The issues of piracy in China go well beyond mere entertainment. It is prevelent in dozens of industries, from air conditioners to software, and is interestingly used to get around Chinese censorship, and while I support opposing Chinese censorship, I cannot support mass-producing someone elses work and then pricing the creator out of the market.
But sticking to the entertainment industry, you like blockbusters, right? Not the chain, but rather big, popular movies.
These movies are good because the entertainment industry is thriving. Their success is based on the ability to create a work, and have exclusive rights to sell their own works. The video game industry especially needs to have it's works protected so that the most expensive projects remain commercially viable to create. If you have a solution that's free and gains the game and movie makers their returns back for making monoliths, I'm all ears.
Seriously though, the sense of entitlement that simply prevails among so many downloaders is a bit of a social disease in that they don't appreciate the morality of the reality. No one has the right to listen to music, rather, people are given the priveledge to choose between spending money on expensive to produce music and listening to the trash created by first time youtubers in their living room. You get what you pay for, and you will pay for it one way or another. So do you like to pay a buck for an ipod song, or would you like to listen to a furniture store commercial every time you put in your favorite song? Or would you like to settle for the mediocre? Either way, if it's worth money and costs money, the money must be extracted from the viewer one way or another, lest all big budgets be destroyed. I'd like to only worry about having to pay upfront, personally.