Deleted member
This.In my opinion, JC grab is to all grabs as Brawl wavedashing is to all forms of movement. Why use any form of grab other than JC grab?
hahaha, oh wow.The difference being the amount of time to perfect. JC grabs takes maybe 1/1000th the amount of time to get reasonably consistent. The reason people didn't want wave dashing is b/c it scares anybody who doesn't want to put the time in - away from playing the game. The same goes for L-canceling.
fix'dWell that's the whole thing with dash grabs Greenpoe, some chars (oh hi Samus) can use their dash grabs for extended range, but others completely suck.
I'm not arguing for JC grabs to replace any other method, but simply to add another option; shield grabs will still offer that very...."tight"... feel where the grab occurs basically right where you input it, while JC grabs allow for a little sliding beforehand (what shield grabs did before in vB).
Not necessary I agree, but I think it would be beneficial to the offensive grab game.
Comparatively to the other two Smash games, we're missing a viable offensive grabbing technique.
Melee had JC grabs (offense), shield grabs (defense), dash grabs (practically obsolete), and standing grabs (didn't happen to much).
64 had two types of standing grabs: one interrupting a dash (offense), shield grabs (defense, which is lulz in 64), and standing (again, wasn't used all too much).
We're missing a good offensive tech for offensive grabs in this game.
By adding JC grabs we'll be making dashgrabs obsolete, just like wavedashing would make certain characters' run obsolete. It would also add a need for mindless and unnecessary input (l-cancelling anyone?).