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Ashunera’s Library - General Discussion, Q&A and Index

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Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2008
Wifi training room waiting...
Dash Attack Shield Cancel

It's just something that can happen if the opponent is shielding near the edge of a platform or ledge which is when you dash attack(some other attacks can work fine) a shield near the edge, you push the opponent offstage or away from the edge, then you're offstage and you can act from there.

Situational but the vid I linked up there can give you some ideas on how to set up that situation with Ike, you just need some imagination.
I personally like when an opponent recovers and is on the ledge i run up to the ledge shield and then wait for what they do, since you can punish them attacking back on and standing, maybe rolling but idk ranges since i haven't been on in a while. If they attack back on you will either be pushed off stage which i am used to so i immediately Bair them, or it can push you back, which in that case a jab-dtilt might work or just jabs lol. If they stand back on of course you can shield grab/jab but sometimes i like to go for Bair still if i anticipated attack you can Bair facing towards them and if you are close enough you should still hit them with the hitbox.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I'm shooting for one of the best ones in BC. >_> In a place where they are hyper competitive for spots as they have to take in people from BC and Alberta. Hence why they won't go on just grades.

Another way in is through the military. A certain % of all med school spots (at least in Canada) are reserved for future military personal. There is a process you have to go through, but getting in is much easier. They also pay for your schooling as well as give you a paycheck on top of it in exchange for 5 years of service.
That sounds pretty good, I mean I personally would be happy to get into any medical school, but I prefer something in TX so I can be somewhat close to home. In any case, before I transferred to UT, I was at Arlington, and getting good grades there was a joke. I transferred into UT with a 3.7, and so far, it looks like my gpa is gonna be something abyssmal like a 2.8. UT just gives too much busy work for each class that doesn't really help for tests.

I have a friend here who transferred from Ohio State, and he was telling me how chemistry and bio there was a joke (even though OSU is ranked 8 less than UT) in comparison to UT. He just emphasized that the UT grading system is stupid, and how curves and such are done hurt more people than help. So yea, he isn't doing so hot here either.

Point of story, UT's way of teaching sucks. It's gonna be why I don't get into a good med school.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Well, if the US Military does the same thing (according to one guy I've talked to, it does), you can stay where ever you want for Pre-Med, and then go to say...San Antonio, sign up there, go through basic training, do your 5 years, and then move back to Texas.

Obviously, if you were really going to go this way, you would have to do some research of your own, lol. I known mainly the Canadian side of things, and even then it's only because my Dad is in the Air Force.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Grad school is for squares.

And Niddo, American military isn't like that of Canada. See, we USE our military. In case you didn't know, we've been using it pretty actively for the past 8-ish years. This means that going into the armed forces could ACTUALLY have a chance at putting one in danger here. I'm not sure how willing we would be to do that.

Or is a part of Bored's awesomeness a bulletproof layer of skin?

I just came up with a new name for you, Bored. Mustawesome.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Ridgewood,Queens NYC
Just something I want to share...

It says a lot when me and my roommate order takeout for the whole week. Doesn't help that last night we freaked out when they didn't slice the pie and we had no knives. It got even worse when I resorted to slicing it with a tube of toothpaste. Resourceful yes, clever maybe, but would any sane person resort to doing that?


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Brett, Canada was basically holding down Afghanistan while you Americans were in Iraq. And we went into Afghanistan only about a month after the US. We've been in the middle east 8 years as well. Except we don't even have helicopters (Thank you left wing government!), AND we went into zones the Americans wouldn't go into because they were too dangerous.

We use our military thank you very much. Heck, it's more dangerous in the Canadian Military then the US Military % of soldiers dying wise. Unless that changed since I last check. It has been a while. *shrugs*

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Just something I want to share...

It says a lot when me and my roommate order takeout for the whole week. Doesn't help that last night we freaked out when they didn't slice the pie and we had no knives. It got even worse when I resorted to slicing it with a tube of toothpaste. Resourceful yes, clever maybe, but would any sane person resort to doing that?
Oh, don't worry about it. Just do what you gotta do to get the job well-done. And yes, I'll give you brownie points for coming up with such a way. I don't think I would've thought of it.

Brett, Canada was basically holding down Afghanistan while you Americans were in Iraq. And we went into Afghanistan only about a month after the US. We've been in the middle east 8 years as well. Except we don't even have helicopters (Thank you left wing government!), AND we went into zones the Americans wouldn't go into because they were too dangerous.

We use our military thank you very much. Heck, it's more dangerous in the Canadian Military then the US Military % of soldiers dying wise. Unless that changed since I last check. It has been a while. *shrugs*
Amen to what you said about the Left-Wing Government. The Liberals in charge in the US basically are weakening our national defense. It's like they're anti-military. Saddening, yes.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
At least you didn't have to buy the Brit's old subs (before hand, a mall of ours had more subs then our navy. To add to the fun: one of the Brit subs we bought caught on fire. Yay!) and the Russian's old Helicopters (more like a long term loan).

Thank goodness we have a right wing government now. Sheesh.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I never was for the war, especially when Bush decided to invade Iraq for all the wrong reasons (weapons of mass destruction my ***) and then used Sadam as a scapegoat when they found him. However, i can say that Iraq is better off without him, and in baby steps, Iraq will come out of this as a better country...unless of course some other dictator ends up taking control once US leaves.

If there was any country we were gonna invade, it had to have been Afghanistan, which we did, but then kinda left it after giving up on Osama. Let's face it though, we are never gonna find him, the guy is too pro at hiding. He's probably partying it up in the Cave of Wonders or something.

Also, because America is fighting the war on "terror", it basically gives the US permission to go anywhere where there might be insurgents threatening our land. With that being said, I don't find it right to invade other countries, just cause some radicals are harming us.

And I'm willing to bet if we never invaded Iraq and spent all that money, we would have a good amount of money in our reserves to use for these down times.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Sadam wasn't really a scapegoat: he was always one of the two main targets. He was simply not nearly as good at hiding.

The other thing is Bored is that if you pull out without finishing the job, it's going to be Vietnam all over again. Except these people will attack other countries. It will look like the US was too weak to finish off a bunch of terrorists (can't spell the group's name correctly for the life of me), and they WILL use that fact to their advantage. My Dad is one of the guys training NATO forces how to deal with terrorist propaganda (which is why he's in Norway a lot now), and we've talked about this sort of thing before. Bush in the war just for the oil for example? Terrorist method of bringing down US moral, not actually what happened. The US actually hasn't taken a single drop of oil out of that area outside of what they normally buy before the war started.

@Brett: I can stand a lot of jokes, but jokes about my country's military just makes my blood boil. Mainly because I hear them so often. My Dad nearly got sent over twice (he was three days away from leaving last time when the mission plan changed and he wasn't needed. Even then, he was the last guy cut from the list.), and I don't find it to be a joking matter.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Relax, I'm satirizing the ignorant American, not making fun of the Canadian army. I wouldn't actually make fun of a country's military. It's really not classy. I'd rather make fun of my "countrymen" who make fun of other military organizations.
The tone I imagined just doesn't translate well over the internet. =\

Sigh. Let's get away from the war. I despise diplomatic, political, and military debates.

/excludes half of the Ike boards.
/remembers he himself is agnostic.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Sadam wasn't really a scapegoat: he was always one of the two main targets. He was simply not nearly as good at hiding.

The other thing is Bored is that if you pull out without finishing the job, it's going to be Vietnam all over again. Except these people will attack other countries. It will look like the US was too weak to finish off a bunch of terrorists (can't spell the group's name correctly for the life of me), and they WILL use that fact to their advantage. My Dad is one of the guys training NATO forces how to deal with terrorist propaganda (which is why he's in Norway a lot now), and we've talked about this sort of thing before. Bush in the war just for the oil for example? Terrorist method of bringing down US moral, not actually what happened. The US actually hasn't taken a single drop of oil out of that area outside of what they normally buy before the war started.
Well yea, we're there now, so we can't just get up and leave otherwise it would be a mess. I'm just saying we shouldn't have invaded from the start.

And please, we're not the only country there trying to find these terrorists. I agree that US is probably leading the charge, but I mean you have to start wondering if billions and billions of dollars is worth it to take out a few hundred to a thousand guys. I feel like we're better off using that money to combat the criminals in our country. Think about it, these terrorist insurgent activities have been going on even before the Gulf War, it was only until 9/11 that we started taking it seriously cause we got nailed once. More people die in our land by the hands of our own citizens than by some terrorist attacks. The same can be applied to almost any first world country.

And if there should be any country that has had it with terrorists, it should be Britain. Iono how many attacks they have had since the 9/11 era began.

Oh and I definitely agree with you on cracking jokes about the military, it's no laughing matter, especially when you know someone in the military. I'm against the war, but I still hold respect for the people who are fighting for what's right.

Are we celebrating the birth of Niddo?


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX

Nah, not quite yet. Wait until Feburary. Besides, December wasn't the real month Jesus was born in: too cold for shepherds to have flocks outside.
December wasn't the month Jesus was born in? Then why do people celebrate Christmas that day? Did they just pick that day out of random and use it to appreciate the day he was really born?

No sarcasm btw. Serious question.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
The early Church wanted people to celebrate that fact, but at the same time, they didn't want to cause too much chaos in changing up things, so they replaced a pagan holiday to replace with Christmas with...it happened to be on Dec.25th. *shrugs* It's been that way ever since.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
The early Church wanted people to celebrate that fact, but at the same time, they didn't want to cause too much chaos in changing up things, so they replaced a pagan holiday to replace with Christmas with...it happened to be on Dec.25th. *shrugs* It's been that way ever since.
Ah ok, that makes sense I guess.

Niddo, what's your take on people celebrating Christmas when they aren't Christian/Catholic/Anything that believes in Jesus? Personally I find it annoying to see Hindus, Buddhists, and other religions buying Christmas trees, gifts, participating in the Christmas spirit, but then claim they aren't really celebrating Christmas >_>. I feel like you are disrespecting your own religion by partaking in another religion's traditions.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
It's kinda weird to me, but that's their choice. I think it's partly due to the fact:

A) Santa. It's been changed form Saint Nick (Christian Based) to Mr. North Pole (Not Christian Based)


B) Media/Stores. They have a good thing going if everyone partakes in Christmas, so they make as non-Christian as possible outside of the traditional music. Even then, they try to change it as much as they can get away with it. Why do you think so many cards now say "Seasons Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"? If they can make people who aren't Christians forget, or not care, they make money.

It's gotten to a point where most people can easily forget how it was started. Same case with Easter, though I think that Holiday has gotten hit even harder.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Christmas has been turned into a completely secular holiday by today's American society. Simply put.
I don't think I count because my whole family is Presbyterian and I'm the only one who classifies himself as anything else (and my family doesn't even really accept that-- not even sure if they REMEMBER that). But I have seen tons of other people (Buddhist, agnostic and atheist more often than not) who celebrate the SECULARIZED holiday.
I don't mind it. I believe in anything that will bring the family together in good cheer.
It's just like Thanksgiving-- only a different holiday. Real Christians mostly celebrate it in the secularized way anyhow. Those who really care are the ones who will celebrate it in a more personal and deeply religious fashion, and I believe that's exactly the way it should be.


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2009
McGuire AFB, New Jersey
Christmas isn't strictly a christian holiday even though many people claim it is. Um, if I can remember, jesus (if he even existed) wasn't born on december 25th. Some bible scholars say it was somewhere near March or something. Christmas came from both a Pagan Holiday celebrating their harvest god, and a Roman winter festival which is the equivalent of Mardi Gras to today's standards.

And I see a lot of religious people who aren't christians (Jews, Hindus, muslims, Jains, etc) who celebrate christmas, because it isn't nailed in stone that christmas is the "Birth" of jesus. It can mean basically just a holiday of giving and receiving, to have fun, and to get together. I'm atheist, and I celebrate christmas, and I have a lot of non-christian friends who celebrate it too. Hell, even some christians who know that jesus wasn't born on the 25th still celebrate it lol.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Christmas isn't strictly a christian holiday even though many people claim it is. Um, if I can remember, jesus (if he even existed) wasn't born on december 25th. Some bible scholars say it was somewhere near March or something. Christmas came from both a Pagan Holiday celebrating their harvest god, and a Roman winter festival which is the equivalent of Mardi Gras to today's standards.

And I see a lot of religious people who aren't christians (Jews, Hindus, muslims, Jains, etc) who celebrate christmas, because it isn't nailed in stone that christmas is the "Birth" of jesus. It can mean basically just a holiday of giving and receiving, to have fun, and to get together. I'm atheist, and I celebrate christmas, and I have a lot of non-christian friends who celebrate it too. Hell, even some christians who know that jesus wasn't born on the 25th still celebrate it lol.
I'm pretty sure the definition of Christmas is to commemorate the birth of Jesus. Niddo just went over that with me on the last page. It's even called "CHRISTmas" for a reason.So if you are partaking in that holiday on THAT DAY, you are partaking in the commemoration of Jesus. This is where I get a problem with people from other religions and beliefs that don't acknowledge Jesus. I could care less if they picked up another date to have a get together and bring good cheer to the family, but they had to pick Christmas. Why? It's cause everyone else is doing it, so there is no harm in joining in on the fun.

I do agree that today, Christmas has become more non-religious as given by the fact that you always hear "Happy holidays", but that doesn't change the fact you are partaking in the celebration and traditions, in which should be strictly only be allowed by Christians.

Brett, Thanksgiving isn't a holiday about religion if I'm not mistaken. In fact, it's not even a real holiday given the fact that only one Native American was there when it actually happened. Abe Lincoln just declared it a holiday during the civil war era to ease tension. I'm debating on whether if you are adhering to your faith by partaking in a holiday that doesn't correspond with your beliefs. I for one refuse to partake in it, along with holidays like Easter and Halloween, because I don't believe in that stuff. It's because I strongly believe in my religion, and I feel like I'm tarnishing my faith and belief if I partake in another religion's celebration.

Christmas has been turned into a completely secular holiday by today's American society. Simply put.
I don't think I count because my whole family is Presbyterian and I'm the only one who classifies himself as anything else (and my family doesn't even really accept that-- not even sure if they REMEMBER that). But I have seen tons of other people (Buddhist, agnostic and atheist more often than not) who celebrate the SECULARIZED holiday.
I don't mind it. I believe in anything that will bring the family together in good cheer.
It's just like Thanksgiving-- only a different holiday. Real Christians mostly celebrate it in the secularized way anyhow. Those who really care are the ones who will celebrate it in a more personal and deeply religious fashion, and I believe that's exactly the way it should be.
Either pick your own day to bring the family together or do it on your own religious days. I know America has turned it into more of secularish feel, so more people take part in it, but you are still celebrating it, because the roots of that day lie within the commemoration of Jesus.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
The day was chosen to symbolize the day Christ was born. Most Christians know he wasn't born in December, as I mentioned earlier. We do study the Bible after all, lol.

It is nailed in stone that Christmas is about the Birth of Jesus when you look at it's origins. Thats not changeable at all. The day was changed from the previous holiday(s) to Christmas early on by the Catholic Church when they began to gain power. How people celebrate it now is a different matter. Most people go about it the same fashion, at least outwardly (Presents, Lights, ect.). Inwardly it can be quite different.

EDIT: Yays, I'm not the only one here who doesn't celebrate Halloween, lol.


Smash Master
May 20, 2008
New York
it wasnt random
it was NJ NY tourney >_>
and ugh,my cstick stopped working mid battle in loser brackets
i coulda gotten top 9 at least, i know it

also me and red did decently in teams xD
and he ***** me in dittos ._.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2009
Bronx, NY
I did horrible -_- 25th out of IDC
It was a NY/NJ/NE tourney and Ally using MK lmao
I did a few MMs there and there, made like...2 dollars and 50 cents(Penta's cheap)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 4, 2009
does ike have any grab release setups or combos for lucas and ness?


Smash Master
May 20, 2008
New York
I did horrible -_- 25th out of IDC
It was a NY/NJ/NE tourney and Ally using MK lmao
I did a few MMs there and there, made like...2 dollars and 50 cents(Penta's cheap)
ehh u got wes didnt you?V-V
that musta sucked


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2009
Bronx, NY
I didn't do too bad vs him(even thought I got 2-0'd lol). I might get the match I saved uploaded.
I'm not sure if you want the Ike ditto MM with me uploaded unless you want to be critiqued :chuckle:
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