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Character Rankings List - Post-March 2010

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Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2009
Dallas, TX
^^ good stuff hrnut. Also glad to see payin out 4th place. Tough to get that far and get no consolation prize


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
1: Joker - Snake
2: MJG - Toon Link
3: Razor - Meta Knight
4: Fino - Olimar
5: Nappy - Snake
5: Kit - Wario
7: Cook - Olimar
7: Nicole - Peach
1. 4th Best in New England (Fatal/Fear) (Snake/Metaknight)
2. IcyLight (Olimar)
3. Bizkit (Snake)
4. Bloodcross (Falco/Metaknight)
5. Patg (Zero Suit Samus/Lucario)
5. Boxy + Poky ='s Love (Peachkid) (Peach)
7. Copacetic (Toon Link)
7. Mikeray4 (Snake)

Yeaaaaaahhhh! Well done both of you.



Smash Master
Apr 30, 2008
Miami, Florida
Actually, before I post one of the results I want to resolve this.

In one of the recent tournies, there were 51 people entered, but only about 5 or 6 of them (including myself) were any good. I don't know if it should count towards the rankings, but everyone did pay at least $15 to enter, so... =|

I mean, some of the people's names weren't even recorded. They were just jotted down in the finals results as "Toon Link player" and whatnot.

Can someone help me out with this, please?



Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
**** it, Kirby. Start getting represented.
What do you expect? The majority of mainers aren't super competitive, and a better version of Kirby is MK... His lack of representation doesn't surprise me.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
The sad thing is that a lot of the people who go to win tourneys prefer winning them than having fun. :(

Lucario's suffering from the same thing, by the way: Why play Lucario, when you can play Marth? We are both underrepresented because there's an overall better version of us in the roster... :mad:


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
lol @ comparing lucario to marth

they both have fast fairs and tipper properties on a long ranged fsmash. that is the extent of any similarities, in almost every other aspect they are completely different.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
lol @ comparing lucario to marth

they both have fast fairs and tipper properties on a long ranged fsmash. that is the extent of any similarities, in almost every other aspect they are completely different.
I'm pretty sure there's more to my statement than what you think. Their approaches are similar (save dairs), their follow-up options are also comparable, and their spacers used nearly the same way (approaching and retreating both). I find Lucario and Marth to be of closer comparison than some of the cast have with other characters.

And why would you lol @ a generalized comparison? If it was such an obvious comparison with Marth being the victor, then no one would use Lucario. The reason why there are Lucario players, and why Marth is not an upgraded Lucario, is because Lucario isn't similar to Marth... But they ARE comparable. See what i mean?


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
on a moveset basis...

marth has all around fast moves with considerable afterlag vs lucarios allround slow moves, lingering hitboxes with low lag on top of that.
Marth has a whole range of attacks which either KO early or late pending tipper. all of lucarios attacks KO late or they can all KO early (minus fair) depending on %.
Marth has all his pokes which require a follow up to pressure the shield or else it is not effective vs Lucario who can attack the shield and then retreat with little fear of retaliation, his attacks are not quick enough to continue attacking a shield safely.
Lucario's projectile forces people into making mistakes while marth simply doesnt give the opponent options to punish.
Marth has a good grab but bad throws, Lucario has a bad grab with good throws.

They're so different... The limited extent of that which is comparable about them can not really justify an all-round comparison. Thats like saying he is comparable to MK because their fsmashes are similar or DK and his attacks on shields :/


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
on a moveset basis...

marth has all around fast moves with considerable afterlag vs lucarios allround slow moves, lingering hitboxes with low lag on top of that.
Marth has a whole range of attacks which either KO early or late pending tipper. all of lucarios attacks KO late or they can all KO early (minus fair) depending on %.
Marth has all his pokes which require a follow up to pressure the shield or else it is not effective vs Lucario who can attack the shield and then retreat with little fear of retaliation, his attacks are not quick enough to continue attacking a shield safely.
Lucario's projectile forces people into making mistakes while marth simply doesnt give the opponent options to punish.
Marth has a good grab but bad throws, Lucario has a bad grab with good throws.

They're so different... The limited extent of that which is comparable about them can not really justify an all-round comparison. Thats like saying he is comparable to MK because their fsmashes are similar or DK and his attacks on shields :/
You're looking at specifics instead of keeping an arbitrary view on both characters. Sometimes a 3rd person view can give info that would otherwise go unnoticed by a 1st person. Look at them both fight in a match, and you'll see that both Lucario and Marth have the ability to do the same options safely, in a few situations. The point is NOT to say that Marth is a better Lucario, but to say that Marth is overall (which means generally, with all pros and cons taken together, with all comparisons weighted) better than Lucario.

I'm pretty sure that some of Lucario's hitboxes resemble Marth's and can be used the same way as well as vice-versa, for example.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
I was expecting someone to say this, since both words can get confused...

Like I said: I'm stating comparisons, not similarities. By comparing I'm not saying they're the same things which vary only in a few things, instead I'm saying they act in a way that can be paired to each other but still have many differences, but will be put side-to-side for purposes of discussion.

Oh, and look closely at both quotes... In my first quote, I said an OVERALL better version, which means that after the comparison is made, enough points have been gathered to say that there are a few things between both characters that can be applied the same way, but Marth has more strengths and less weaknesses compared to Lucario, thus the OVERALL before the statement. Saying that MK is a better Kirby is not the same as saying MK is an overall better version of Kirby. The first statement implies that all their options are the same, while the second does not imply anything, but that MK is better than Kirby yet they still have comparisons.

Edit: This has gone off-topic long enough. I just wanted to make a small statement saying why Lucario and Kirby both aren't as well represented as other characters around our placings are.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2009
Miramar, FL.
on a moveset basis...

Marth has a good grab but bad throws, Lucario has a bad grab with good throws.

Marth's throws give him cgs that go up to 51% on characters as well as 0-deaths.

Fthrow and dthrow open up alot of follow ups such as aerials, tilts, db, regrabs, etc.

Uthrow obviously allows him to set up juggles something marth is very good at <.<.

Bthrow isn't that great though.

So why are they bad ? Because they do little damage?


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Any two characters are comparable...

Also, you know, Marth is better than Lucario, so that statement is completely true... but why play Marth when you can play MK? ;)


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Any two characters are comparable...
Not at the same point Marth and Lucario can be compared as, though... But whatever, I just wanted to state MY reason as to why both Lucario and Kirby are underrepresented compared to the rest of the characters around their placements are, not discuss the reasoning behind my choice of words.

Also, you know, Marth is better than Lucario, so that statement is completely true... but why play Marth when you can play MK? ;)
Which is why you don't see Marths being as plentiful as MK, right? The easiest road to victory will always be the most populated one.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009
San Mateo, CA
Any two characters are comparable...

Also, you know, Marth is better than Lucario, so that statement is completely true... but why play Marth when you can play MK? ;)
Anyone who wants to win should main MK, but they don't. I guess its not the first time humanity ignored logic =x


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
Actually, Lucario is starting to get a lot of rep, if you look at the most recent list, Lucario is 9th o_O
Most up-to-date rankings, no details: (last updated October 31st, 2009)

S: Meta Knight, Snake
A: Marth, Diddy Kong
B: Falco, Ice Climbers, Wario, King Dedede, Lucario
C: Olimar, Toon Link, ROB, Mr. Game & Watch, Pikachu, Pit, Zero Suit Samus, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Link
D: Wolf, Pokémon Trainer, Ike, Luigi, Sonic, Peach
E: Yoshi, Zelda/Sheik, Ness, Ganondorf, Fox, Lucas, Mario, Samus, Bowser
U: Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon
And actually, Lucario can be compared similarly, but at the same time, both have some drastically different things about them, such as Lucario's lingering hitboxes (one of the reasons why he does really well vs. ICs), aura (obviously), projectile, harder to juggle, weaker setups, and slower but generally safer vs. shield moveset. Also, Marth has longer ranged actual disjoints, but Lucario's hurtbox is more involved with his disjoints, and his actual disjoints are trascendent in priority, making him more like MK in that regard.
Edit: a lot of the above explained it for me in better detail. Even kirby has some pluses going for him, like better aerial mobility (not directly correlated with attacks), copy ability, and some better punishing capability, some of which MK can lack. I can' say that they're way different, but there's some slight difference between them (like a command grab, copy abilities, etc.)

@ C.Box: I might be putting words into his mouth, but I think he wasn't talking about how Marth's throws are terrible, but in themselves aren't as versatile and require reading to further their purpose. Yes there's a ton of nice stuff with the aerial setups and tipper fsmash leads (and the spacies throw -> dair stuff), but they only really do that and put them in compromising positions. Lucario's may not be excellent in that category, but Lucario's do other things, like string (bthrow, dthrow, and uthrow all do this decently), give needed space and time to charge AS again, make AD traps and setups, and even kill (fthrow and FP are really good grab kills, and uthrow can setup for uair which is a really good killing aerial at high %s).
Also, I don't recall characters being confirmed 0-51% CG'd, unless your talking about those spacies with the fthrow -> fthrow -> dthrow several times, or even the "Kadaj combo", but those when I last heard them are situational or escapable with good SDI/DI, thus not always guaranteed.
But marth does have a good grab, with those air release shenanigans and death grab releases on squirtle, Ness, and Lucas.

Also, I think a better comparison is how Marth is like an inferior version to MK, better anti air shutdowns that don't require him to leave the ground, better damage setups even if some aren't guaranteed, better aerials in some situations, especially to keep him safer (like dair), better punishers, and far better offstage game and recovery.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Marth's throws give him cgs that go up to 51% on characters as well as 0-deaths.
Fthrow and dthrow open up alot of follow ups such as aerials, tilts, db, regrabs, etc.
Uthrow obviously allows him to set up juggles something marth is very good at <.<.
Bthrow isn't that great though.
So why are they bad ? Because they do little damage?
just about every single character in the game has similar traits with their throws ie; putting the enemy where they want them.

You cant say always throw is good when you start joining it with another trait. the juggle that follows from uthrow is completely independant from the throw that put them there, considering a great many number of characters have throws which put the enemy in similar places, but does more damage/knockback.

I acknowledge his overall grab based game is quite good because of the low knockback from the throws allows quick follow ups the enemy cant exactly react to quickly, but they do leave a lot to be desired, especially when you manage to grab an enemy near the edge of the stage, lucario's b and fthrow can outright KO and similarly to marths, put the enemy in a very bad position with a full charge aura sphere between them and the stage. I guess I would rank marths overall grab/throw game somewhere in the top 12 or so with lucarios much lower, like 22 or so but his throws do have the potential to directly cause stock losses more often than marths imo :/

I agree with ur 2nd to last post Kewkky, but I dont think the reason lucario is under-represented is because people who play him can play marth instead. I just cant see why that would happen. At least there is some link between people using MK over kirby, given theyre both from the same series and have a lot more similarties than other chars (multiple jumps, dthrow combos, high priority attacks etc)

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
if you want to compare a character as being a worse marth, it would be link.

seriously tho. i have yet to see or meet a link main that didnt actually main or second marth


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Not at the same point Marth and Lucario can be compared as, though... But whatever, I just wanted to state MY reason as to why both Lucario and Kirby are underrepresented compared to the rest of the characters around their placements are, not discuss the reasoning behind my choice of words.

Which is why you don't see Marths being as plentiful as MK, right? The easiest road to victory will always be the most populated one.
Right, this was essentially what I was getting at on both accounts.

Saying that the two are uncomparable is just false, and that the same logic for why there are more Marths than Lucarios works for Marth and MK.

Truth is, in general, the higher on the tier list you get, the more people rep them.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
I didn't read all of the posts concerning this topic but let me try to interpret it in a more simple fashion.

If I make a statement such as "Lucario and Marth are similar characters," or they "play similarly," I don't mean they have the same F-air or B-air. I think the originally poster meant that Lucario and Marth are very straight-forward linear characters that don't have any abuseable gimmick. (MK's tornado/everything, Snake's F-tilt/nades/U-tilt, Falco's CG/Laser/Side-b, DDD CG etc.) More often than not, save some of Marth's ZD CG's on the spaces, they're not going to be winning matches with any "cheese" strategies or really simple stuff to do, at least against good players. Their victories, in short, are solid play, be smart and you win.

That's what I interpret it as when someone says Marth and Lucario play similarly.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Anyone who wants to win should main MK, but they don't. I guess its not the first time humanity ignored logic =x
That's not entirely true. Just because you are play to win doesn't mean you can do best with Metaknight. There are tons of people who play to win but can't properly abuse Metaknight, so they abuse other characters instead. Look at Ally. Not everyone is Mew2King where they can simply pick out the best character and learn them and win, they have to pick a vialble character that fits their play style and accents their strengths and hides their weaknesses.

Try being a Dedede mai-

Oh wait, he's S tier <_<
He's still under represented though. What, we got like, 3 mains left, the rest being DDD secondaries and Seibrik when he feels like it?


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
May/June 2008
S: Snake, Meta Knight, King Dedede
A: Marth, Mr. Game & Watch, Wario, Lucario, ROB, Falco, Olimar
B: Kirby, Donkey Kong, Wolf, Fox, Ice Climbers, Pit
C: Zero Suit Samus, Peach, Ness, Diddy Kong, Toon Link, Pikachu, Luigi, Captain Falcon, Zelda
D: Samus, Bowser, Ike, Jigglypuff, Pokémon Trainer
E: Lucas, Sonic, Ganondorf, SheikZelda, Mario, Link
U: Sheik, Yoshi
Remember when...

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
try being a samus.

Samus has xyro. >_________>

@Crashic. I've heard that arguement before. I counter it with a "mk is easier to play than 90 percent of characters." Regardless of this set of unqiue smash skills that each person has (that I don't believe are relevant) mk is easy to use and has good results. If you're losing with mk picking up a new main will NOT help you (maybe a secondary for your bad matchup since the advantage mk is giving you is simply not enough lol).

Remember when...
scrubs: "Ppl can use his bananas against him!"
AZ: " He has a move to pick them up. >.>" *waits for results to prove them wrong*
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