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Q&A Doc General Discussion: Ask and ye shall receive ft. otg and Shroomed!


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
Do you think that would work on people that smash DI my jab up? Sometimes I jab grounded opponents and they actually pop up off the ground. I wonder if usmash is fast enough.....

I generally jab uair that, but the usmash will definitely be useful. Especially if it catches them trying to jump after the jab DI.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Do you think that would work on people that smash DI my jab up? Sometimes I jab grounded opponents and they actually pop up off the ground. I wonder if usmash is fast enough.....

I generally jab uair that, but the usmash will definitely be useful. Especially if it catches them trying to jump after the jab DI.
I just like u-smash because it's u-smash.

I think it might be fast enough though on some characters. I'm thinking ones with tiny DJs like Ganon and ****.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
KK, that's the exact reason why I also think I don't do as well as I could.

I use jab->d-smash TOO much. I need to mix in more jab->grab, jab->aerial
Don't forget about u-tilt. Sometimes you can catch them doing something and get the launching hit. Or if you're near the edge, end up hitting them away. Also less risky than d-smash sometimes if you hit a shield or something

Btw, what's your ethnicity? (race/culture/w/e)



Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
shroomed spams jab>dsmash too much....

he should jab>grab near the edge...

alot of people shield cuz they are scared near the ledge.
He should ledgehop -> waveland -> d-tilt vs spacies when they are at +60%

There were several instances in his matches vs Zhu where Zhu was taunting near the edge with b-airs while Shroomed was in shield.

The optimal way out could have been for Shroomed to wavedash back to regrab the ledge to regain invincibility. And then to immediately ledgehop -> waveland -> d-tilt to setup edgeguarding.

It's an underused mix-up that catches a lot of players by surprise.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Some tips for shroomed whenever he sees this:

3 step guide to Edgeguarding pika with most characters 101:

1. Take the ledge
2. Neutral stand when he makes the first up-b motion
3. Punish landing lag with either f-air or f-smash (with doc)

Alternatively with doc, cape a bit early to cover the sweetspot, and punish the landing lag. Even if you get hit by the up-b.

So neutral game, CC his n-air into grab or d-smash.

U-tilt through his n-air

D-throw -> u-tilt -> etc at low and mid percents.

D-throw -> f-air

SHBAWD to stuff approachesif trying to force a gimp or high percent edgeguard

More CC vs n-air and u-air

Cape close range thundershocks

At work. More later



Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
Some tips for shroomed whenever he sees this:

3 step guide to Edgeguarding pika with most characters 101:

1. Take the ledge
2. Neutral stand when he makes the first up-b motion
3. Punish landing lag with either f-air or f-smash (with doc)

Alternatively with doc, cape a bit early to cover the sweetspot, and punish the landing lag. Even if you get hit by the up-b.

So neutral game, CC his n-air into grab or d-smash.

U-tilt through his n-air

D-throw -> u-tilt -> etc at low and mid percents.

D-throw -> f-air

SHBAWD to stuff approachesif trying to force a gimp or high percent edgeguard

More CC vs n-air and u-air

Cape close range thundershocks

At work. More later

Will remember all this for next time. I mostly forgot the pikachi matchup and need to relearn it. I used to know it pretty well.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Needs most Canada!

Also shroomed, I think things are getting really cutthroat at your level. You need to really combo d-throw -> f-air. Your set would've at least been much closer vs axe if you did it. Cuz he lived to like 170% sometimes because you would opt not to do it.

Also, probably would've beaten armada if you did the combo



Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2011
the peach window is quite small tho I agree, there was definitely some times he couldve done it.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
You know what sucks? I made a mental note to jab->grab more before this tournament and didn't even do it.

I will sit down and seriously practice d-throw fair. I agree with you guys, if I could do it even 50% of the time I'd improve quite a bit more.

Be on the lookout for my good results at Apex.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
I still have the controller that I made you sign at Pound 4, Shroomed.

Keep raising the bar for Doc players.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2012
Cupertino, CA
So my general improvements/thoughts lately:

-My spacing got way better and is currently the strongest part of my game
-I've found some neat uses for Dair. Mainly because it pierces through a lot of stuff vs Peach/Puff
-I suck at wavedashing into grabs/jabs. Seriously. I dont know what I'm doing wrong, but it seems like I mess it up all the time.
-In general landing grabs is really hard for me
-Vs. Falcon I pretty much lose once I go offstage. I'm doing my best to sweetspot the ledge, but I can't seem to recover at all. I have a similar issue vs Marth
-Still can't play vs Marth in general. Might get better once I get WD jabs/grabs down. CC downsmash and uair is helping though.
-I lose my midair jump when I really shouldn't be.
-I never seem to use the tornado when I actually need it, but I use it a lot when I don't need it to recover.
-I can't chain Uairs together at all for some reason.

I guess i'm basically just asking for general help. Been struggling a lot recently in friendlies
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