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Best Brawl mains in Canada! 1.0* Updated Nov 26, 09

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Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
Sask, Canada
I'm not trying to cut him down or anything, but I've played two Canadian Yoshis, Firefly and Brexer. Firefly isn't too much better than Brexer, and any EC player that's been to Pownz can tell you how he compares to Marik and possibly Elef.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I'm not trying to cut him down or anything, but I've played two Canadian Yoshis, Firefly and Brexer. Firefly isn't too much better than Brexer, and any EC player that's been to Pownz can tell you how he compares to Marik and possibly Elef.
Elef was actually very beast, like really on a whole new level of beast with yoshi.

But he switched to brawl +, no more brawl, so yeah, he was technically not qualified to be in the list.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Anything above $100 is completely unnecessary. Lets not get crazy guys...

$100 with recording and commentary = excellent.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia

I leave for work and come back in 7 hours only to see sauga make Iliad mad, DOC and Ace fight about who is best MK, and some weird conclusion that Llumys' Olimar is better then mine :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: wonder how yall came to that conclusion.

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Actually I know plenty, seeing how I hosted a tourney that he attended and got destroyed in. But hey, don't look at my opinion, there's a good few other people who will say the same thing... =)

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
I would juts like to know how its conclusive that he is better then I, seems like I will have to whip out my tourney results eventually. Panelists should not be able to nominate themselves for anything to prevent biasness which I believe happened in this situation cause Llumys could defend himself and I couldn't. LOL I want to know why, WHY!!! (ITS HIGHLY INACCURATE THOUGH :ohwell:)


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I would juts like to know how its conclusive that he is better then I, seems like I will have to whip out my tourney results eventually. Panelists should not be able to nominate themselves for anything to prevent biasness which I believe happened in this situation cause Llumys could defend himself and I couldn't. LOL I want to know why, WHY!!! (ITS HIGHLY INACCURATE THOUGH :ohwell:)
Nominating yourself=/=necessarly bias. The panelists did have a discussion about this, but what is most unfortunate is that we have no videos to base off llumys skill level. Only word to mouth, which is hard to evaluate. And we can't just say "well tinman is stronger cause we saw him play" because then that would be biased and unfair, because GTA isn't necessarly the reference point in this list. Not everyone sucks compared to GTA's player, this is something people have to understand. We are trying to go from what we feel is most probably the case, although I do feel like Iliad still has some misconceptions about Quebec(Top 3 is good, then rest is meh) which are actually false. Either way, I am more than happy with this current list, there is currently 3 names I don't fully agree or believe that it is impossible to tell.

If you want to show people you deserve being on the list, just make it so that no comparison is possible, and that no discussion is even needed.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Tinman, I have yet to see you use Olimar in Tournament. Whicb is what this is based on. Use of the character in tourney, and use of him well.

I've only ever seen your rob in tourneyplay


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
I dont have $500 to put up, so Doc if you will only do $500 that just means ur a ***** and you dont want to play me lol

ill gladly do $100, if i do get more spending money then sure you can up it even more. I gots someone to teach me a couple new things ;)


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Well he said hes willing to put UP TO 500 on it so that means if u only want to put 100 then its going down. Get hype! We gotta have an intro like clockwork vs darkprince. Funniest **** ever

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Tinman, I have yet to see you use Olimar in Tournament. Whicb is what this is based on. Use of the character in tourney, and use of him well.

I've only ever seen your rob in tourneyplay
I've used ROB, Olimar, and ICs!!!!!!

I effin use him

Ask Decoy and Wolfblade and Hype and Sauce and Avarice and Phiddlesticks and Holy and Swordgard (U saw me play at Havoc in the hammer via live stream)

My Olimar took games and sets off half of those people I listed, the others will say I have an extremely legit Olimar!!!!!!

Gawd just because u didn't see it doesnt mean this didnt happen. Re-evaluate that Olimar position!!!

Edit: I dropped ICs


Smash Cadet
Nov 27, 2009
Firefly is no doubt the best Yoshi.
I sense region bias.

Pretty sure Marik and Elefterios (when he still played vBrawl) are better than Firefly.

Think of the skill difference in each region, placing is considerably harder in GtaN.

What KillL0ck said. His Yoshi is beast.
From a West-Coast Canada perspective.

I'm not trying to cut him down or anything, but I've played two Canadian Yoshis, Firefly and Brexer. Firefly isn't too much better than Brexer, and any EC player that's been to Pownz can tell you how he compares to Marik and possibly Elef.
Marik beat Brexer in a Yoshi ditto 2-1.

So, if Marik beat Brexer and Firefly isn't that much better and comes from a considerably easier region...

You put the pieces together.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
I sense region bias.

Pretty sure Marik and Elefterios (when he still played vBrawl) are better than Firefly.

Think of the skill difference in each region, placing is considerably harder in GtaN.

From a West-Coast Canada perspective.

Marik beat Brexer in a Yoshi ditto 2-1.

So, if Marik beat Brexer and Firefly isn't that much better and comes from a considerably easier region...

You put the pieces together.
While I won't deny that there is probably some regional bias going on, there is no reliable way to tell whether or not I'm better. I live in an easier reason, but I have better results.

I'm not gonna lie, the bolded part made me lol a little. Judging somebody's is skill based on Yoshi dittos is pretty much the silliest thing ever. Ask just about any Yoshi main out there, and they will tell you that Yoshi dittos do nothing to evaluate player skill; it's too f***ed up of a match-up. =P

Also, the information that I'm just slightly better than Brexer only comes from one person, who I played once in singles in one pool match. Not to discredit Zeriph, but he seems to be judging my ability off of that one match, during which I certainly wasn't playing at my peak. =S He beat me in the pool match, but I want on to place 5th in the tourney, while he placed around 17th or something.



Smash Cadet
Nov 27, 2009
Good points.

Brexer isn't phenomenal, I'm sure most hardcore dedicated Yoshi mains are slightly better than him, but he does possess a solid Yoshi capable of placing, but he's just not the "best" Yoshi in Canada.

Marik usually has problems attending Tournaments, and from the sounds of it, he rarely plays because of personal issues. Surely that could be holding him back?

Also, Elefterios placed in Montreal region, a very competitive and skilled area. If he did still play vBrawl, it would either be him or Marik, perhaps yourself if you placed in an East-Coast region where our top players and your top players collided.

We need to host a national somewhere in GtaN, it would be the most accessible location in terms of transportation.


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
Llumys (Canada)

13th of 32
Beat: Rick (13th), Bairz (14th)
Lost: Murda the American Dream (1st), Age (9th)

Apocalypse's Tournament
5th of 40
Beat: Chaos (25th), Fiji (17th), Frio (13th), Arsenal (9th), Sketch (7th)
Lost: SuPeRbOoM (1st), KillL0ck (4th)

1 decent tourney reuslt from September. Oh, and these are in WC


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2007
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Yes, I played badly at ADAT2, but I believe I proved what I can do. I brought Dan to game 3 in the bracket. Regardless, the only other Olimar who's any close to competition is Tin Man, and he has no results whatsoever if I'm not mistaken. Also, this means little to nothing, but I'm in the Olimar backroom.

I discussed this with the other panelists, and there was no objections; don't worry. (:


Apocalypse's Tournament
5th of 40
Beat: Chaos (25th), Fiji (17th), Frio (13th), Arsenal (9th), Sketch (7th)
Lost: SuPeRbOoM (1st), KillL0ck (4th)


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
That tournament was obviously not my best tourney. I had a bad day which was very clear to the people who knew me. I was pretty pissed. It's pretty much the same john as your ADAT 2 john. And I recently got third in one last month. You don't really qualify for that spot. You only have 1 decent tourney result. It's not even a money spot.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Yes, I played badly at ADAT2, but I believe I proved what I can do. I brought Dan to game 3 in the bracket. Regardless, the only other Olimar who's any close to competition is Tin Man
Thank you :bee:

, and he has no results whatsoever if I'm not mistaken.
:urg: unfortunately you are mistaken, seems like I'm going to have to whip out the tourney results, They are decent and EC > WC in terms of competition. (+ I've been in tournaments with Ally and Holy in them)

Also, this means little to nothing, but I'm in the Olimar backroom.
There was talk about making a new backroom not to long ago because the old one is dead.

I discussed this with the other panelists, and there was no objections; don't worry. (:
I am worrying. TBCH the panelists really don't know hat much about me (obviously). Iliad believing I never used anyone except ROB in tournament is proof of that. I have people to back me up and say my Olimar is good.


Apocalypse's Tournament
5th of 40
Beat: Chaos (25th), Fiji (17th), Frio (13th), Arsenal (9th), Sketch (7th)
Lost: SuPeRbOoM (1st), KillL0ck (4th)
I <3 u Frio


btw I feel like I am not being given a fair chance in this debate, I have countered several points about this position. I think it is fair that I be given a chance to discuss the Olimar position with all of the other panelist the same way the rest of this list was made. I'm not asking to be a panelist, I'm asking to be able to have a say in the best Olimar, I believe people are reading my posts without acknowledging them. Like I said, I answered and corrected all of the points against me so far, say something else, or change the best Olimar in Canada off Llumys.

(Llumys I <3 u man, this is just "business" :bee:)
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