tl;dr - jumbled post about my current be-the-best-in-the-world-by-apex-at-this-games-secret-weapon-yoshi status.
-in order: tourney results, stuff about using notebooks to improve, my sad attempts to get people to talk to me about yoshi
Went 2-2 at the sfl tournament.
beat sfl's best peach (with my peach

i didnt want to chance losing yoshi vs peach after 4 hr drive)
lost to linguini (had a sick ALMOST zero death first game like 0-90% with a bunch of uairs right from READY....... GO that ****ing no one saw )
beat clay (falco main hasnt been playing more than 1-1.5 yrs or so i think)
lost to travis (samus gimmick that im glad i lost to. learned a valuable lesson early that could have ruined me at apex.)
I learned a **** ton. Took a game from chops' falco in a friendly set. Taking games from good players here and there I just have to clean everything up.
I made a notebook when I was learning peach and used it to help memorize a lot of mindgames and other random things. I attribute me beating a power ranker at my first peach tournament (over the summer that just passed) much so to this.
I just made a yoshi notebook,
and it's 3x more filled than my longest peach notes ever were which excites me to levels of bliss you wouldn't understand unless you knew my main history . I learned so many things; I need to practice but I know exactly what to work on for at least now which is good. Anyone want me to post it? it's like 2 pages' worth of stuff I need to improve on. will post if at least 1 person is still reading this jumbled wall of txt by this point and wants to give me their feedback on it.
I really want to have aim\facebook\whatever convo's about certain areas in particular.... hit me up? fb : aim : firebird1987taka
edit: incoming hype as **** MM vid too
p.s. idgaf how good you guys are at shield dropping, this technique Pi found found is game changing for yoshi and all characters. It's like literally impossible to mess up and you can do it at any speed. Idk you guys may know it already but there are so many uses for it that I'm not seeing that leffen\vect would have figured out by now. I'm trying hard to convince him to let me tell just leffen+vector if they promise not to share but he wont let me til after apex... working on it though.