Grim I like your post.
your argument is "mk isn't dominant to warrant a ban here"
implying we should just let mk players start beating us stupid and then fk over their work with a ban when we cant beat them anymore.
That is not what my argument is.
And the implication that you are reading into your false argument is completely backwards anyway. Because I am against banning MK, so why would I want your hypothetical scenario to happen? Not to mention I'm pretty damn sure that never would happen. The people that are at the very top of the scene in QLD, VIC, NSW and SA are all types that I really don't think would pick up MK. not 100% sure if Ted would ever want to but I doubt that.
That's completely beside the point though, fortunately.
The best reason to ban MK for us, is, as Mason put it in his 3rd point, to be in the same competitive ruleset as America. Because as of right now we have no other reason of any value, and I don't think that what you think the argument that you think i was thinking was implying is worth much either
That is a benefit.
It is unknown for sure right now, but whether banning MK expands or shrinks our community is the other thing to consider. If it expands the community, then you have two good reasons to ban MK and the only bad thing to consider is will you be sad if some people leave the scene because of this (for the record though I think Earl is going to pick up Lucario anyway, not quit)
But, I never thought MK mains deterred anyone away from the scene especially, at least not within Victoria and I've never heard of it from other states. So if banning MK is going to damage the scene then, is that worth it so that the rest of us can aim towards playing competitively in America? IMO that's all there is to consider because everyone elses personal issues with the character in Australia are out of poor personal traits rather than good reasoning.
That last paragraph is pretty much my argument btw Scott, and if it was implying anything it was probably that if this ban does cause a fair bit of damage to the scene within Australia, I really doubt its worth it so others can compete in America, but at the same time it could be. To me though, Aussie players competing in America seems as distant as your imaginary world where a bunch more people than Earl are able to beat Tibs, Attila and Ted with MK and major placings have 3 MKs in top 5. But hey, how distant is that from truth? I think it's pretty damn far tbh, but if you think it's reasonable then chances are you probably still disagree with me
@Shaya: Correlation =/= Causation
Also i dont understand the part about Sydney, are you saying people started to quit there because melbourne had 4 MKs? sorry.