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Q&A Doc General Discussion: Ask and ye shall receive ft. otg and Shroomed!


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
does anyone tech chase with doc? especially after you miss a re-grab or hit someone. I wanna get good with reading techs with doc cuz u can cover more options it seems, but i struggle so bad with it, cant even do it with falcon let alone doc hahaha
Tech chasing is a challenge for me because I can't get used to it yet. It's takes a bit longer for me to learn tech chasing than it does for me to wavedash (WD) out of shield (OoS)!

If I knock an opponent to the ground away from me and I predict him/her to tech roll away, I either crouch-cancel (CC) a dash to D-smash, F-smash, or just go for a grab.

If I expect the opponent to get straight up, I just stop in front of him/her with a CC or WD and charge a smash attack since I can release it on point.

(Now this next one's my favorite!!)
If I know the opponent is scared of me and will attempt tech rolling behind me as I'm running towards him/her, I WD backwards and charge a smash attack (Dsmash/Fsmash)! They will roll right into it, and you will feel amazing that you smashed them out of roll behind you, and your opponent will feel OWNED and discouraged! I recommend trying this technique win you have you're opponent by the edge of the stage (because they will want to roll AWAY from the edge to have a better chance of staying on the stage)!

The safest move I can think to do on a fallen opponent is to go in front of them and put up a shield. This way if they do a get-up attack, just shieldgrab (SG) or spot dodge it into a free attack. If they get straight up without attacking, SG that junk anyway :chuckle:. And if they roll away from the shield (right or left) just WD OoS into any attack (Ftilt to be quick, Dsmash or Fsmash to be sick, or a grab to be slick)!

Playing against tech-chasers used to be annoying as hell because I didn't know how to tech-chase. But now I can annoy the crap out of my opponents with tech chasing.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
tech chasing scenarios that are pretty common.

if you are more towards the middle of the stage, and your opponent closer to the edge, and you hit him with something and they have a chance to tech, theres a good chance they try to techroll behind you towards the middle hoping that u chase them outside.

if you are closer to the edge and your opponent more in he center, and u hit them, chances are, they are goign to tech away from you to get as far away as possible. So i just run straight to where they ae going to end up and do something.

Thats pretty much my theory. Then it gets even funnier cuz after you make a read it increases the chances that they try to do the opposite tech next time and u just go for that one lulz
hopefully that is somewhat understandable.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
theres this smasher called caotic and he mains peach and i cant beat him =( just asking for tips against peach and some links to some good doc v peach vids?...thanks


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
Sh and standing pills are useful vs peach. Pills in general. If you cape her float it looks coool cuz she goes flying up, but of the top of my head i dont see how thats useful at all.

Fair. Fair is good against peach. Dont try to beat peach in a priority war.
A lot of peaches like dash attacks soooo sheild grab them if you see them coming. Dont try to sheild grab her FC arials though.

if shes floating above you (literally just above you) well spaced uair works.

dont challenge her on platforms.

I'd say FH dair. But thats cuz i do that in every match up without question.,..with the exception of marth. lol...and roy but we're talking about important match ups.

You're not really gonna be able to edge gaurd her =[

You can grab the ledge if yoou think shes going for it, but if she isnt then yeah lol. Bair'ing her away works ..again only really if shes coming in low lol.

Try to get her when shes pulling turnips. Stay well spaced from her at all times (Close enough you can get to her , but just out of her reach, like a marth) Fair when she does a silly dsmash or ****s something up. Dsmash, fsmash...w/e just punish her mess ups.

I'm almost positive i'm leaving out something useful. O_o .Meh.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2009
@ the barnyard
If you cape her float it looks coool cuz she goes flying up, but of the top of my head i dont see how thats useful at all.
Couldn't it ruin her spacing? and you do mention being able to **** her from below since she has like nothing to throw at you from above.

shes floating above you (literally just above you) well spaced uair works
Anyways, I didn't know that, I always try to challenge the priority wh*re and end up dying...so I'll keep that in mind.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I don't think her Dair will beat your Uair.

Trade, perhaps.

But then you take 2% and she takes 9% and possibly even loses her float.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
She can still beat it w/ a dair...i think. >_> but it works for me a loot.
U-air will beat the d-air. Her n-air on the other hand, will most likely beat your u-air. Trade at best.

In the matchup, b-air is definitely your best tool. It's good in almost any situation in the matchup.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
I Finally Beat A Good Peach In Tourney This Sat


1. Lunin
2. Zhu
3. Silentspectre
4. Shroomed

i hate always placing like this


when will i b in that mix? WHEN!? :(

guys, dont get nervous when you play or you will get *****
zhu 2-0'd me cuz i missed a uthrow fair ON FD at the last stock
silentspectre jus obliterated me cuz i turn into a little girl when i play him now


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
did you beat pink shinobi?
this guy is funny, that was funny

i wish lol, he wasnt there

i wanna get better tho and do better in tourney

i roll/spot dodge SO MUCH vs silentspectre it's not even funny

i feel like i never play him anywhere near my best cuz im hella intimidated lol

EDIT: HMW didnt go so no vids lmao


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
guys, dont get nervous when you play or you will get *****
zhu 2-0'd me cuz i missed a uthrow fair ON FD at the last stock
silentspectre jus obliterated me cuz i turn into a little girl when i play him now
I was playing off 2 hours of sleep and I was up like two stocks and was just being sloppy.

Just saying!



The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
So I go away for a weekend, and you guys are fighting about tech chasing and then "That guy" is in here?

>.> Sheesh.

Ima post some stuff about TO5 sometime 2morrow. T'was hilarious (LOL at anybody who saw my wack 5 minutes of fame. (Well, 25 if you count my match with m2k lol). Im still holding onto the truth that hbox broke my arm in crew battles.)


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
im not sayin i wouldnt have lost zhu lol

im sayin i wouldnt have gotten 2-0'd

read the fine print!!!!

anyways, REMATCH

EDIT: Why are you on the doc boards zhu? lol


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
theres this smasher called caotic and he mains peach and i cant beat him =( just asking for tips against peach and some links to some good doc v peach vids?...thanks
I beat a decent Peach player the other day too! The Peach matchup's not terribly difficult as long as you got room to pill spam or the Peach isn't too campy on big stages (Like Pink Shinobi)! I know I just talked about Peach about on page 283.

Don't challenge her on the platforms if you are under her; that D-smash is too good. If she's in the air, the spaced Up-airs are effective (and B-airs too depending on how low she is).

As for edgeguarding, staircase the pills by bouncing them high off of platforms. This is really effective if she is recovering from up high! If she is recovering low enough, you should just keep knocking her back off with B-airs.

But on a side note, pills tricks are 50-60% of this matchup IMO.


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
The vids of cactus and hmw are in the crew battle. Second last part. 6 i think?
Cactus is a genius lol. Its like 'you cant beat me if i dont run in without thinking! I'm fox!' lololol .


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
Oh, I was supposed to type some stuff about To5, I've been slacking all day, my bad.


I did want to say that, over the years, alot of fox mains "feel as is doc does real good (and/or) soft counters fox)". I've always laughed dead in their face when they said it, but it's not an unheard of concept.


And as for the whole "throw pills at peach" strat, that works perfectly fine unless you come across a peach that knows how to get around/through pills. It's not hard for them to do at all, really. I've played mike g enough recently to know what it's like.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008

And as for the whole "throw pills at peach" strat, that works perfectly fine unless you come across a peach that knows how to get around/through pills. It's not hard for them to do at all, really.

I agree.
It doesn't work on my brother and it didn't work on OMGage or Paff.

Once I get "in", It's sort of aggro.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Last I checked, and forever when I checked, Battlefield was one of the neutrals Links hate.

Does everything short of killing their hookshot recovery. Everything else they dont mind too much about it.
Link players should love battlefield it is one of their better stages for the most part. Besides maybe ganon and marth is all good.

Dogy got 9th at Tipped Off 5. Everyone worship him while he gets mad at me for promoting him.
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