Myself and 99% of this sexy community, want to have fun while playing Melee, meaning we won't resort to camping or never approaching because it's just not fun.
I play aggressive and sometimes get ***** for it, I may lose sometimes because of it but I do it because it's fun. I will never be some campy *** player 'cause it's just boring in my eyes.
People tend to leave the fact that a lot of players don't want to play defensive and campy in their posts.
In friendlies, do whatever the hell you want. In tournament, I expect people to play to win. If it turns out that whatever subjective notion you have of what is "not fun" wins, then I'm going to use it.
Of course, as ShroudedOne pointed out (and props to him for being one of the few people to actually make this very important point), what is fun is subjective. Some players legitimately enjoy camping. It's annoying to you because you enjoy the opposite, and what they're doing also works
against what you're doing, i.e., if you're trying to be aggressive and get in your fun-*** combos, it's not going to be easy if your opponent runs away.
2. that said, an interesting corollary to hax's argument is, if the metagame ever does "degenerate" to the point where defensive play straight out beats offensive play, i think you could make a pretty good case for melee 2v2 being richer/deeper than 1v1. you can't really camp in 2v2, haha. plus the cast list is arguably much more balanced because of the mechanics inherent in teams gameplay
I want to make it clear that defensive gameplay is not in any way
shallower than offensive gameplay. People should not worry about the game's
depth when they notice a tendency towards defensive gameplay. They should worry about subjective preference (which is a normal exercise one goes through before choosing to compete in any game).
Anyway, I would say that it's almost tautological that 2v2 is deeper than 1v1. It seems obvious to me that taking a game which maintains a very similar gameplay to 1v1, and simply adds additional "characters" (in this game "characters" are combinations of characters), as well as additional players, will necessarily add depth.