I have a question about the Nayru thing... would things like water gun and air damage (DDD and Kirby's inhale damage, as well as the start of Ganondorf's up tilt) count as "a hit" and take away the super armor? I'm guessing not, but just wondering. Also, same question with respect to throws and or pummels (if, hypothetically, you were pummeled but got out of the throw). It is lost on hit, right? Is there a time limit to it or will it only go away on hit? Regardless, the new Zelda looks amazing. Same with Yoshi and the DK clap thing is amusing and pretty cool (yeah, I know it's getting nerfed / fixed up, but I mean the concept in general is cool). I vote yes to it hitting people on the ground if you can somehow make it not OP (only if they're directly under you? If that were possible that could be cool... I dunno). Also the new Yoshi (potential) Yoshi looked really cool... was anything nerfed about the over b other than damage?
Another question... I was already told megacrash is not going to be in the game (unless you guys are trying to fix it? I was under the impression it just wasn’t gonna happen), but what about baroque?
Wow, I'm asking a lot...
I do have one more question though... is Peach's slide back distance (after down tilt) determined by how fast you do the next action or... I dunno, I haven't figured out the timing as I rarely do it on purpose in matches... maybe I just need to practice it / know where the timing is, but it'd be nice to be able to do one distance vs. the other on purpose more consistently. Should I save questions like this for the Peach- forum? If I asked anything that you guys don't want to answer and/or should be asked elsewhere, I apologize and please direct me where.