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Best Brawl mains in Canada! 1.0* Updated Nov 26, 09

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Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Tin Man, Llumys has a better Olimar than you.
Straight up and down, stop this madness.
Until you play the same competition there is no serious way to determine the exact position, and until you prove that you can excel with olimar (which you haven't), then no amount of discussion is going to change anything.

Also Frio madd salty about his loss...


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
I didn't say anbything aboutmy loss? Llumsy is the one that brought it up cause he was mad at the ADAT 2 thing. And I'm not even trying to debate about me trying to be on the list.


EDIT: Some old results to show that the 13th was just a bad tourney for me. Oldest to newest btw.

Brawl Singles 7th Place 2008
Brawl Singles 9th Place 2008
Brawl Singles: 7th Place 2008
Brawl Singles: 5th Place 2009
Brawl Singles: 7th Place 2009
Brawl Singles: 4th 2009
Brawl Singles: 5 Place: Frio - Pika ADAT 2 Lol <3 U llumsy
Apoc 13th Sad panda bear
Brawl Singles: 5 Place: Frio (Pika) 2009
Brawl Singles: 7 Place: Frio(pikachu)
Brawl Singles: 3 Place: Frio ($20.00) (pika) Last month


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Hey man, just calling it how I see it.

I see someone going out of their way unprovoked to try and ensure someone they've lost to is stripped of their recognition to a competitor whom they've never seen or met.

Sounds like you're either salty, or just being a jerk about things...

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Tin Man, Llumys has a better Olimar than you.
Straight up and down, stop this madness.
Until you play the same competition there is no serious way to determine the exact position, and until you prove that you can excel with olimar (which you haven't), then no amount of discussion is going to change anything.

Also Frio madd salty about his loss...
And How has Llumys proved himself, by placing better in a weaker region?

Ur right , there is no serious way to choose this position, might as well call the best Olimar main "Inconclusive"


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
I'm not trying to be salty. Im just trying to make this fair to everyone. The spot probally should be *VACANT for olimar. Like Pit, zelda and sheik are. Even though Age; who placed well once and beat Llumsy once AND was on the AB PR at one time, is a Zelda player. And we have a Pit player in WC as well (Aish) but the spots are still vacant.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2007
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
If you can bring up old losses from bad days, I can as well, but that won't prove anything. I've proven myself more than any other Olimar, therefore the spot should be mine. I have excuses for my bad placing this summer, many of which you have already heard. It was my first Brawl tournament, so please cut me some slack.

Also, has Age ever placed 5th out of 40? I do not recall.
Has Aish ever placed nearly as well as me? Pit is vacant for a reason.
Arsenal should definitely be considered for best Zelda.

Frio, instead of hating on me, you should talk to the top players in your region and ask them if I deserve the spot. Your sodium content is way too high for me to take your opinion seriously.


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
If you can bring up old losses from bad days, I can as well, but that won't prove anything.

I'm proven myself more than any other Olimar, therefore the spot should be mine.

Has Aish ever placed nearly as well as me? Pit has vacant for a reason.
The problem that Bad tourney is half of your results and it was close to your APOC results as well. And Age has beaten you and has placed well before IIRC. And he has been on a PR. So why is the Zelda spot empty.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2007
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
I edited my post. You should read it.

Anyway, Zelda's empty 'cause the voting isn't over yet and Alphicans wasn't part of the panelist discussion due to the fact that he wasn't available.

Don't be butthurt; this isn't the final list.

Oh, and my good results are for more recent. On top of that, it was in the same region, and I played far higher-ranked players, including yourself.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Good points.

Brexer isn't phenomenal, I'm sure most hardcore dedicated Yoshi mains are slightly better than him, but he does possess a solid Yoshi capable of placing, but he's just not the "best" Yoshi in Canada.

Marik usually has problems attending Tournaments, and from the sounds of it, he rarely plays because of personal issues. Surely that could be holding him back?

Also, Elefterios placed in Montreal region, a very competitive and skilled area. If he did still play vBrawl, it would either be him or Marik, perhaps yourself if you placed in an East-Coast region where our top players and your top players collided.

We need to host a national somewhere in GtaN, it would be the most accessible location in terms of transportation.
I'm going to be brutally honest, and I'm going to offend some people, but I don't give a **** as it needs to be said.

Brexer is good. But, Brexer has yet to prove himself able to place in any brackets. While he may be a good yoshi, and he is genuinely. He hasn't proven himself in anyway shape or form. He can't be considered. He is a professional Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 player, he does not regularly attend Brawl Tournaments.

As for Marik? I love the guy, he's cool ****, and he's got a *****in yoshi, but I haven't seen him place high ever, or beat anyone of note with Yoshi in tourney sets (Yes that includes pools).

Firefly is legit, as I've been told by our WC panelists, and by our EC panelists who know of him. However, the list is not permanent and will always be changing.

*Edit* ALSO! Elef does not place vBrawl anymore as I understand it. He is not an active main in the brawl scene. Hence he is not eligible for placing in this list. Hence why Cyan did not receive the best GaW when he technically would deserve the spot.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2007
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Post some placings, please.

Also, how would you know how easy it'd be? You've never played west coast players, while I've played a couple east coasters.

For the record, do you recall how well Minus did at Apoc? This region doesn't get enough credit, to be honest. (No offense to Minus.)

Tin Man, do you even use only Olimar in tournaments? My 5th of 40 was almost completely all Olimar. I used Falco once in pools against a Meta Knight, and I go Meta Knight when Meta Knights counterpick Brinstar.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Llumy, take it easy.

Tinman, you're talking in a very uneducated manner. While "EC > WC lulz" is true for the most part, thats in regard to the top players.

Our top 3 would demolish their top 3. Or so it has been said.

However, players, like Superboom, Kill0ck, and Alphacans would **** the lower end of the EC PR and other EC players just as easily as our tops would **** theirs.

I would put Mikey and Kill0ck on par (FROM WHAT I'VE HEARD) and Kill0ck has better placings. Alphacans is admittedly from many sources on equal ground with Minus with the exception that Minus has better matchup experience against EC gimmicks and tech skill. Superboom is legit as ****, and easily as good if not likely better than any snake main in the EC besides Ally and maybe Dom/Cruxis. So placing 4th at a 40 man tourney, even if it's a "weaker" scene, is still legit.

I don't wanna hear no bull**** about "EC ***** WC, der shudnt b ne WC on dis list, cuz if I can beat some scrub EC in poolz, datz betur den ther best WC playur lolololololol"

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Llumys, you haven't beaten ANYBODY notable in tourney before (hence your good placing at Apoc, easy bracket) except Mark, who choked uber hard that day. You've lost to Luke, Jack, would definitely lose to Dan, and are worse than some other players here in the WC.

If Llumys actually has the best Olimar in Canada, then it's safe to assume that the Olimar mains in Canada really suck **** if they're worse than you and need to step it up.

I might come across as harshly, but every part of what I just said is true, blunt or not.


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
I'm just wondering how one good placing gets a guy top brawl main. When it's his only good result.

Edit: Now that I think about it. You did only really beat me at Apoc. Props to Tyler lol


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Afterdawn, that was some rude *** ****. And I specifically said at the top of OP, no flaming. Don't do it again.

And yes "Olimar mains in Canada must really suck dick if they're worse than you and need to step it up." is flaming.

Frio, I'm happy for you, an I'ma let you finish. But Olimar is one of the gayest characters in brawl. GAYEST CHARACTERS IN BRAWL.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2007
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Keep the bias to a mininum, Tyler. You don't even play Brawl.

I almost beat Superboom early in the bracket. I don't consider facing your top player "easy".

I'm pretty sure I'm the only Olimar, excluding possibly Tin Man, who actually knows what he's doing with Olimar.

Also, I have a lot of WiFi experience, and as incredible as it may be, I have a lot more experience than the majority of Edmonton's Brawlers. Not to hate, but you guys let a completely mediocre Olimar get 9th at Apoc. I don't think you can judge how good an Olimar is if you lose to a terrible one.



Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
What needs to happen is for lower end players in the region to listen to the top players. If Kill0ck and T-Block say Llumys is mos def legit. And Frio/AfterDawn disagree? I think Frio/AfterDawn should stfu. Get at me.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
I honestly don't see where all the Llumys hate is coming from, but people need to chill out in this thread. Somebody link me the thread for LBT2 ;D

My brother's name (Lucas) is Tokaio btw


Smash Lord
Mar 26, 2009
I used olimar for my last tourney. Im going to use him again for my next one so im another olimar main who just needs to go to more tourneys. lol


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Oh ****tttt Joe. thats true.

Id DEFINATELY wanna see kill0ck vs mikey MM. See if superboom is better than culex/cruxis. And see if alphicans is REALLLY on par with Minus like illiads many sources say. ahahahah

And a WC vs Montreal vs Toronto vs Sauga vs Niagara crew battle.


Smash Lord
Mar 26, 2009
Bob, Doc has "played" us both, and he didn't mention you.
lol, i didnt do so well my last tourney. I hope i do better next one. I learned a lot from sauga outbreak. I played good people without gay wifi lag. So im excited for my next tourney. It'll probably be the one in Toronto on feb.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Where is this "Alphican's is on par with Minus" bs coming from? Being better at only one matchup (ditto) doesn't make things in any way close. I have no clue who your sources are, but they're obviously not thinking objectively. Fool is better than Alphicans by far as well, and he beats me in the ditto too, but he's not better than me. Fool would beat Alphicans in the ditto as well, (this I'm certain of).
I'm not hating on Alphicans, its just the fact that our matchup showed that outside of the Falco ditto he has no way to touch my level of play, as our my Falco vs his Gaw was heavily one sided.

Also, on the subject of EC vs WC. The general skill level of competition in wc is nowhere near that of ec.
Outside of Superboom in the winner's finals and Falco dittos with Alphicans, I was never even close to challenged in the wc, while in the EC I have to play on point in order not to be swept off by the many competent players.

That said, the top 3 in WC would probably not do very well in EC due to inexperience in a harsher metagame. Although given multiple opportunities to compete in EC their chances of flourishing would undoubtedly increase.
The exception to this is that Superboom would probably do pretty well his first time, but would undoubtedly be edged out later in bracket. Probably placing somewhere around 5th or so.

Being the only person who's actually been to both places, I'd say anyone else trying to make judgement calls on the relativity of abilities is speaking from out of nowhere.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
The Llumys hate isn't personal, just saying that the decision is not proper, yeah come to LBT2 WC players. And there needs to be consistency in a major placing, and yeah 1 of my tourneys had Holy in them, and another had ally and holy i it. We have more good players then WC, and I'm so under estimated its stupid, Iliad I bet u think I suck at this game. I'm better then half the people in the scene (GTAN).

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Keep the bias to a mininum, Tyler. You don't even play Brawl.

I almost beat Superboom early in the bracket. I don't consider facing your top player "easy".

I'm pretty sure I'm the only Olimar, excluding possibly Tin Man, who actually knows what he's doing with Olimar.

Also, I have a lot of WiFi experience, and as incredible as it may be, I have a lot more experience than the majority of Edmonton's Brawlers. Not to hate, but you guys let a completely mediocre Olimar get 9th at Apoc. I don't think you can judge how good an Olimar is if you lose to a terrible one.

Wi-Fi? WI-FI?

I'm not even gonna bother arguing, but I'ma ask Dan if you were even close to beating him.

What needs to happen is for lower end players in the region to listen to the top players. If Kill0ck and T-Block say Llumys is mos def legit. And Frio/AfterDawn disagree? I think Frio/AfterDawn should stfu. Get at me.
Frio is about the 4th best player on WC, you obviously don't know ****.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
I guarentee any top 10 player from the EC would beat every player from the WC.


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
1. Minus can compare EC and WC players better than anyone.

2. $100 mms are ****ing hype.

3. This better get recorded and live fed.

4. What are the chances that mdk will show up to commentate?

Edit: Iliad the Hamilton crew is beast.


Smash Master
Oct 27, 2005
Edmonton, Alberta
yeah what's with all the llumys hate? he did bring me to game 3 as he has stated many times, mind you I was using my inexperienced marth XD, no johns tho.

the reason why sask players placed bad at adat2 was because they were sleep deprived, I believe it was like 30+ hours?

you should come over here again minus lol
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