dude melee is hella underdeveloped in the technical aspect
a lot of this is due to the fact that we don't have any good way to practice those things
practicing things like powershielding, and shield dropping, in applicable situations requires you to have another person (yea u can shoot a laser w/ ur big toe and powershield it 90% of the time, but u know that ish is coming and chances are ur not shl'ing w/ ur toe)
and yea u can shield drop consistently thru bf platform while ur idle opponent idles idleally
but when ur getting shield pressured in a tourney set ur first thought probably isn't goign to be to shield drop it's to revert back to ur old habits
an example i can give
i'm consistent with ledge hop smash missile re-grab
i do this in matches, friendlies, tournament sets, etc.
i have made this a aspect of my ledge game that i exploit
(go try to do it, seriously, that **** is no joke, there was a time when i could not do it at all, 0% of the time, for weeks of on and off trying, slow mo trianing mode, it was hard)
but i spammed it in matches, friendlies, tournament sets, because when u grab the ledge ur in a no pressure environment very often
so it really was just me having a second and thinking it'd be nice to shoot a missile here, and i can re-grab it
so i spammed it and spammed it and that allowed me to practice it consistently whenever i was playing people
now, the next very hard techniqe that i see potential for, though less of it, is SHFFM
i have tried to implement this, and have gotten fairly consistent with it, and can see myself becoming 80% or so consistent with it, but it's very very hard to apply in a match because it's something u do while u and ur opponent are on neutral ground
and as a samus player, going in the air is dangerous
so it's not something i get to spam a lot for free, because when my opponent sees that i jump they jump at me and i don't want to do it again
so i stop. this has haulted my progression with the move severely, but it's so hard to do something that u know u can be punished for and it really doesn't offer much advantage in a lot of situations, but it is something i feel is worth implementing
there are tons of techniques like that, and because we have no way to practice these things in real scenerio's other than playing friendlies w/ peolpe, where it's quite often more than 2 on a setup andu don't wanna do something to get knocked out of rotation
or maybe ur buddy doesn't want to sit there and let u practice this thing for the length of time u need to to get consistent with it
i totaly lost where i was going w/ this but what i'm saying is that melee, tech wise, is underdeveloped
powershielding projectile and physical attacks are both viable options that are extremely hard to practice in applicable situations w/o risking missed opportunities to perform tried and true punishes.
also a lot of other ****.