Smash Champion
My most profound apologies. You obviously know what you're doing when it comes to making a game as enjoyable and deep an experience as possible.
While I thank you for the upwards/downwards grav modifier, I'd like to say that until you actually prove you have some reason to be so uppity, you try and think about what parts of your speech to emphasize.
For the sake of argument: Fox is coming in with a dair at 0%. If you shield, you're going to get grabbed. If you don't, you're going to get combo'ed. Rolling and sidestepping aren't options, as one gives up your positioning on stage and the other not only takes time, but leaves you at a disavantage. What options would be better in this situation than CCing? You absorb the hit, but are left with just enough advantage that if you guess properly, you're not going to eat a crapton of damage.
EDIT: SHeLL, I've been working with B+ since the first codes were released. Before Kupo and even WindOwl started drawing attention to B+ with their (respectable) threads. Just because I haven't been actively posting until just now doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about.
So with all due respect, stop riding his jock, mangz. So what if he's a coder? A douchey response is still just that.
If the B+ mods are really that strict, there's something wrong. I've argued with a few top players on these boards without fear of mods. Shouldn't be any different for codemonkeys.
SUPER EDIT: I'm not saying OMFG WE NEED CC. It was an idea that I wanted to throw out there, and I found that paprika's response was a little bit testy for my tastes. Kupo's response was fine, even though it was still a negative towards CC. If you don't want to do something, don't. Just don't be a **** about it.
While I thank you for the upwards/downwards grav modifier, I'd like to say that until you actually prove you have some reason to be so uppity, you try and think about what parts of your speech to emphasize.
For the sake of argument: Fox is coming in with a dair at 0%. If you shield, you're going to get grabbed. If you don't, you're going to get combo'ed. Rolling and sidestepping aren't options, as one gives up your positioning on stage and the other not only takes time, but leaves you at a disavantage. What options would be better in this situation than CCing? You absorb the hit, but are left with just enough advantage that if you guess properly, you're not going to eat a crapton of damage.
EDIT: SHeLL, I've been working with B+ since the first codes were released. Before Kupo and even WindOwl started drawing attention to B+ with their (respectable) threads. Just because I haven't been actively posting until just now doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about.
So with all due respect, stop riding his jock, mangz. So what if he's a coder? A douchey response is still just that.
If the B+ mods are really that strict, there's something wrong. I've argued with a few top players on these boards without fear of mods. Shouldn't be any different for codemonkeys.
SUPER EDIT: I'm not saying OMFG WE NEED CC. It was an idea that I wanted to throw out there, and I found that paprika's response was a little bit testy for my tastes. Kupo's response was fine, even though it was still a negative towards CC. If you don't want to do something, don't. Just don't be a **** about it.