that sounds like a lot of theory. because if JP were really as good as you say, shed be a good character instead of a contender for bottom tier.
you have to look at things from a "what actually happens in the game" perspective. first of all, how much she can play keep away, is limited by a few huge factors.
1. As a sonic main, and as a sonic main that usually doesnt kill people until about the 160-180 mark, knowing that I dont expect JP to be living past 110% is a huge statement.
2. No projectile, and much priority as pound has, she cant spam it, and the fact is that eventually she has to get inside to do anything, and if you play a game focused on trading hits with JP every time she goes inside, you really cant help but win.
3. human error, eventually, even the best JP player is going to mess up his spacing, and she takes punishment worse than every other character just cause she dies so fast