Well, that bit at the end was the most interesing IMAO.
However, it also bothered me quite a bit.
The Wii's waggle isn't very fun not because it can't be fun, as we have all seen games where the waggle worked, such as the launch title Twilight Princess. It's that developers choose not to put the time and effort necesary into making the motion controls an enhancement to the game.
The problem I have always found with voice recognition is that it doesn't ever seem accurate, and involves somewhat embarassing yourself in public by talking to inanimate objects. I didn't even like Phoenix Wright's use of it though, so take that opinion with a grain of salt.
But most importantly, I want to know how the technology will be utilized in future FPSs. The fact that not a single FPS control scheme using Natal seemed to be mentioned, but rather "virtual friend" was used instead, bothered me, and indicates the future of this technology IMO.
I did like that there appeared to be a title though, but I didn't like the lack of mention of a price point and a release date. Is it coming out in late 2009 or late 2011?
I actually hope this succeeds in bringing motion controls to the FPS genre, but what I've heard so far does not seem to indicate Microsoft has any intention of bringing Halo to Natal. Instead, it sounded like Natal will be used for minigame compilations and a friend simulator. This seriously worries me.
Why does every introduction of a motion technology for video games begin with a minigame compilation? Wii sports, Squeeballs, and now Natal's paint throwing demo.