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DDD Social: we livin' in smash 4


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
I dededecided M2K again today. It was in friendlies but he seemed very irked about it as he said "That doesn't count" and pressed L+R+A+Start. I was quick to politely voice my opinion of why, in fact, not only did it count but it was highly rude to stop the match whilst other people were playing and that in the future I would appreciate it if her were more of a sportsman.

Cold Fusion

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ JIGGLYPUFF OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Mar 30, 2009
Wtf is up with the title? Did someone hack my chao garden?


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
I'm watching Away We Go, its some good ****.

"Tell the people what you konw about babies Ronald!"
Fat kid "Babies are exciting and the like to breath air. One time I put a pillow over a babies head and I thought he wasn't breathing but he was. He got lucky, but next time I'll get em"
Mother disturbed, takes fat kid away.

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
what? at least i didnt make fun of you like every other time(i started to XD)

I dededecided M2K again today. It was in friendlies but he seemed very irked about it as he said "That doesn't count" and pressed L+R+A+Start. I was quick to politely voice my opinion of why, in fact, not only did it count but it was highly rude to stop the match whilst other people were playing and that in the future I would appreciate it if her were more of a sportsman.
Lol too ****ing good Gates.
Hit that ***** with the polite and calm attitude lol.


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2006
Spencer MA
1-NickRiddle is amazing, but the fact that NO ONE in the South or many other regions knowing this matchup with D3 is a problem. This matchup is not easy, and I believe it deserves a lot more attention than we care to give it. It's not like the matchup is super easy or something, it's not even in our favor.

2-I Think me doing bad against NickRiddle was a combination of him being better than me, me not knowing the matchup, and me just playing like *** most of the day. Regardless I still deem this matchup more important than we're giving it credit for, and I feel a lot of d3's would agree If they played a good ZSS. *Junk get in here please?* ZSS may be weak ont he ground, but how long does she even really have to be on the ground? Once she hits you with a dtilt, neutral b, side b, down smash, utilt or fast falled u air you're going to be in the air *her strength* and you're probably going to be getting juggled. ZSS has the tools to keep D3 at bay while also keeping ******* pressure on him at the same time. She also somewhat ***** us off the stage and can easily KO us by just getting one Dsmash off. He wasn't even killing me with Side+B *who still dies from that?* I was dying from his gimps for the most part and the fact that when I got hit with a down smash at around 100+ I got hit with guaranteed fair/bair. Her jab is fast and I don't think we can shield the 3r'd hit like other characters can. Therefor she can get some pretty stupid **** on us + she already has that dumb Chaingrab which leads into a dash attack and potentially a down smash. It's hard to pressure zero suit, she has just the right tools to keep us out when she want's and to get her in when she wants.

3-Atomsk beat snakeee when? Like 5 months ago? I don't even rembmer, but the fact of the matter is that the matchup is not something to sleep on. Also what other D3 plays Dazwa besides Buuman? I don't even know if buuman's ever beaten Dazwa's ZSS *correct me if I'm wrong buu*. The matches I saw he had switched to MK, and they were also very old.
Last time I played Dazwas Zero suit in tourney, was last december. I got ***** when I used MK against his Zero suit. I beat his Zero suit with dedede and finally knocked him out in a MK ditto when he switched to MK. knocked him into loser that tourney...me and dazwa havent had any real matches since then.


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
my replies are in blue

I wasn't considering this matchup in our favor. Its just not an impossible matchup at all.
You shouldn't ever get hit by down smash. well not very often at any rate if your air dodge gets predicted that's it

You shouldn't ever get grabbed lolololol ZSS has an awful grab. Its my worst habit with her, trying to use her grab. grab is very useful especially if you know the chain grab... it just depends on who has momentum, stage position, and percentage
ZSS may be weak ont he ground, but how long does she even really have to be on the ground? she's good on the ground... i count short hop height grounded because you basically have the option to do grounded things almost immediately

Once she hits you with a dtilt, neutral b, side b, down smash, utilt or fast falled u air you're going to be in the air *her strength* and you're probably going to be getting juggled. this match should take a long time if the ZSS isn't sloppy on air chasing and your patient on landing because of what you just said

ZSS has the tools to keep D3 at bay while also keeping ******* pressure on him at the same time. keep in mind pressure in brawl is just stage positioning usually... there's usually very little shield pressure

She also somewhat ***** us off the stage and can easily KO us by just getting one Dsmash off. He wasn't even killing me with Side+B *who still dies from that?* I was dying from his gimps for the most part and the fact that when I got hit with a down smash at around 100+ I got hit with guaranteed fair/bair. Her jab is fast and I don't think we can shield the 3r'd hit like other characters can. Therefor she can get some pretty stupid **** on us + she already has that dumb Chaingrab which leads into a dash attack and potentially a down smash. It's hard to pressure zero suit, she has just the right tools to keep us out when she want's and to get her in when she wants.correct
Are you ****ing crazy? You WILL get hit by Dsmash. That **** is inevitable. I got grab like 7 times in a match vs N.Riddle and it wasn't even that bad if he missed.that's because you have horrible habits and you move without thinking a lot but im a noob dont listen to me
matchup is evennnn~~

BUT, it's like peach, sheik and the other women in the game: if you don't know the character or the matchup at least at a basic level, you're going to die, and die hard.i agree... its definitely not in the list of ddd's "dumba$$ hard" matchups
You shouldn't really get hit by dsmash. Most of Nick's dsmashes just come from predicting an airdodge while you're in the air. I just jump away. Hes got a few grab tricks. Like jab --> retreating pivot grab which works quite a bit and other such. MU def isnt impossible. Think my record vs nick is like 5-1 in tourney. Its like even IMO. I also have bad habits vs zss like I airdodge way too much vs her instead of just dairing which beats all of her moves and I get punished for it alot by nick. I do think nick is the best zss right now though. bias
this is what most ddd's do wrong vs zss:
1) blank out in the beginning of the match and get ***** by pieces (there is no zss that uses pieces as well as warp from what i've seen so far)
2) air dodge into d-smash (example setup: zero suit baits the grab, spot dodges, and u-tilts you, you air dodge because ddd's air dodge is good and you just got ***** by a dodge -> attack maneuver so you try the same thing)
3) goes for the grab like an idiot
4) don't know how to powershield side b (powershielding side b is the difference between free grab or having to roll away and reset)

commander beef showed me rolling in on reaction to side b... it's a decent mixup but you can get d-smashed

what i do in the beginning is just jump around a lot and use the instant catch-throw (don't know what it's called) to get rid of pieces quickly unless zss shows an obvious mistake then u can throw it at her... otherwise zero suits moveset is much better at gaining control of items than you

after that its just knowing how to powershield side b and shielding a lot... avoid/bait the grab at zero

over 100% zss likes to use her broken get up attack so u can bait it by walking near the ledge shielding, then spot dodging the attack (she climbs up for a little bit so spot dodge later than you think you have to) then buffer u-tilt and it'll kill her or if u dont think u timed it right just charge d-smash even if u hit her shield she'll get knocked off so your safe

if youre air chasing try to force her away from the center of the stage by covering the inside landing point... its okay if she lands if she's on the outside of the stage that means your at advantage. she's going to want to use her good f-roll here so just be aware of that.

random long post hi ddd's


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
cause co18 knows the skill level of warpstatus since genesis being in florida right? they didnt even play a friendly at genesis so basically co has no idea

if he played warp and snakeee recently itd be different

and everyone is biased. im biased too but im not the one making absolute claim

in the end i dont really care i was making a joke (being called the best anything doesnt really change anything) but ur post was so dumb


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
You guys remember the visible hit box thingy?

Any non-lazy, programmer type dedede want to jump on this and get OUR hit boxes visible-ized? PLz? Someone has already done MK, Snake, Wario, and Marth...
Keeping on this...

I honestly want to see DDD's Fsmash. I'm pretty sure than shenanigans allow for it to be combo'd into.

Also: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=255755

1 hour of team making, 45 minutes of typing, and 30 minutes of listening to Eminem while testing this team.


Smash Champion
Dec 11, 2008
Redondo Beach, California
woah beef actually didn't get the sarcasm there. I thought he "didn't get it" and posted serious about it on purpose to act more beef-like and such.

<3 Beefy :)
Purposely? To act more like..... myself? To act more "beef-like" is just eliminating my presence even though I'm still present. Because you're saying to act more like myself, which is just saying that I'm being myself.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
I just got done watching a bunch of Street Fighter III matches (a game whose characters I actually enjoy, previously I had only seen 1, 2, and 4 for some reason) and Hugo is worse than DDD. All he does is his low kick and grab.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
2 and 4 are basically the same game so if you don't like one of them it's not surprising you'd dislike the other.

It's also not surprising that of the Street Fighter games you'd like the SF3 series the most since it was basically Capcom's attempt to rip off Guilty Gear (in terms of flavor, not gameplay).

And Hugo is terrible in Third Strike. 3S is horrifically unbalanced even with the parry system. Hugo is to 3S what Link is to Brawl - Very, very bad. I don't know much about 3S but from what I do know, a typical top16 looks like this.

and one guy using Dudley for the lulz.

And where would you even find videos of SF1?
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