Disclaimer: Don't hate me for all the times I say Brawl+ in this post. Please.
At first, I became worried that this project would steal Brawl+'s thunder. However, now, I'm beginning to see that the two mods could eventually coexist in a competitive environment. BBrawl and Brawl+ are NOT mutually exclusive. They both strive to balance Brawl, yet they go about it in different ways...Brawl+ seeks to reintroduce gameplay from the previous Smash games to create a competitive ideal, while BBrawl seeks a completely different ideal by balancing the characters within the general framework that was already present in Brawl.
Both projects are attempting to one-up Brawl, but in different ways. Were one project to be generally accepted, the other would undoubtedly receive a boon in popularity (as people unhappy with the accepted project would more than likely give the other a chance as well, disregarding trolls and flagrant vBrawl fanboys), and the only one to lose out would be the original Brawl.
BBrawl still has Brawl's gameplay in every way, except for changes to individual moves. There is no universal lag canceling, momentum, physics changes, or any of the other stuff that makes Brawl+ what Brawl+ is. B+, on the other hand, has evolved so much from its beginnings that it no longer resembles the original Brawl, except on the visual level (and even textures have started to change that). Having BOTH of these games (as they are unique games) be accepted would simply serve to ecplise Brawl and create a two-game competitive standard. Unfortunately, the chances of MLG picking up Brawl would change from...wait, nevermind that.
It is my opinion that BBrawl is too similar to the original to coexist with it. It will either be seen as better or worse than Brawl, but from what I've seen so far, it already is the former. An official endorsement for SSBBB would be the death knell for SSBB. This is where the jealously of the Brawl+ fans (i.e. 5ive, myself, etc.) comes in - since BBrawl addresses Brawl's main concerns in a more concise, true-to-the-original manner, one cannot reasonably expect Brawl+ to become THE competitive standard unless BBrawl tanks fast and hard. As such, we are initially biased against such a project, which we may see as simply riding on the coattails of B+ to eventually overtake it in popularity. What we don't see is that it is much easier for Brawl+ and BBrawl to coexist than it is for Brawl+ and vBrawl to (not to mention that I can't see any situation in which BB and vB could be used together in tournament to the exclusion of B+).
I think that I'm starting to ramble on, but we are making too big a deal out of this; BBrawl is not the end of the world for Brawl+, and though it may seem like there is a parasitic relationship between the two, they can only be mutually beneficial. A hacked Wii can play both games, can it not? They may not be played by the same people, but having two games that are better and more current than Brawl would make for a much better competitive scene than not having them.
Also, add in:
Unrestricted Pause Camera
Unrestricted Replay Camera
Unrestricted Button Mapping Editing
Unrestricted Colour Choice
Tags in replays???
(I’m fairly sure they’re all packaged as .b+ files with the latest iteration of the Tweaker)