matches in pools were so **** that not even my Sheik floaty could save me. Eggz, RyanEX, Forkgirl, Reflex, and HAT...just to name a few.

It was still fun as hell, though...even though each and every single one of those people made a combo video out of me.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
Man, I haven't read this **** in like...36 pages. wtf, slow down Florida.

I wanna do shout-outs to everyone, but I'm doomed to forget some, so I'm sorry in advance! Also, I'm not reading this thread. tl;dr, etc. If you left me a shout, I probably didn't read it, so, sorry. But, I love everyone I met, and I hope you all keep in touch. Aim, PMs... ****, just come over. ^_^

Quotes of the weekend:

"...And you call us gay for ****ing guys. >_>"
"You can't spell Connecticut without C-or-T"
"All of Afros combos are random luck bull****-- I KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW OMG."
Me and Afro.
"So, now that you've won, what are you going to do now?" - " Ummm.. Play smash more?"
Frames and m2k
"Dude, you're the worst black guy ever, I just caught you stealing" "*****, what are you talkin about? We always get caught, why do you think we're all in jail? tch, white kids."
Doggy sammich

Hungrybox- Not only did you house 10 people, find rides for everyone, and deal with personal ****, but you took second in teams. You're the ****. Plain and simple. Too good, son.
EVERLASTING YAYUUUHHHZZZZ- SCREAM AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, it was too fun chilling with you this week. When I come back down, we're gonna have to hang the whole time.
Hat Bothers- WTF? Way to leave this morning without telling me. :X
Super *****es- I sleep with dudes. Gay dudes. It's cool though, cause "I can do way better."
Captain Crunch- We're too much better at everything we do than everyone else. It's too good.
Zoro- You're the angriest happy guy I've ever met. It's so god****ed hilarious! :D I really wanted to do sexy low tier matches.
Marin- You're the only female gamer who's company doesn't bother me after 5 minutes. Good ****. It's probably cause you're not some giddy smash skank. Like Darkness of Heart. (SORRY DoH, I HAD TO.)
G-money- if you weren't so cocky, and arrogant, people wouldn't hate you so much. Seriously, just chill and play the game. Lolzzzzzzzzzzz. It's a shame, cause when I was eaves dropping on your conversations inadvertently, you seemed really chill. v_v;;;;;
NoJ- Overswarm sucks. XD!!! Seriously, me and m2k both agree you're probably the best GnW right now. Keep it going, dude. Next time we play, I won't be a ******! LOLZ
Frames- Except your teams seeding, you really nailed it. (Seriously, I had the top 4 florida teams and m2k had nothing! </whine>) I had a ton of fun, and I'm really glad I came. Good **** to you and that female host. I forgot her name, sorries.
Lee- We're too hilarious. :D
Reflex- OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM Your shirt on day four wins best appearance in smash history. BTW: Why does every Wario main have to being a complete weird-o?
Fearless- Olimar sucks! Prove me wrong!! oh wait.... You did!! :D I'm really glad you placed so well, man. You earned it.
Annoying female girl gamer who's name I have forgotten- Welcome to Florida. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Seriously, m2k has all your, and your friend's monies. :D
Swiftbass- Man, I haven't seen you in like...2 years. It was fun what little time we hung out together, we seriously have to play more@!
Manny- Seriously, do you have Third Strike?!?!!? :D
Doggy Sammich- Why are you so awesome? You much wake up, style the fro, and then cut your legs up to release some of your ****ing amazingness, just to level out with people to not makr thm feel inferior, which, in turn, makes you even more amazing. Son, we MUST chill again. Too **** good.
Esam- You're the only reason I didn't fall asleep during pools. I probably owe you a dollar for being funny and keeping me awake. "I will own you. -_-" :D
Dyce, Caveman, Heero- Lost is the greatest show ever. :D I really would love to come to Texas to hang with you all again! Of course, if you'll have me. @_@!!!
Random- You're the most odd person ever! You speak japanese, do backflips, and have no mains. I ****ing love it! XD
Pbnj- I still have no idea where you live, lol. Hey' boss, that nerdy kid took everyone's money. LMAO
Kyon- I don't know what to say, man. You're straight wacky! You randomly appear everywhere. I never notice when you're around or gone, and when I do, you scare me. I love it!
Arc- Our GnW/fox team was too sexy. You're way too cool, we need to play more, someday! :D
Hylian- I wish I would have seen you play at your best. Then again, I wish I would have seen myself play at my best. v-v Seriously, though, I know you're better than what you showed us, man. No worries. :D
Colbol- I'm kinda upset we didn't get to talk more. You seem like a really cool guy. You should come up north, I wanna play you in some meleesss.

I forgot like, 100 people, but I'm too tired to care. You people are responding to this thread too quickly, and I'm not about to read it all, so like I said, just find me on aim, or anywhere, and we can be friends forevers.

Good **** florida.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
wow. SOOO many posts I had to read before I can post!!! All within a day!

umm before I start with shout outs I just wanted ot say that you really cant compare florida vs other regions because there were like hardly anyone from other regions there... The majority of players WERE from Florida so its inevitable that many Floridians would take top..... ok moving on.

Warning - Horrific Grammar Alert

Yeah... its late, im tired, and i dont feel like hitting the shift button or going back to correct typos or make coherent sentences .... sooooo excuse my horrific grammar in this post =). please... lolol

where to begin ....

Florida. Brawl maybe be boring to watch (sometimes) but the Florida audience TOTALLY made matches ten times more fun to watch. The trash talk, the ooohs and ahhhs over simple things.. it was AWESOME. I had a great time being a part of the smash community there.

Hungrybox - I miss you already! Thanks so much for the housing. You were totally nice and very accommodating. Get some sheets for your bed!

Sprinkles - Dude I am soooooo happy to find another Yoshi main! Great teaming with you. Great time housing with you. Awesome time riddling with you! lol and you know the best short cuts... had a great time!

Miss Hungrybox.. - Sono contentissimo di averti incontrata! Grazie moltissimo per tutti.

pb and j - lololol you were too funny. Had so much fun sweating trailing behind the others in our 1000 mile hikes to civilization. You and sprinkles need to MM as to who snores louder.. OMG I can finally sleep in a quiet room!! lololol.. See you in nyc.

captain crunch - bleh.... lol (still angry about the yoshi comment) but i did have fun almost breaking the ddr machine to pieces with you.

m2k- omg I like you more and more each time I hang out with you. You are a funny guy. I never seen someone FROLIC THROUGH THE FIELDS as gracefully as you did. lolololol.

cort - i hated you for the yoshi comment but then i loved you cause i had maddd fun hanging out with you. stop hating on brawl singles! see you in two weeks in CT. =) nice job in everything. YOSHI IS a VIABLE char!!!

umm shiz, something mac. you guys were so nice and I enjoyed having playing and talking to you guys. i cant wait to come to fl again to play with you.

esame.. omg omg omg another good yoshi player... i cant wait to see you repping yoshi in future tourns..

cdog - just nothing i could do against you... best pit ever.

loki - lol sorry about the 3 stock mk on fd ... u had no idea!! i should have warned u.. lol but that wouldnt be very competitive like! im sure next time u will be ready lolol.

8 -i never seen soemone have as much fun and put so much drama into a match than you did. u totally tricked 3 times! lol

inui - lolol. your awesome. had so much fun this weekend. nice job with 5th.. I am now finally seeing through ur cockyness and seeing what a good player you are.. I cant wait to train some more! whhhhhyyyy didnt you ban battlefield!?!!?

dm- o well, sheet happens.. your awesome. see you tomorrow lolol.

djnintendo - too cool. stop bowser humping the screen!

reflex - lolol sooo funny and unique.. just like wario! you really have fun when you play.. such a good sport about everything. too good.

fearless - sigh were u sandbagging against me the night before!!?????? lolol gg's.

noj and xyz - best game and watches i ever seen...

afro- lolol you are hilarious! so happy all the time!! your presences totallly MADE the tournament. come to the east coast!

doh and other peach player that I cant spell your name right but u took 7th? or 5th with peach in melee singles.. tooo funny the both of you. was awesome getting to know you... play brawl! get over the fact that its not melee! play both and have fun! and im jealous I didnt get to go to sea world =(

omg this post is so long and so grammatically broken... I probably forgot soo many people but I cant type anymore! I can finally get some sleep after 6 days! thanks for a great tournament FL!!! =)


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
yo, i only ended up being able to go to brawl singles, but i must admit i had more fun then i thought. i think it had a lot to do with the fact that i got to chill with the massive community and i played melee for the majority of the time. i do see myself returning to brawl tourneys again though. maybe with a new character even. ooohhh la la.


Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
wow. SOOO many posts I had to read before I can post!!! All within a day!

umm before I start with shout outs I just wanted ot say that you really cant compare florida vs other regions because there were like hardly anyone from other regions there... The majority of players WERE from Florida so its inevitable that many Floridians would take top..... ok moving on.

Warning - Horrific Grammar Alert

Yeah... its late, im tired, and i dont feel like hitting the shift button or going back to correct typos or make coherent sentences .... sooooo excuse my horrific grammar in this post =). please... lolol

where to begin ....

Florida. Brawl maybe be boring to watch (sometimes) but the Florida audience TOTALLY made matches ten times more fun to watch. The trash talk, the ooohs and ahhhs over simple things.. it was AWESOME. I had a great time being a part of the smash community there.

Hungrybox - I miss you already! Thanks so much for the housing. You were totally nice and very accommodating. Get some sheets for your bed!

Sprinkles - Dude I am soooooo happy to find another Yoshi main! Great teaming with you. Great time housing with you. Awesome time riddling with you! lol and you know the best short cuts... had a great time!

Miss Hungrybox.. - Sono contentissimo di averti incontrata! Grazie moltissimo per tutti.

pb and j - lololol you were too funny. Had so much fun sweating trailing behind the others in our 1000 mile hikes to civilization. You and sprinkles need to MM as to who snores louder.. OMG I can finally sleep in a quiet room!! lololol.. See you in nyc.

captain crunch - bleh.... lol (still angry about the yoshi comment) but i did have fun almost breaking the ddr machine to pieces with you.

m2k- omg I like you more and more each time I hang out with you. You are a funny guy. I never seen someone FROLIC THROUGH THE FIELDS as gracefully as you did. lolololol.

cort - i hated you for the yoshi comment but then i loved you cause i had maddd fun hanging out with you. stop hating on brawl singles! see you in two weeks in CT. =) nice job in everything. YOSHI IS a VIABLE char!!!

umm shiz, something mac. you guys were so nice and I enjoyed having playing and talking to you guys. i cant wait to come to fl again to play with you.

esame.. omg omg omg another good yoshi player... i cant wait to see you repping yoshi in future tourns..

cdog - just nothing i could do against you... best pit ever.

loki - lol sorry about the 3 stock mk on fd ... u had no idea!! i should have warned u.. lol but that wouldnt be very competitive like! im sure next time u will be ready lolol.

8 -i never seen soemone have as much fun and put so much drama into a match than you did. u totally tricked 3 times! lol

inui - lolol. your awesome. had so much fun this weekend. nice job with 5th.. I am now finally seeing through ur cockyness and seeing what a good player you are.. I cant wait to train some more! whhhhhyyyy didnt you ban battlefield!?!!?

dm- o well, sheet happens.. your awesome. see you tomorrow lolol.

djnintendo - too cool. stop bowser humping the screen!

reflex - lolol sooo funny and unique.. just like wario! you really have fun when you play.. such a good sport about everything. too good.

fearless - sigh were u sandbagging against me the night before!!?????? lolol gg's.

noj and xyz - best game and watches i ever seen...

afro- lolol you are hilarious! so happy all the time!! your presences totallly MADE the tournament. come to the east coast!

doh and other peach player that I cant spell your name right but u took 7th? or 5th with peach in melee singles.. tooo funny the both of you. was awesome getting to know you... play brawl! get over the fact that its not melee! play both and have fun! and im jealous I didnt get to go to sea world =(

omg this post is so long and so grammatically broken... I probably forgot soo many people but I cant type anymore! I can finally get some sleep after 6 days! thanks for a great tournament FL!!! =)
are you some sort of f@ggot?!? f@ggot boi!


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Seriously though, Hylian's shirt deserves some recognition. What a fashion savvy dude that Texas kid is.
Wow. XD. Talk about my hair >_>...


Texas...is ****ed. Our car broke down like...80ish miles from Pensacola. We are in a hotel..we don't have that much money...and we are trying to find a way home. If anyone could maybe house us for a few days that is near here that would be awesome...hopefully we figure out something before then...

:( :( :(.

I will do shoutouts when I get to texas. Which could be...weeks :(.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
Hylian, I'm moving to Pensacola this Saturday, but I'm sure you'll be gone by then.

I'll PM you Drumma, RAM, and Boomstick's numbers since they live in/around Navare & Mary Esther. They might be able to help you out.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Shiz vids YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhh....i think I can live again.

What about more melee vids? Were only Grand finals recorded???

Cuz lord knows we all wanted to see Afro try to play melee xD xD xD *cough*phail*cough*


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Melee vids are Rexx's department, and several matches were recorded. Brawl is...i don't remember who recorded them. All i remember is somebody with a giant *** camera sat right in front of me watching M2K vs Afro, and between the camera and the afro i could see snakes damage...yay screaming when everybody else does.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2008
Cooper City. FL
Melee vids are Rexx's department, and several matches were recorded. Brawl is...i don't remember who recorded them. All i remember is somebody with a giant *** camera sat right in front of me watching M2K vs Afro, and between the camera and the afro i could see snakes damage...yay screaming when everybody else does.
Lol I wish I coulda had more friendlies on sunday.
I watched almost all of Afro's games.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
Tampa, FL where the hoes be at!
Melee vids are Rexx's department, and several matches were recorded. Brawl is...i don't remember who recorded them. All i remember is somebody with a giant *** camera sat right in front of me watching M2K vs Afro, and between the camera and the afro i could see snakes damage...yay screaming when everybody else does.
Lol esam i was right there with ya buddy


Smash Apprentice
Jan 8, 2008
I am working on the vids guys.
Sorry its taking so long, I actually have real life things to do, unlike everyone else that just b!tches on the boards all day. LOL
My YouTube account is mobiusmaster so just keep checking back there, and I will post links eventually.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
lol at dmBrandon for thinking I'm annoying because I was hyping my boy xD That's fine if you think I'm annoying after not even talking to me.

And a bigger lol at everyone thinking Gmoney is some pretentious, arrogant **** o_o

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