Quoting myself here, since I think that I have two valid points that a lot of people skipped.
Sorry that most of the footstools that you see are on accident, but I go for footstools on a regular basis as a Sonic player (since he has guaranteed combos into and FROM it, and even occasionally go for it while recovering. The fact that footstool's implementation makes it possible to do them accidentally does not automatically mean that they have no possible competitive use. It needs to be reworked to be more controllable yes, but the actual mechanic is perfectly fine.
Firstly, I think that all but one of your posted videos are from vBrawl, where everything is a lot s l o w e r. Secondly, I thought I was very specific that I wanted links to competitive Brawl+ matches w/ intentional footstooling... of which none of those links are.
Now, you say that as Sonic, you go for footstools. That's great to hear, since I use characters that lack the mobility to apply dynamic air pressure. But as much as i'd like to take everyone's word as unbiased truth, i'm a skeptic. Videos showing them used in competitive B+ matches would prove, without doubt, that footstools are a solid technique that can be applied in high level play. But as it currently stands, I do not see them happen in B+ due to the higher risk and conditional reward over more safe approaches.
That's why I want to see it used in a real time match w/ high level players.
(airdodge canceled footstool) It should solve the input problem without forcing players to assign a new "footstool" button like they would've had to do with my old idea for it.
While that would certainly clean up accidental footstooling, it doesn't address my position that the technique is generally impractical and unsafe in high level play. Again, I don't play the kinds of characters whom would seemingly most benefit from footstooling, which is why I want to see evidence of their real time use. It's just that, as it stands, I never see them used purposely by anyone, leading me to suspect that things look better on paper than in actual play and that most support from them are just theories or very character explicit.