So, CF's and Peach's fairs are going to be reversible...are any of the other ones being changed? Like, Sheik's bair, Peach's utilt, etc?
Well, as a sheik player, I actually wouldn't
want to see her bair have reversible knockback. It's actually very useful the way it is.
I still say ledge grab range is fine. It has too many uses in recovery. I think Snake would probably be hurt the most without suction ledges to use for airdodge/hugging the ledge. I argued against it for more reasons long ago and I'm against it for the same reasons now.
We can give different characters different ledgegrab ranges. There are
already differences in ledgegrab ranges in the characters, so it's just a matter of finding the right value in PSA and editing it. The characters that
need a bigger ledgegrab range can retain
some of their ledge magnetism. As it is now, though,
everyone has a mario bros teleport, and there is no reason they all need it.
I'm trying to think of an AT that could be used instead of ledge teching, but fulfill the same basic purpose, in that it keeps some moves from being too good at edgeguarding.
I don't know, ledge teching just feels glitchy and wrong, you're teching something in the opposite direction of the way you were hit......but that's not to say that's enough to not put something in the game, I also just don't like how if you can ledge tech properly you will never get edgeguarded by certain moves, which in turn nerfs the move.
Although, what if we made it so ledge techs actually sent you farther away than usual, but also higher so you could just reattempt to recover and the opponent would have a second chance but above the stage instead of near the ledge. I think that would be good.
Like shell said, it's a perfectly logical progression of SDI and teching. When you're hit, you're put in hitlag
before you're sent flying, allowing you to SDI toward the ledge and then tech it. You could probably argue that it was an
exploit or an
oversight in melee (since sakurai put in a way to stop it from happening in brawl), but
not a
glitch. This happens to be an exploit that added to the game and the smash community likes, so I don't see why we shouldn't bring it back.
The whole point is I think the person on the stage should still have another go at edgeguarding, just from higher up off the stage. In other words the person should still be at an advantage since they did manage to hit the other person while they were recovering.
Uh... what? If you ledgetech, you fall past the ledge (or at least you should when we're done with this). Being
below the ledge means you have
less options to recover, and even though you did successfully ledgetech, the foe still has a positional advantage. If you walljumptech, you're now
above the level and have
more options to recover (this is most notable with fox/falco sideBs), but since you're being launched away from the stage when you do this, the edgeguarder
still has the positional advantage. We don't need to change anything about techs or walljumptechs. We just need to make them possible to do by SDIing into a wall when being hit away.
Make edge teching put you far enough away from the ledge so you won't grab it.
As long as that involves shortening the ledgegrab range, it sounds like a good goal to aim for.
Ledgeteching will not make the edge game more fun, because as it is right now, 90% of edgeguards happen outside of the ledgegrab range, and therefore outside of SDI range.
I think decreasing the edge-grab range should be done before we start thinking about ledge teching.
Ledgeteching and a smaller ledgegrab range are
not mutually exclusive. The whole purpose of implementing either one rests on the other.