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DDD Social: we livin' in smash 4

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Nothing much dawg, practicing my secondarys cuz d3 sucks. How bout you?
Sorry, late reply was due to me practicing also. Working on Powershielding again. I think im above average with it but I want to be awesome at it. It seems like despite being bracket ****ed at the tournament people are noticing my growth.

Also I was pitching this before but what does everyone think about a DDD PR :D Friendly competition to get hype for our penguin. :D


Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
St. Louis
I dunno. But at the very least if we couldnt do a traditional PR we could still do something like:


I think something like that would be really cool TC. Since D3 is a King, we could do something with a royal court or something, with King being highest.

But like you said, the problem with D3 mains is that they often times dont go all or even almost all D3 in tournament. But I think as long as they use him for half (?) or something it could count towards to PR?

Also, I think PS is obviously important in the MU, but I don't think it will make or break it. I feel I'm a pretty good PSer (to the point that people comment on it), but I think there are a lot more important variables in the MK MU such as making good predictions, making the most of your punishes, and patience. Not to say that Psing isn't important though, because it is. But I will agree, it's one of the few things you can actually work on for it.


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
I'm going all d3... forget the have beens YOU OLD ATOMSK

/will probably end up going MK

DDD PR sounds like a terrible idea how will regional bias be avoided? Maybe keep it to EC there's no DDD's on WC anyways they all suck.

Plus there's a top 5 thing in the Tactical that our very own coney is running.

Image unrelated.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
Plus there's a top 5 thing in the Tactical that our very own coney is running.

ddd PR seems silly...unless you do it like a fox PR i guess, but do we really need a PR for that? CO and atomsk are the big daddies, vex+junk+lingling+beef+me are the second-in-commands, etc.

though i pretty much go all ddd in tournament

cept for MK, going wario for that ***** now

and maybe for ICs too

i actually think a ddd main interview thread would be a lot more interesting, to be honest

everyone go vote in my thread, by the way

c-tiers are really really really really rare!

oh, and click my sigs, why dontcha

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I just want to bring something fun to the DDD boards is all. I don't see the harm in a PR but an interview thread seems fun also. Hell I'd even run it. I just think there are a few things we could do to bring some activity here. Doesn't necessarily have to be all metagame discussion either.

I think that if we did run a PR or category thing it would be more successful doing it like the Foxes do. But like I said my main objective is just bring something fun here.

What are everyone elses thoughts on an interview thread. Could be done weekly/bi-weekly.

Coney can I get a link. I can't see sigs on my Blackberry :(

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
An interview thread sounds fun. I've seen it on a few other character boards, we just have to get the interviewees to actually answer the questions, assuming we can get in touch with them.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
That shouldn't be a big issue. We can interview established DDDs like CO18, Atomsk, Vex, Junk, Coney, CBeef etc. And then upcoming ones like TUSM, Alby, Serin, me, ___insert others here___. Thats a good amount.

Let me do the interviews <3

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Did you want to be interviewed also? You are a pioneer D3 after all. I think I'm going to make the thread soon and we can vote on who gets interviewed first. Or if there are any volunteers that works.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
LOL I have no problems with you being first to interview. I don't think anyone else would either. I'm gonna go make that thread now.

EDIT: I made it, I hope no one minds. Seibrik jumped into it so I put him up first. The next spots are totally open though.Its up to you guys how you want this to work. We just do an open list and first come, first serve. Or we can do a vote.

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
LOL I have no problems with you being first to interview. I don't think anyone else would either. I'm gonna go make that thread now.

EDIT: I made it, I hope no one minds. Seibrik jumped into it so I put him up first. The next spots are totally open though.Its up to you guys how you want this to work. We just do an open list and first come, first serve. Or we can do a vote.
Me next.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
^ I'm just gonna do first come first serve I suppose. Obviously some of our more seasoned D3s *cough Atomsk, Junk, Coney, CO18 cough* are encouraged to volunteer asap.

Vex I'm putting you on the list.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
You, my friend have been added to the list. Any D3s interested just hit me up. Let's have some fun with this!

EDIT: Also something weird happened today. Well its not weird to me though. But anyway:

I was playing a friend's Luigi today and mid-way in the match I get deja vu. I realize it and I'm thinking " I know everything that's about to happen in the next 10 seconds" He attempts to FF a Neutral Air, I know its coming so I pivot grab > CG to the edge. I decide to D-Throw him. I know he's going to Cyclone up so I just back away. I then think "He's going to take to the skies" So he goes in the air. Then the next thought that comes to mind is "I'm going to Waddle Dee Toss. The first one will be a Waddle Doo that goes he jumps over and the second will be a Gordo, he will airdodge back to the ground to avoid the Gordo. only to fall victim to a second Gordo."

Sure enough that's exactly what happens. Step by step. Each detail I had predicted happened in the exact way I saw it. I win the match. It was weird. But cool.

Whenever I used to get deja vu I would just realize the moment that had just happened and thats it. Its different now as when it happens I can accurately predict each detail of the next 15 seconds or so. It sounds weird I know lol



Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
St. Louis
Lol, double Gordo? Good stuff xD

I agree that CO, Vex, Atomsk, Seibrik, Coney, Junk etc should be the first interviewed. I look forward to reading them!
And after you do the more important guys, I would be willing to be interviewed as well. Also, someone should interview you too, TC. Haha

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I was pleased with the double Gordo <3

And I would like to have all of the D3 board regulars get interviewed :D Myself and you included. But yeah I'm waiting to see if the others will volunteer first. We got Seibrik, then Vex and then Junk so thats a great start right there.


ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I didnt know there was an Australian Smash stereotype lol

And yeah I made a D3 Interview thread and Seibrik volunteered. Now he just has to answer the sea of questions that people have asked in just one day. Its bringing some activity though so im very pleased. good idea Coney :D


Smash Champion
Jul 27, 2009
In an alternate universe.
Well, I don't know if you'd call it a stereotype at all.

People here just compare ourselves to you Americans and complain about the big skill difference.

I'll ascend to greatness. I WILL. I has a winners mindset.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
lol it was just one of the most non-epic ways the big villain dies I've ever seen. The rest But as a whole Soul Eater just kept getting better and better.

I need a new anime to get into though.


Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
St. Louis
So, a circuit event was canceled this weekend and Metalmusicman decided to host a local tournament instead. I got first in my pool of three (we had the smallest pool for some reason) at a local this weekend (me Hylian and Oranos). I was kind of happy with that. Hylian tried to plank me with MK and GandW (there was no leadge grab limit) but I pulled it off somehow haha...just got a lead and tried to maintain it and force him to approach.
I only got seventh in singles though. I lost to MKs barely...twice. I did double blind with Hylian in winners and went ROB because I though he was gonna go ICs, and he went MK. I came kind of close that game, I though I did well for the MU. Then I counterpicked to D3 (I should have just went Wario...)
Other MK I lost to was fairly close and I could have won it if I played smarter.
When we did crews, it was dumb, but fun...they couterpicked Ripple with me then I was counterpicked by Hylian's Ice Climbers...I couldn't switch because he stayed FD. Lol. It was fun though. Hylian took 10 total stocks I think? Haha

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Pretty good to take a set off Hylian though. :D

I havent had any Smash fun this weekend just been partying before school starts up. This is going to SUCK. But I should still have some time for smash. I'm really working at becoming a better player. I wanna be that next powerhouse D3 :D

Also I got bored and made a thread in the forum. :) Trying to bring some hype is all.

Oh and 600th post in just 2 months lol



Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
i guess i'll be next in line for interviews

i beat logic 2-0 in winners this weekend

then lost to him 4-1 in losers, continuous sets

he went on to win the tournament

remember guys, no matter how good you get against olimar, it's still gonna be hard
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