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Q&A "Everyone Look At Me!" The Marth Video Critique Thread.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2012
Mineral, VA
Okay, so there are a few smashers (7 to be exact, a Shiek, two Links, a Mario/Roy, a Bowser, and two who switch around) in my area, but they're more n00bish than I am, basically, I live in a place where dead deer pictures litter the newspapers, so gamers aren't common, especially ones who play games from 10 years ago. I'll practice the advanced techniques, but I'm not sure if I will be able to find somebody with experience to really implement them on.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
Even if only one of those seven players is willing to learn advanced techniques and practice competitive melee, then that's still infinitely better than only having CPUs to play against. You should really try to convince them.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 16, 2012
Please don't make fun of my n00bness...
[COLLAPSE="Advice"]General advice: Less Dsmash, less Jab, less counter, less shieldbreaker. Or at least use them at more appropriate times. They are laggy and easily punishable, and unless used more sparingly will hurt you lots. Grab more. Marth's grab range is the longest non-tether, and it's awesome. Work on advanced techs like L-cancelling etc but I'm sure you knew that. Fastfall. Shorthop. I think the quickest way for you to improve is watch a lot lot lot of pro videos. I highly recommend Dr PeePee's footage from Apex, and anything that any of the big name players around here have touched. You'll get a better sense of when you should be doing what.

Breakdown of video:
0:00-0:10: Don't approach from above like this. Marth can do borderline nothing if he's under someone. If that link decided to utilt, uair, usmash... you'd be in for a world of hurt. If you fastfell near the end there, it would have saved you some pain.

0:10-0:25ish: Double ftilt fmash won't work on hoomans. For the edgeguard on a player this wouldn't work, run off fair, grab ledge to bair, iunno. But just standing there like that won't work on humans. The dair was a nice ending.

0:25ish-1:15ish : Two wiffed counters and a dsmash. Ouch. Against a non-cpu that would be punished, and brutally. Same goes for the three jabs at the air following it. You seem to really rely on dsmash, most times you use it you'd be better off going for a grab. Grab->bthrow->shenanigans->edgeguard->stock market crash. But instead you dsmashed :( it isn't a very good move. The shieldbreaker from the skies is a nice mixup, but you were too close for that to have worked on a human the first time, and the second time a fair would have served you better. The dair on the left platform would have been a better fair. You got a lucky fsmash because of your missed counter following it :p but you weren't able to capitalize. When someone is in a position like that, a dtilt would have poked him off the ledge, whereas even a tipped dair would have just bounced him up like that. The fulljump following this made me nervous, try to avoid unnecessary fulljumps. Fsmash would have killed where usmash didn't. Usmash is pretty bad.

1:15-2:00 : Don't rely on shieldbreaker so much, it's easily punished. For your recovery, you could have saved your jump there, luckily CPUs don't edgehog. Getting off the ledge attacks are typically a no-no, especially marth's over 100 one. A solid finish to the link's stock.

2:00-2:20 : Doublejump shieldbreaker? That's a bad bad idea. When you lose your double jump, your chances of getting gimped rise exponentially. And a 7% shieldbreaker attack that leads to nothing is by no means worth that risk. You do some nice aerial juggling for a minute against link there, this is one of if not the strongest areas of Marth's playstyle, focus on that kind of stuff more :D Stop using shieldbreaker so much :x

2:20- end: Nice bomb catch, not the best use of it though. Sweet finish. LESS SHIELDBREAKER

Sorry if any of that came off as harsh, you had some good moments in there. You definitely need to work on using advanced techniques (wavedashing, shffl, etc etc). Watch pro videos to learn when to use what a bit better. Do those and you'll get a billion times better :D! hope this helped in some small way.[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2012
Mineral, VA
Ok, I "convinced" the Mario/Roy guy, because it turns out he wanted to get better as well. As it turns out, I live nowhere near Wisconsin, but in the tiny rural county of Orange, Virginia. We don't even have a Starbucks, and they're everywhere!

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
I work at starbucks, so if you convince them to make a starbucks there suggest me as the Store Manager and i'll smash with u e'rry day.

But VA has some good players: Azen, Chillindude, Chu Dat, Tope... Also Dr. PP lives in NC. I'm sure you can find exceptional people within an hour or so drive. In the mean time, play with your friend a LOT. Practice as much as you can and you'll improve rapidly.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2012
Mineral, VA
I work at starbucks, so if you convince them to make a starbucks there suggest me as the Store Manager and i'll smash with u e'rry day.

But VA has some good players: Azen, Chillindude, Chu Dat, Tope... Also Dr. PP lives in NC. I'm sure you can find exceptional people within an hour or so drive. In the mean time, play with your friend a LOT. Practice as much as you can and you'll improve rapidly.
Alright, if there ever is a Starbucks here while I still am. I had no idea all those smashers lived anywhere near me, because I've heard of them... As for my friend, we already play casually on Fridays (I lug my Gamecube into the school and we play during lunch), and we live pretty close, so that's going to help out a lot.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2012
Mineral, VA
[COLLAPSE="Advice"]General advice: Less Dsmash, less Jab, less counter, less shieldbreaker. Or at least use them at more appropriate times. They are laggy and easily punishable, and unless used more sparingly will hurt you lots. Grab more. Marth's grab range is the longest non-tether, and it's awesome. Work on advanced techs like L-cancelling etc but I'm sure you knew that. Fastfall. Shorthop. I think the quickest way for you to improve is watch a lot lot lot of pro videos. I highly recommend Dr PeePee's footage from Apex, and anything that any of the big name players around here have touched. You'll get a better sense of when you should be doing what.

Breakdown of video:
0:00-0:10: Don't approach from above like this. Marth can do borderline nothing if he's under someone. If that link decided to utilt, uair, usmash... you'd be in for a world of hurt. If you fastfell near the end there, it would have saved you some pain.

0:10-0:25ish: Double ftilt fmash won't work on hoomans. For the edgeguard on a player this wouldn't work, run off fair, grab ledge to bair, iunno. But just standing there like that won't work on humans. The dair was a nice ending.

0:25ish-1:15ish : Two wiffed counters and a dsmash. Ouch. Against a non-cpu that would be punished, and brutally. Same goes for the three jabs at the air following it. You seem to really rely on dsmash, most times you use it you'd be better off going for a grab. Grab->bthrow->shenanigans->edgeguard->stock market crash. But instead you dsmashed :( it isn't a very good move. The shieldbreaker from the skies is a nice mixup, but you were too close for that to have worked on a human the first time, and the second time a fair would have served you better. The dair on the left platform would have been a better fair. You got a lucky fsmash because of your missed counter following it :p but you weren't able to capitalize. When someone is in a position like that, a dtilt would have poked him off the ledge, whereas even a tipped dair would have just bounced him up like that. The fulljump following this made me nervous, try to avoid unnecessary fulljumps. Fsmash would have killed where usmash didn't. Usmash is pretty bad.

1:15-2:00 : Don't rely on shieldbreaker so much, it's easily punished. For your recovery, you could have saved your jump there, luckily CPUs don't edgehog. Getting off the ledge attacks are typically a no-no, especially marth's over 100 one. A solid finish to the link's stock.

2:00-2:20 : Doublejump shieldbreaker? That's a bad bad idea. When you lose your double jump, your chances of getting gimped rise exponentially. And a 7% shieldbreaker attack that leads to nothing is by no means worth that risk. You do some nice aerial juggling for a minute against link there, this is one of if not the strongest areas of Marth's playstyle, focus on that kind of stuff more :D Stop using shieldbreaker so much :x

2:20- end: Nice bomb catch, not the best use of it though. Sweet finish. LESS SHIELDBREAKER

Sorry if any of that came off as harsh, you had some good moments in there. You definitely need to work on using advanced techniques (wavedashing, shffl, etc etc). Watch pro videos to learn when to use what a bit better. Do those and you'll get a billion times better :D! hope this helped in some small way.[/COLLAPSE]
Thank you very much for providing such a detailed response, it means a lot to me that you took the time to do this. It helped me look at my playstyle from a different angle.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 16, 2012
Thank you very much for providing such a detailed response, it means a lot to me that you took the time to do this. It helped me look at my playstyle from a different angle.
Glad to have helped! Real important: I accidentally said Marth can do borderline nothing when under someone, I meant to say when above someone. Marth LOVES being under people, HATES being over people.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2011
So I play Marth but I'm new so heres some mediocre advice.

Especially on FD, you don't abuse your grab game enough. Tech chase on falcon is easy and upthrow utilt combos at mid 40's. Grabs can also help get him off stage

You nair too much . Try going for more uairs fairs against Falcon.

Simplify your edguards a little against Falcon. Hes super easy to gimp just pick an option and play it out.



Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware

I'd like another Marth's perspective on this.
You got creative with the edge guarding at times but most of the time if you ****ed up you got the kill anyway with little or no extra %. Sometimes however you didn't. I will give you a pass though because you collect good footage for yourself and I can use it :cool:

all in all you do as good as you can in this MU from what I can see

The only BAD thing that you suffer for is being caught jumping in the air.


^ Deaths as a result of you being caught jumping.

Also I advice shortening the Dancing blades if you see they miss initially. Twice I saw you use it and the Falcon just waited for it to end and then attacked you.

aside from that I suggest being more serious with the edge guarding.(by serious I mean doing what is safe and not what looks cool).

Also try to stay down to earth. If you get your head to far in the clouds I promise you'll run face first into a knee:awesome:


Smash Ace
Oct 4, 2010
Lawrenceville, GA

I'd like another Marth's perspective on this.
Dart is probably the best person to get falcon advice from, but my experience in the MU pretty much boils down to spacing, pure and simple. Falcon, with his speed, can neutralize Marth's spacing game very well, so it makes approaches very difficult. Approaching with nair is ok, but you'll get grabbed out of it if you aren't careful. Something I've been using lately with moderate success is to jump in with nair, but hold away once the nair comes out. It stops your forward momentum and isn't expected so falcon can miss a shield grab and then you can punish. If you are dash dancing to bait the approach, know that 95% of the time he's gonna aim through you. Overshot nairs and knees are his butter. Keep this in mind and you can destroy his approaching game with retreating fairs or WDing underneath his jump.

Metal Reeper

Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2006
Abington PA

I'd like another Marth's perspective on this.
Uthrow Falcon gives most frame advantage. If you ever Dtilt Falcon off stage run off and fair him once or twice. Its a super easy kill. You can Uthrow>Utilt at around 42%. Approach more with Dtilt>GTFO. Punish missed techs with Dtilt. That Falcon loves to throw out random knees lol. You ledgehopped very much and got punished for it many times.
3:05 would of been a good time to ledgehop>nair.
I loved 6:13 to 6:20 lol.
10:45 you dair falcon and had an amazing positional advantage but you WD back and Usmash. You should of stayed out of his get up attack rang and punished him for whatever he did. He was very cornered.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica

I'd like another Marth's perspective on this.
First off, I love your Marth.

I'll just say this:

I think you gave him way too many "undeserved" hits. That is to say that I think he got too many hits which he didn't even work very hard for; you just gave it to him. The last stock of game 1 has you full hop bair-ing his back air on your shield, and then you gamble with a utilt and he shieldgrabs. The last stock of game 3 has you jumping into a knee, and then ledgehopping into a grab, nervously tech-rolling into the stage twice, and floating into two uairs. There are more unforced errors than just those (the side-B first stock game 1 or how you almost gave away game 2 by doing a full dancing blade iteration on your last stock) and I'm sure most of these were because of nerves but they add up.

The good news is that you won the neutral game by a humongous margin. You were approaching and hitting, and defending very well. He couldn't hit you, and you seemed to get hits whenever you damn well pleased. I'm not sure if he EVER got you with a falling uair, nair, or dashdance grab. Thats ridiculous. The trouble was that some ambiguous situation would then pop up and then you seemed to just throw yourself into his **** lol. I say just focus on keeping yourself safe in those positions and try to figure out a way to stop putting yourself in such awkward spots.

Thats my general breakdown of what I saw in that set. 3 specific things though:

1) You kept trying to punish knee on shield. Moi caught on, and this was your ultimate undoing (the dsmash at the end). Falling knee has huge frame advantage on shield iirc; try to be more patient.
2) I don't like nair as an anti-air in this matchup unless they are really low to the ground. You got back-aired quite a bit for it, especially when he full hopped. Maybe try DD grab or uair instead? You had a lot of problems with his constant jumping around (see: first 2 stocks of FD and the final knee on shield). You seem more accustomed to playing grounded Falcons because when he did that your responses were very solid.
3) He kinda outsmarted you on the ledge after a bit. You answered his aerials at the edge with ledgehop counter...good adjustment. But then he grabbed immediately after you jumped. Its cool to see people adjusting back and forth a bit but maybe try to mix it up more?

I hope I wasn't too harsh. Thats kinda the nature of critiques but overall I think your Marth is really solid and I found it super impressive how you controlled the neutral game...the first stock on stadium was just perfection.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Don't jump so much vs falcon, and especially stop double jumping. You lost plenty of stocks from just double jumping for no reason and then he looked for a trade with his knee. Not to mention its so easy for him to bait you out, and its very hard for you to actually land the hit unless falcon walks into it.

Personally, I think utilt is a horrible overhead in the match-up since falcon can DJ to avoid it and fall with a stomp/uair/knee. Try to force him into playing the horizontal game. If he is jumping a lot, don't try to meet him face to face in the air but instead zone him out from the ground with dash dance. If you want an overhead, use uair since it leaves you more more mobile. If he is committed to jumping in on you (ei, you saw him double jump and he is moving in your direction) feel free to utilt since the hitbox is quick and safe, but otherwise its just a bait.

Stick your edgeguards. I mean seriously, falcon is the easiest character in the game to edgeguard, besides maybe ganon, and marth is one of the best edge guard characters around. You can literally jab him to death if you want to. There is no excuse to have less than a 90% edgeguard rate.

Learn the m2k stage guard. If the opponent grabs the edge, you stand so that your dtilt hits the stand in place but you can grab the roll. For falcon, you don't even have to worry about attacks from the edge since they have such low range. The jump option is somewhat tricky, but its risk/reward for falcon is still pretty ****ty (get hit and eat a combo/die or get feet on the ground).

Work on your reactions in general. There is a lot of fsmashing in tech chases where you are guessing and you guess wrong and drop the combo. All you have to do is look which way they are going and react. Sometimes you get the fsmash, but your focus should be on not dropping the combo not ending the combo as soon as you can. By all means, get him off the stage as soon as you can, but don't try to force a hit you don't have.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
The biggest thing hurting you is DJing out of getting hit at low %, then eating another hit with no jump and dying at extremely low %.

At various times you're also putting yourself above Falcon (during his respawn, for instance) and you just absolutely can not do that cause uair will destroy you for free. Make a conscious effort to stay under or level with Falcon at all times.

I like your edgeguarding just don't miss them.

Nice utilting.

Don't do full side B strings from full screen lol.


Smash Cadet
Oct 20, 2006
i cringed when you were edge-guarding with the n-air.... I mean, it was cool a few times, but why not go for the good 'ol f-smash? or the f-tilt? or even the down-tilt (which you did use!)? basically, almost anything BUT the n-air...

I mean, if you're trying to be flashy try a sweet-spotted f-air --> d-air combo. It just seemed like for the effort you were putting in, the output was negligible. I think he may have been able to recover from them if he had di'd up :/. I supposed there is something to be said for move preference and originality, but i'm not quite sure what that would be at this moment. In general, i suggest a safer edge-guard.

also, I would refrain from using the complete sword dance.

on another note, nice ledge-hopped aerials. :)

just my $ 0.02



Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
yo moon

watched first two games

problems i saw:
-your ledgeguarding..it needs to be more..staple. it seems not properly thought out for alot of what i saw.
-you were above falcon too often in the neutral game, giving him free uairs.
-you gave him too many free hits off you swinging unsafely.

just what i saw


Smash Ace
Oct 4, 2010
Lawrenceville, GA
What do you guys think of my Falco game?
Getting better. Verses Falco, don't forget about those retreating fairs OoS that we talked about at Tipped Off 7 they ****. At 1:35 you had an easy dair for a spike but you wiffed an fsmash and then it cost you a stock cause of that silly trade. Especially on Yoshi's, if you put em in the air to the edge of the platform, it's best to almost always jump through spike. Because of the way YS is made they can't really DI to the platform or stage and it's a kill even at low percent.

Your Powershields make me angry :p

Why you no Ken combo @ 5:24?? Does your tag mean nothing to you!!! :D

Also, I told you Pokemon Stadium was good vs spacies.

I'll watch the rest later.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
Getting better. Verses Falco, don't forget about those retreating fairs OoS that we talked about at Tipped Off 7 they ****. At 1:35 you had an easy dair for a spike but you wiffed an fsmash and then it cost you a stock cause of that silly trade. Especially on Yoshi's, if you put em in the air to the edge of the platform, it's best to almost always jump through spike. Because of the way YS is made they can't really DI to the platform or stage and it's a kill even at low percent.

Your Powershields make me angry :p

Why you no Ken combo @ 5:24?? Does your tag mean nothing to you!!! :D

Also, I told you Pokemon Stadium was good vs spacies.

I'll watch the rest later.
You're right about...everything! I didn't Ken combo because I was afraid I was out of range, and I knew the double fair would kill all the same. And yes, PS is like, my counterpick against spacies now!


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
counterpicking spacie stadium against spacies? Who do you think you are? Taj?

also if you aren't feeling the Ken Combo try going for Reverse UpB...They are so ****.


Smash Ace
Oct 4, 2010
Lawrenceville, GA
counterpicking spacie stadium against spacies? Who do you think you are? Taj?

also if you aren't feeling the Ken Combo try going for Reverse UpB...They are so ****.
Pokemon Stadium is a poor man's FD. No middle platform in neutral, no wall for spacies to ride on recovery, and each transformation has a section that benefits Marth, the key is not to get caught in those bad areas. Or, camp em out if you feel so inclined.

Oh, forgot to mention that the fact that the edges of the stage are set higher than the middle on some transformations -really- aids Marth's edgeguarding game. You can sit on the low center and have the range to dtilt, jab, etc, and cover the sweetspot.


Smash Ace
Oct 4, 2010
Lawrenceville, GA
You're right about...everything! I didn't Ken combo because I was afraid I was out of range, and I knew the double fair would kill all the same. And yes, PS is like, my counterpick against spacies now!
Definitely not out of range there. I only mention it because, while the fair worked you'll end up seeing that range again and you might be on a different stage or closer to the stage or something else that would lead to not getting the kill. Spam is right, dolphin slash would have worked as well. You could even side b first which would have connected and closed that range you were suspect about, followed by any marth finisher. But hey, you knew double fair would kill so I'm fine with it!


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2010
Also, I told you Pokemon Stadium was good vs spacies.
Very debatable. Unfortunately transformations really are ugly as only one of them is ok for marth (water). I agree that the platforms are some of the best if not the best for marth combos but i really don't think it makes up for the fact that you give spacies a huge amount of room to lazer like hell. I dont think that is beneficial. Against fox i think its less of a problem except if you get caught by a wall but against falco i think its not good. It's winnable and i probably wouldnt ban it against fox but against falco i am not inclined to go there.


Smash Ace
Oct 4, 2010
Lawrenceville, GA
Very debatable. Unfortunately transformations really are ugly as only one of them is ok for marth (water). I agree that the platforms are some of the best if not the best for marth combos but i really don't think it makes up for the fact that you give spacies a huge amount of room to laser like hell. I dont think that is beneficial. Against fox i think its less of a problem except if you get caught by a wall but against falco i think its not good. It's winnable and i probably wouldnt ban it against fox but against falco i am not inclined to go there.
...Did you not see how well Ether was powershielding? If I could do that, I'd rock PS and FD all day.


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
Yeah he plays the MU right. Not sure SS played it right though. He has to realize that the shocking jeff stuff from 2008 will get you killed now. Everyone's seen it and is ready for the fsmash edgeguards for example.


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2007
Vegas, NV

I clicked on the link, saw the MU, Immediately Fast forwarded to the end, saw you get hit by the jankiest dsmash in the world, and then threw up all over my keyboard. . .

Im pretty sure youll get him next time

and remember that it's ONLY falcon. . .


Smash Ace
Oct 4, 2010
Lawrenceville, GA
Start following some your fast fall fairs with grabs on falco. It *****.

If you hit falco off stage, 99% of the time they try to side b back onto the stage instead of going for the ledge for some reason. WDing towards the ledge, then jabbing to interrupt the side b is really effective. Most falcos will drop down then up b and you can counter if you so choose or go get em. Some falcos will air dodge towards you right away or shine stall, but you can punish that crap too.
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