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Q&A Ask about Pikachu! Hosted by Axe and N64! feat. dkuo!


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Your mother
I've discovered training almost exclusively against a Luigi that its like learning an entirely new game. When you face a top tier luigi player, it's like relearning your character.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
Dr. Lady Artemis was wanting to know what is different about playing as pikachu vs pichu. I really can't give a good answer other than pikachu tilts more and pichu is faster and much harder to hit


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
hey guys, I went to a tourney on sunday, and got a bunch of stuff recorded, and Tink even got kels to go pika so our teams could pika/peach ditto

game 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yah8mMcfsjE (starts out laggy but gets better)
game 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfqCVFnZqc4&feature=channel
I watched the second one, good stuff.

A thing I've been noticing (and not liking) is that my pika feels clumsy compared to everyone else I use. He almost feels boxy or chunky or I don't know what. I don't have any vids atm, but if anyone has had similar experiences, sharing how they got through it would be great. I'd really like to "feel the flow" with my pika.

on a side note you can't teach, pika's sh seems harder than fox's... I thought fox was supposed to be the hardest, but I can sh nair>whatever all day with fox, but it seems harder with pika. ... Strange.


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
Springfield, IL
faith, I usually have never experienced feeling clumsy while playing, but I've always seen it in my vids, its getting less as time goes by though, just start incorporating DD, WD, and wavelands in your game and get your quick attacks down, you'll look smoother and smoother.

and yea, pika,fox,andshiek are the hardest to short hop with I believe, and what I did is I went in my room, practiced 100 shorthops sprinting one direction, and 100 more in the other.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
p.s. im gonna have to talk to you about this game and why you lose (maybe) next time you're at my house (i.e. today or tomorrow)


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
Springfield, IL
Somebody buy samurai a new capture card/laptop
I assume your talking about the loudness :-P (or maybe the frame droping)

yea, my laptop like is awfull for my capture program.

Like it started out real nice, then one day a few months later I started getting all these error messages saying how my laptop doesn't have the requirements to run the program, I still get them, and I ignore them cause I don't feel like buying anything, they use to not come untill the program was like 90 percent loaded, then they came earlier and earlier, untill now they just come before it starts loading.

And one day it started setting the volume extremely loud to where I have to manually lower it, and if I forget, then you guys have loud vids to watch.

And while I'm posting, I might as well link this I recently uploaded.

I heard vman said it was better than the axe effect...okay I didn't, but I did hear you guys should go rate it five stars and stuff. :-)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2009
Peoria, AZ

So, I'm pretty much strictly a Brawl player (yeah, I played SSBM back in the day with friends all the time) but I really want to try to get into competitive Melee after playing it for a few hours this weekend. I decided to take Armada's advice in his interview, and just focus on one character, so I began to browse the Melee boards. Pikachu instantly caught my eye as a character I would enjoy, and it's on him whom I've decided to work on.

I am extremely new to this game and am finding it difficult to cope with the drastic differences between the games, so bear with me. Most of my questions have more to do with the basics of the game itself, but I feel that some Pikachu-specific advice would still be applicable.

1. Shielding - Oh lordy, this is so different it's not even funny. I've become much slower with my OOS options, and shield-grabbing can obviously prove difficult for the dear mouse's stubby arms. I feel like if I try to play a more defensive game in my shield I just get *****. And don't even get me started on punishing OOS. It's become almost impossible for me, what with the presence of l-cancelling. Should I just focus on a much more evasive playstyle and practice my spacing? Should I still try to punish other characters who try to land an attack on my shield? This is probably my biggest problem.

2. Priority - Yeeeeaaaaaah. As a Sonic main, I'm pretty used to having 0 priority on all my attacks. However, in Brawl I mainly compensated for this by playing a counter and punish based game and it worked quite well. Like I stated earlier, my defense is now quite sub-par, even for me. How is it that you Pikas make up for the fact that you have to be practically inside your opponent to deal damage?

3. Comboes - I understand that many of these are simply made up on the fly, but I was wondering if you Pikas could describe some of the tricksies that you've had relative success with, for characters of multiple falling speeds. I feel like if I got some of these pre-planned comboes down, my muscle memory would start to kick in during matches and I can improvise a bit more.

Thanks in advance for any replies. There's probably more, but I don't feel like writing anything else tbh. ~Chuuuuuu~ :pikachu:


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
Welcome to Pika.

Uair lots.
OOS (out of shield), comboing, when they're on platfroms, off stage, setting up things, EVERYWHERE.
That'll get you started.

Nice sig Samurai, funny every time. XD


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2009
@ the barnyard
I decided to take Armada's advice in his interview, and just focus on one character, so I began to browse the Melee boards. Pikachu instantly caught my eye as a character I would enjoy, and it's on him whom I've decided to work on.
Well, it's non-Pika related, but because of the different double-elimination system used here compared foreign territory (where you have only one shot at it), it would be in your favor to at least have a secondary to deal with terrible MU's (read: Sheik) instead of being forced to deal with horrible, horrible MU's. I think that's also the reason why Axe (who is an amazing Pika player) has a Falco as backup (read: Sheik counter.)

Pika is kind of about hit and run and low range, but good speed.

Basically he's a chubby and slower Fox. But his u-air is a beast with its enormous utility.


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
Springfield, IL
ty dyna :-)

and about the comboes, what dyna just said, uair lots, rising uair comboes into almost anything, on almost any char, at almost any (reasonable percent). On falco, falcon, and fox, when they are at high percents, upthrow to upsmash is amazing.

as far as shield stuff goes, pikas shield makes me so sadface. Its just awfull, top 5 worst shields in the game, easily, I'ma guess number 3. and shield grab isn't great, especially against people with great shffle options like falco. And if they have a good range on their attacks, like you said, pika's stubby arms are not quite long enough to give characters such as marth a big mouse hug. In fact, they are so short that upsmash OOS reaches farther, I know wtf right? upair OOS is prolly my favorite option, or WD OOS for spacing purposes.

And pika has some descent priority, his nair can clash with Fox's who has like the scariest one in the game, and if someone is above you, that upair is pretty much landed. but the whole being inside your opponents to deal damage, baiting is pretty much key.

And welcome to the pika boards, hope you like it here.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2009
Peoria, AZ
TresChikon said:
Well, it's non-Pika related, but because of the different double-elimination system used here compared foreign territory (where you have only one shot at it), it would be in your favor to at least have a secondary to deal with terrible MU's (read: Sheik) instead of being forced to deal with horrible, horrible MU's. I think that's also the reason why Axe (who is an amazing Pika player) has a Falco as backup (read: Sheik counter.)
Duly noted. CG's, amirite?

I'll get started by practicing my usmash and uair comboes, as well as QA sweetspotting, punishing/starting strings with SH nairs, and tailspiking. How does that sound? :D

UPDATE: Just figured out wavedashing. Can do it somewhat consistently. :bee:


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2009
@ the barnyard
Hey, are you trying to hustle us? You know more about Pika than me lol.

Pika's sweetspotting is usually regarded as harder than waveshining, so kudos to you if you can get that down, because I sure can't.

Yeah CG's are great, and can give you a 0-death, but make sure you JC because, correct me if I'm wrong, it comes out faster than a dash grab and is really important you do so.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
It's alright tdk, but it should have more like some parts were just one hit or f-smash edge gaurd I liked nair nair up-smash wtf poke floats and nair upair for edge guard. Makes me wish some of my good matches were recorded sometimes :(


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
samurai- nice vid. I was worried for a second there, at the beginning it seemed a little repetitive. But it got much better and turned out great. I've got all of these Trixies I want to learn now...

axis-Welcome to the pika boards. I'm new to pikachu as well, so I can't really give you much advice, but I'm sure you'll have fun with pika, and that's why most people play games.

Have a good one.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
snaps! a new pika player? hecks yes =) lol our names are kinda similar, huh?

this game's a heck of a lot different, and yes, pikachu's shield isn't very good, but if you know all of your options of what you can do out of your shield, pikachu is freakin amazing

Uair out of shield is AMAZING, as some people have already stated lol. i feel that it is also very important to learn how to wavedash out of your shield. it's difficult at first, but it's something that will definitely come in handy when your opponent tries to outspace you

it's probably different, like you said, considering pikachu practically has to be inside your opponent to hit him, but this is a lot different than brawl. in melee, there's MANY times where you'll be crossing up your opponent, constantly switching sides with him, running behind him, and much more. from my experiences in brawl (yes, i used to play competitively), it was pretty rare that you'll ever be inside of your opponent. for the most part in brawl, you have to space yourself incredibly well, keeping the right distance away from him so you won't get hit, but he will.

in melee, this isn't necessairly the case. YES, some people do play like that. some people like to try to outspace their opponent to death, but pikachu doesn't have to be one of those characters depending on the style you choose. it's a big transition coming from brawl to melee.

for me, going from melee to brawl, i felt like... restricted, if you will. a lot of the options that you had in melee weren't available anymore. i can only imagine that coming from brawl to melee, it'd be hard to adjust to having so much more options. i can imagine that one hard adjustment would be not being able to shield drop so fast. in melee, you have to substitute that option with wavedashing out of shield, or jumping and doing an ariel

anyways, i'm sure we'll all help you as much as we can. welcome to the pikachu boards =)

P.S. you should watch my combo video =D as well as everyone else that has one on these boards


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
faith, I usually have never experienced feeling clumsy while playing, but I've always seen it in my vids, its getting less as time goes by though, just start incorporating DD, WD, and wavelands in your game and get your quick attacks down, you'll look smoother and smoother.
It was the dding. Wasn't doing it enough. That and the missed l-cancels. :D I think I've got it better now, thanks a lot.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
How could you WD OOS too much for your own good?
I don't see how that's possible...

You mean you do it when you CAN and SHOULD Uair/Nair/something instead?

I guess that would make sense...sort of... :\



Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
If a Falco is simply approaching with a laser, you could just Nair him first LOL
With Luigi, Falcon, etc, light shielding is something worth doing most of the time. Luigi can't punish shield pressure in general since he slides so much, so getting a WD distance away for blocking is easier, and Falcon doesn't have any good OOS options, so giving yourself room is good.

Pika has a crap shield, so light shielding is great for coverage. Though he has great OOS options, so you have to pick carefully between what you can counter and what you can't, what might shield poke and what won't, etc.


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
Pika needs carbos

but I don't have the 9800p I need to buy them from goldenrod city, so I guess I'll just have to ev train like everyone else.

ok. So I brought out pika in a tourney on sat, it was good fun and I'm a heckuva lot better for doing so. But one of my problems was my general lack of speed. I was playing a marth who was just thowing out tilts and sidebs trying to catch me in an approach and I wasn't fast enough to punish him for it... granted I still don't have the nair (behind them)>uair, I think that would have helped, but does anyone have anything that helped them get a fast pika when they were starting out? Work on momentum out of DDing? I don't do that much.

It feels so good to gimp a fox, the other character I use is falcon.. it usually goes the other way. :)

And any other pika advice, training/drills to do would be greatly welcome.

Almost forgot, what do you do when you are above an opponent, coming down from the top of the screen? Dair doesn't seem to work, and I'm having trouble simply avoiding them. Perhaps quick attack? An edgecanceled quick attack would probably be pretty good actually... too bad I can't do them... but hey, good pikas could.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
As pichu when i'm above people I have a bunch of tricks most are pretty simple but yeah they work very well

up-b above or around them pichu's is lagless so for him i can punish them sometimes.

rarly B is useful like they have to be decently far away(keep ffing)

airdodge incoming attack and ff. everyone can do it I think pikachu has a good airdodge if pichu does

fall to the side and thunder I can't really give good detials because you just have to understand how and when to do it. but down-B creates a inpassable wall that beats bombs, needles and slows arrows(pichu only and because pikachu's only one hit it's not as effective vs these projectiles) and a added bonus you fall faster than normal.
But in this case pichu's thunder is much better because if someone hits pichu's thunder it legitly can be a thunder combo like to down-B to air= combo vs the fastest ffers vs fox you could even land a smash or grab.

maybe side-B really you shouldn't worry becuase you can do a lot to avoid attacks.


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
Springfield, IL
well that is nice you can do those things with pichu, but as faith said pointed out, with pika being above an enemy is scary, a couple suggestions I will throw out are

1. air dodge, depending on your situation is where you air dodge, but personally I prefer the air to airdodge down, or diagonally if I'm close enough to hit the ground.

2. up b, doesn't always work honestly, I get punished alot for it unless I do it to a platform where its still punishable unless they had commited their selves to an up air or something

3. ledge cancled up b, axe does this alot, he'll go above the edge, go diagonally out and down, diagonally in and down, he rarely gets punished for that that I see of, but its hard, I usually suicide, but failure is the best teacher so I'm not giving up on it.

4. if I don't feel any of these are a viable option, I will dair or fair depending on the char/move, and pray

as far as drills to make you faster, watch axe in between stocks, he'll do this thing I call the axe dance,
he will do some dashdanceing and throw a wd in there once in a while, then he'll shuffle a shorthop nair and just over all look like a fox, that helps with your muscle memory and will make you feel more comfortable with pika. I used to do the axe dance minus the shuffled arials, but now I just practice up bs to the ledge (in friendlies).

as far as other training, follow the zig regimine and do something 100 times without missing, like shuffled arials, or up bs to the ledge, although IDK if 100 is realistic for up bs to the ledge, atleast for me anyways.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
Play as ice climbers then go back to pikachu i've seen some crazy things happen to people who don't know what to do when your above them i've seen retarted up-tilt combos by sheik that should have been slapped for.

freakin thunder them it's an unpassable wall and you fall faster just make sure they aren't close enough at the time being and if they get close up-B


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
tdk_Samurai said:
Thanks. I'd never thought of going to the ledge, but now that you mention it, I've seen axe do it before.

axe dancing sounds good, certainly can't hurt.


another question:
I've seen axe do this a lot. The on the stage upb>edgehog. Do you have to jump up a little bit to do that? because when I try I get the right angles for the quick attack, but I just run into the wall instead of grabbing the ledge, maybe I just have to space it just right. hmmm.....


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
Now that I think about it, it might be a lot easier to up b from stage edgehog if one jumped first. I'll have to give that a shot.


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
Springfield, IL
if your talking about intercepting them with up b and going back to the stage in the same up b, the thing axe does alot to puffs and sometimes shieks, then I think there are 2 options,

1. the jump, which I think is the easier one, basically what you guys were saying, but you lose your jump, IDK too many situations where this will actually hurt you, I'm sure there is some situation out there where you needed your jump after this, hmm prolly more likely in teams really

2. hit over on either the control stick, or the cstick, preferably c stick, and just be really fast, I don't do this way too often, I don't intercept with up b very often unless I'm being silly, but I can get this to work just fine a good number of times. you gotta be super accurate so you don't accidentally jump though.


Smash Rookie
Feb 23, 2010
So, guys, thunder-spiking, wtf
How does it happen?
Is there any way to make it happen or is it just random?
Could it possibly have something to do with invisible ceilings?


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
if your talking about intercepting them with up b and going back to the stage in the same up b, the thing axe does alot to puffs and sometimes shieks, then I think there are 2 options,

1. the jump, which I think is the easier one, basically what you guys were saying, but you lose your jump, IDK too many situations where this will actually hurt you, I'm sure there is some situation out there where you needed your jump after this, hmm prolly more likely in teams really

2. hit over on either the control stick, or the cstick, preferably c stick, and just be really fast, I don't do this way too often, I don't intercept with up b very often unless I'm being silly, but I can get this to work just fine a good number of times. you gotta be super accurate so you don't accidentally jump though.
I think we are talking about different things.

No interception. I am sitting on FD. I use quick attack to get directly to the ledge, faster than normal. like 1:21 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGTWI2f6AIE

axe uses it to edgehog the marth (ignore the second quick attack there, just the first one to get on to the ledge is what i'm talking about)


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2004
Stalking Skler
thunder spiking is incredibly unreliable as i've only seen it occur once ever.

Also neato mogwai. Pika has toooooo many gimps.


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
Springfield, IL
I think we are talking about different things.

axe uses it to edgehog the marth (ignore the second quick attack there, just the first one to get on to the ledge is what i'm talking about)
o, he doesn't really use it TO edgegaurd the marth, just as a way to get in a position to edgegaurd the marth, its nothing different than a normal ledge cancled up b
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