You know, having something like bair or fair reflect would be the route to go imo.
Ftilt is already a staple move.
But bair is only really used when it is the only thing which will hit.
I say those two because in ocarina of time, ganon reflected projectiles with his backhand
I don't think it will be too hard if having the reflective properties having a disjoint and elongation period.
Also make it more of a surprise.
BUT; Why don't we forget about reflecting all together. And make it more like, an absorption or counter type.
Utilt wind absorbs projectiles and makes the point where utilt finally explodes, bigger, stronger, and possibly faster?
There is a ganon PSA out there where utilt has a massive(and amazing looking) hitbox. We could shrink/enlarge to various sizes and use that if the creator would allow it.