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best Projectiles list


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2009
I've seen a lot of lists, but never one about projectiles. Also to me it seems there's not much discussion about the projectiles compared, mostly it's kept within the discussion of the character that fires them. So I'd like to make a list of how good Brawl's projectiles are, and in the meantime see them compared and discussed, mostly about what makes a good projectile and what makes a bad one- without having to consider the characters.

Please use the format: "I'd like to see this move go up/down, because...".The more good reasons you give, the higher the projectile will go. Also, if you wish to have a projectile moved from the "maybe, maybe not" part into the real projectiles- or instead removed- you can suggest for that too.

Here's the list after the eighth update.

Diddy Kong - Banana Peel
Snake – Grenade
Falco – Laser
Samus - Suit Piece
Olimar – Pikmin Throw
R.O.B. - Gyro
Pit – Palutena’s Arrow
Toon Link – Bomb
Link – Bomb
Yoshi – Egg Throw
R.O.B. – Laser
Peach – Turnip
Lucario – Aura Sphere
Sheik – Needles
Ice Climbers – Ice Block
Pikachu – Thunder Jolt
Ness – PK Thunder
Lucas – PK Thunder
Fox – Laser Shot
Toon Link – Boomerang
Wario – Bike/Tires
Ness – PK Fire
Lucas – PK Fire
Wolf – Blaster
Link - Gale Boomerang
Snake – Mortar (Usmash)
Toon Link – Hero's Bow
Diddy Kong – Peanut Gun
King Dedede - Waddle Throw
Link – Hero's Bow
Samus – Homing Missile
Samus – Charge Shot
Samus – Super Missile
Mario – Fireball
Zero Suit Samus – Paralyzer Shot
Ivysaur – Razor Leaf
Luigi – Fireball
Snake – Nikita
Zelda – Din’s Fire
Squirtle – Water Gun
Sonic - Spring
Samus – Bomb
Kirby – Final Cutter
Mario – F.L.U.D.D.
Mr. Game & Watch – Chef
Lucas – PK Freeze
Ness – PK Flash
Snake – Cypher

Maybe projectiles, maybe not:

Olimar- Pikmin Dive (Fsmash)
Snake - C4
Snake - Mine (Dsmash)
Snake - Box (Taunt)
Ice Climbers - Blizzard
Pikachu - Thunder
Ivysaur - Bullet Seed
Diddy Kong - Rocket Barrel
Charizard - Rock Smash
Charizard- Flamethrower
Bowser- Flame Breath
Sheik - Chain


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2008
Din's Fire should be much, much lower. It's extremely situational in use, and in no way better than most projectiles.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2007
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Falco – Laser
Diddy Kong - Banana Peel
Snake – C4 (lower)
Fox – Laser Shot (lower)
Pit – Palatena’s Arrow
Olimar – Pikmin Throw
Zelda – Din’s Fire (much lower)
R.O.B. – Laser
Snake – Grenade (much higher)
R.O.B. - Gyro
Toon Link – Bomb
Link - Bomb
Ice Climbers – Ice Block
Samus – Homing Missile
Pikachu – Thunder Jolt
Toon Link – Arrow
Link – Arrow
Sheik – Needles (higher)
Snake – Mortar (much higher)
Wario – Bike (much lower)
Lucas – PK Fire
Peach – Turnip
Wolf – Blaster
Samus – Charge Shot
Diddy Kong – Peanut Gun
Ivysaur – Razor Leaf
Lucas – PK Thunder
Mario – Fireball
Luigi – Fireball
Link - Gale Boomerang
Toon Link – Boomerang
King Dedede - Waddle Throw
Lucario – Aura Sphere (higher)
Kirby – Final Cutter
Samus – Super Missile (higher)
Snake – Mine (higher)
Zero Suit Samus – Paralyzer Shot
Ness – PK Fire
Samus – Bomb
Yoshi – Egg Throw (much higher)
Snake – Nikita
Ness – PK Thunder
Squirtle – Water Gun
Mario – F.L.U.D.D.
Mr. Game & Watch – Chef
Lucas – PK Freeze
Ness – PK Flash
Snake – Cypher
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
Pit's arrows are 1000x better than Fox's lasers, lol.

ZSS' Paralyzer Shot is the worst projectile in the game.

Diddy's nanners are not a projectile.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Falco's lasers are awful unless you have the % lead and can force the approach.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Items you throw are not "projectiles." Maybe I'm just splitting hairs.
I suppose that turnips, bombs and grenades don't count as projectiles either then...

By definition, a projectile is:

A fired, thrown, or otherwise propelled object, such as a bullet, having no capacity for self-propulsion.
Since the bananas can be thrown, that makes them a projectile.


Smash Master
Dec 29, 2008
Haha wasnt there a discussion a while ago in the tier list thread about what the exact definition of a projectile is?

Anyway, Id rethink that list a little bit, some of those are pretty far off ^_^


Jun 7, 2009
My ideas for top projectiles

Diddy Kong - Banana Peel
Falco - Laser
Olimar - Pikmin Throw
Snake - Grenade
Pit - Palatuna's Arrow
ROB - Gyro
Link - Bomb
Toon Link - Bomb
Ice Climbers - Blizzard
Peach - Turnip
ROB - Laser
Link - Gale Boomerang
Snake - C4
King Dedede - Waddle Throw


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
Buhl, Idaho
I'd say top projectile goes to Falco. His lasers have a huge priority that pretty much ***** anything else that isn't Meta Knight.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Peel>Laser>Nade, imo. None of the other ones really matter hat much. TL's bombs are better than Link's. TL's Boomerang is better than Link's. C4 IS NOT A PROJECTILE GAH.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
For real, Yoshi's Egg's are easily one of the top 10, probably top 5 projectiles in the game. You would only dare underrate the eggs if you don't play or have never played a good Yoshi. The egg is spammable and does a base of 9% damage, has good stun (comparatively). Not only that, but its good for recovery, has crazy/hard to predict trajectory, and is near impossible to punish.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2009
I think link's and tl's boomerang are about equal. Toon link's may have range + speed, but I think link's has far more potential with the wind effect, even though it is a bit slow.


Jun 7, 2009
Peel>Laser>Nade, imo. None of the other ones really matter hat much. TL's bombs are better than Link's. TL's Boomerang is better than Link's. C4 IS NOT A PROJECTILE GAH.
Olimar's Pikmin throw is much better, it can easily force an approach much better than nade's can, he can throw out a purple for a flinch and a white for massive damage. He can SH Pikmin throw and then f-air to keep him self safe.

TL bombs are worse than Links. They do less damage and have a smaller blast range. Link has a stronger throw than TL and Link has more bomb combos than TL. Link's Bomerang is better because it can lead to crazy combos such as double d-smash, double f-smash and elimates knock back so that way moves with high knockback are canceled into other moves with high-knockback.

C4 when it's falling is a projectile, I put it up there because it makes his recovery too good.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
I agree with Alphazealot.

Also fire breath and blizzard are projectiles. Snake's Usmash too. Pika's thunderstorm too.
And I guess that anything that can be countered by a reflector can be called a projectile (though with this definition waddles cannot considered as projectiles, and same for samus' bomb).

Captain L

Smash Champion
Aug 15, 2009
Pikachu's thunder should be on the list, and quite high as well.. A wall of those makes a crazy edge guard and it can also get some low % kills if your opponent is high up. Plus out of all of the projectiles listed it probably gets the most kills.

If it's in terms of killing, definitely the best. In terms of spammability, probably a lot lower. In terms of overall usefulness, top 5 or so.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
^What makes it so good? Can't you just power shield it every time? I mean you might mess up sometimes and take a little damage, but imo it doesn't limit options nearly as well as 'nades do.

And 'nanners are crazy good.

Idk the exact order I'd put them in, but the top 3 is definitely 'nades, 'nanners, and lasers.


// s o n d e r
Jul 15, 2009
Is bowser and charizard on the list?
And what about Lucario's side-B?

Captain 9wnag3

Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2009
the bottom of the bottom tier...-_-
For real, Yoshi's Egg's are easily one of the top 10, probably top 5 projectiles in the game. You would only dare underrate the eggs if you don't play or have never played a good Yoshi. The egg is spammable and does a base of 9% damage, has good stun (comparatively). Not only that, but its good for recovery, has crazy/hard to predict trajectory, and is near impossible to punish.
you make eggs sound like their god tier or somthing :p
....uh lol

bananas > lasers
im not saying lasers aren't good ,especially with SH canceling, but bananas **** and pressure everyone who isnt called metaknight (they **** MK too :laugh: -->****<--


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
^What makes it so good? Can't you just power shield it every time? I mean you might mess up sometimes and take a little damage, but imo it doesn't limit options nearly as well as 'nades do.

And 'nanners are crazy good.

Idk the exact order I'd put them in, but the top 3 is definitely 'nades, 'nanners, and lasers.
lasers limit options because they force you to avoid them lol

nobody likes taking lasers. even tho you can powershield them...the only way powershielding works is if you put your shield down. if falco is in range he can just phantasm or laser again or grab/dash attack you etc. if you spotdodge, then you didn't actually change anything or the falco can just run away again etc. if you jump w/e lol, juggle traps...or you get hit by more lasers or he runs away. if you roll...don't roll vs. falco. you get the idea, lasers force people to avoid them and thus they react and you can read them off their reaction or just plain ol punish them


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2009
I can hardly claim that I can bring anything new to this discussion as I have too little experience with most projectiles or even the smash scene as it is, but I’ll just bring in my reasons to learn why they were wrong. I would like to hear reasons for your opinions like AZ did- this makes it easier to form a general concensus on what makes a good projectile.

I thought of Din’s Fire as a great projectile because it is the hardest single projectile to avoid, apart from the Nikita it can be controlled easiest and has such a huge hitbox that a lot of people drop shield too early and take a hit from behind. It deals crazy damage and knockback when at max range, but this is limited by how often you get somebody so far away from you.

I thought of Egg Throw as a bad projectile because of how slow it is, how high the arc is, and thus the overall predictability and ease to avoid. Just the weirdness of the arc alone made it seem to me like a very hard thing to hit with...

About the definition of a projectile; yes, I had to make a definition for myself to make this list to avoid having to discuss that as well. For a definition I took:
-“A projectile is a hitbox seperate and independant of its creator.”
That means that the hitbox must be able to move freely and unpredictably relative to the character that launched it: for Din’s Fire Zelda has to stand still, but the flame can be directed up or down at command, it is not forced to move straight forward. Snake’s Mortar is always shot straight up and will never move sideward, but Snake can run any direction he wants after firing it, so the shell’s trajectory is not dependant of Snake’s location.
Olimar’s Fsmash on the other hand, is a projectile, but NOT according to this definition; the Pikmin will ALWAYS move in a downward arc relative to Olimar, the arc cannot be controlled and Olimar cannot move during the trajectory. So yeah, Cypher is a projectile, because Snake can choose to fall in any direction he wants while the thing keeps going up and away, short as this might have a hitbox. C4 and mines are completely independant of Snake, when the hitbox comes out is not relevant to this definition. I don’t claim it to be the right one, but for this list I will use it.

Thanks for mentioning the spring, I knew I forgot some stuff ;)


Smash Master
Dec 29, 2008
Trust me, Dins Fire is not the hardest projectile to avoid. You may get mindgamed once or twice if you airdodge too early, but other than that its very very easy to dodge.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
ZSS' suit pieces would be the best projectile in the game if they could be spawned more than once. Stage control, no decay, lots of damage, and they even kill. I shed a single tear every time a ZSS main just picks up their pieces and throws them all straight at the beginning of the game.

As it stands, though, Nana is the best projectile.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
1. ZSS armor pieces - unstales your moves, good killing power, helps with mobility
2. Diddy's nanas - unstales your moves, combo-ability, helps with mobility
3. Snakes nades - pressures shields, forces options really well, can be cooked
4. Falco's lasers - limits options really well, combo-ability, excellent speed
5. Pit's arrows (but more can be filled in here) - can't be consistently PS'd, really fast, can be bended for better precision, can be used to gimp

if items are no projectiles

1. Falco's lasers - limits options really well, combo-ability, excellent speed
2. Pit's arrows - can't be consistently PS'd, really fast, can be bended for better precision, can be used to gimp
3. Rob's laser - Recharges in 3 second, unlimited range, decent knockback when charged
4. Sheik's needles - Can't be PS'd (big one), can be used in combos, quick
5. Pikachu's Tjolt - Nice damage, quick, forces approaches


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2009
I need to agree with Supermodel from Paris. Diddy's naners and anything else that can be caught isn't a projectile.

And lol, Kirby's Final Cutter is too high on that list. The same with Sheik's needles.

Captain 9wnag3

Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2009
the bottom of the bottom tier...-_-
Pikachu's thunder should be on the list, and quite high as well.. A wall of those makes a crazy edge guard and it can also get some low % kills if your opponent is high up. Plus out of all of the projectiles listed it probably gets the most kills.

If it's in terms of killing, definitely the best. In terms of spammability, probably a lot lower. In terms of overall usefulness, top 5 or so.
yeah. it's unique and useful.


how many times do we hav to define "projectile" :p
i see ur point though...there must be a thread about this topic.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2009
A fired, thrown, or otherwise propelled object, such as a bullet, having no capacity for self-propulsion.
If we use this definition, Pikachu's Thunder should not be listed. Being useful isn't something to define a projectile. And things like Diddy's Naners should be listed.

But IMO we should not use that definition. Projectile =/= Item.


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2009
My ego...It's OVER 9000!
lasers limit options because they force you to avoid them lol

nobody likes taking lasers. even tho you can powershield them...the only way powershielding works is if you put your shield down. if falco is in range he can just phantasm or laser again or grab/dash attack you etc. if you spotdodge, then you didn't actually change anything or the falco can just run away again etc. if you jump w/e lol, juggle traps...or you get hit by more lasers or he runs away. if you roll...don't roll vs. falco. you get the idea, lasers force people to avoid them and thus they react and you can read them off their reaction or just plain ol punish them

It's better said than done to simply powershield lasers. Try playin' against a Flaco sometime. Imagine being predicted on how you would dodge them. You get wrecked unless you're Kirby, Marth, or G&W.:026:
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