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4/25/09 Gigabits and SilverMineSubs Brawl Tournament #10 An April Brawl


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
I dont think Gaw vs Snake is close to even. The only thing gaw has is outspacing but he has to play perfect. I think its at least 6:4 snake. Gaw can easily be techchased because of his terrible roll, he has no gimping options on snake, snake kills him very early, gaw doesnt have a solid option for nade camping as well as not being to kill snake because its really easy to avoid his kill moves with snake. Unless the snake doesn't know the matchup, I think its pretty strongly in snake's favor.
This sounds sounds a lot more like theory fighting than like the actual matchup.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
xyz, point me to any snake u want, i'll just MM them with GW

assuming its not afro/chops (two people on my lvl/possibly higher)

but i'll MM co18's snake, or hrnut's or w.e. with gw, with 0 matchup exp, or alot of general knowledge about gw himself, and i'll bet money on myself :D


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
lol at all this brawl garbage talk

arrogance is what annoys me the most outta this game, people that are good are very conceited

xyz is smarter than ya'll think, dont underestimate him, he was the second best for a whole year for a reason... just dont john will, instead **** anyone who goes snake on ya. ur falco is pretty good try him, but i think ur G&W can get the job done

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
i knwo how smart he is. but he comapres him to TOP players not really good player TOP players. lol he was 2nd best for a few months till better players pikced up or got good at the game... regardles he still a really good player that has a scrub mentality. thats wats stopping him from getting better


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
xyz, point me to any snake u want, i'll just MM them with GW

assuming its not afro/chops (two people on my lvl/possibly higher)

but i'll MM co18's snake, or hrnut's or w.e. with gw, with 0 matchup exp, or alot of general knowledge about gw himself, and i'll bet money on myself :D
lol... if you want to test that out, i'll come over and use my snake :) no mm btw


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
all this GW talk..

i think i need to start practicing up my GW again. I think i can get him really good, since i actually like playing him


Smash Cadet
Apr 21, 2008
Orlando, Florida ( UCF)
Was a Fun gigs =] even though i got knocked out by two friends =/ better them then someone i didn't know i guess.. good games =] Was good to see people i haven't seen in a while as well!

Maybe me and Kei should team.........someday.... =^-^=
I think me and gindz are perma double team for gigs (if he wants), but we should pair up for another tourny sometime ! even though peach ditto is horrid in teams ;x peach and pika? ;D


Smash Ace
Jul 9, 2007
Land of Clouds and Spikes
not only that the match up is close to even. gw outranges snake lol snake has projectiles over him but the fact that he has manuarability over snake is wat make it almost even. gw is like a marth that kills fast. and outrange snake. gw players are usually ****ty players that main gw or they too lazy to put in effort ot be good with gw. not saying xyz is a bad player but he doesnt liek putting in the effort he rather complain about it and compare himself to top player saying he loses only cuz he mains gw. if he wants to he should name a GOOD PLAYER THAT MAIN GW. their all garbage players that use gw though lol.
OUCH!!!!! :urg:

BTW....LOL :laugh:

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
im not pointing fingers at u im talking about known gw players in general. from wat i saw WILL can bve really good vs snake with gw but he doesnt wanna put in effort he just wants to win now his standards are too high whenn they shouldnt be.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
man. my diddy has been 3 stocked on brinstar so many times in counterpick situations. i can somewhat handle norfair but brinstar is just ridiculous :laugh:


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Kei....: I wanna play you in tourney

Virg- the man

Radix(Tony)- You camping piece of **** from a gay chubacca scrub *****....xD

Seib 10$ my snake vs your GaW....


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
xyz, point me to any snake u want, i'll just MM them with GW

assuming its not afro/chops (two people on my lvl/possibly higher)

but i'll MM co18's snake, or hrnut's or w.e. with gw, with 0 matchup exp, or alot of general knowledge about gw himself, and i'll bet money on myself :D
I'm not gonna MM but I'll play Snake vs your G&W whenever I see you.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
lol never think sex puma is going. Its been like 4 straight gigs hes like IM GOING IM GOING.

Then doesnt show up.

Also Ill take that MM Seibrik for any amount up to 40$ lol


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2009
This gigs was pretty straight I mean other than the fact that my hate for meta has sky rocketed because hes the only character that knocked me off -_- but long *** list of shout outs!!! in the order of randomness...

Virg - Bro ur fox is beast, we needa team up one day and see how we mesh. although the team we played at your house was really awkward and different.

Tony - There will come a time where we will snake ditto and the score will be 10-0 Me...just wait and see <.< snake is gettin better tho keep it up man

Zip - Sonic isn't campy. why would sonic camp? but ur gettin good your D3 needs to play a lot more gayer tho.

Polmex - you're a funny guy, cool as **** too. we need to play 1on1 see how that goes, from what I seen ur weegee is beast.

X factor - Nice climbers bro ur gettin better every time I see you. keep it up. P.S. ur the funniest dude wen u brawl. "CLIMBERS SON!!!"

GDX - We ain't 1vs1 WTF man diddy was sick as **** on teams bro.

HRNUT - You a chill *** dude bro and smart brawler too, we needa train bro. Show me how to stick metas sword up his own *** ur somethin <.<

Ginler - Gettin better bro, keep that wario goin bro. and GL with the IC training

Petey - WTF man... I hate meta...But i dont hate the player...I hate the game good job bro

Seibrik - I almost beat you in the tourny bro, and if I would have all hell would have broke loose. Lol before I thought you were the biggest douche but you're really not ur just a jerk. Lol j/p j/p but for real though bro you're cool people we have to get more matches in next time.

XYZ - Bro go G&W vs Snake its not impossible. Brawl is about mind games and whos smarter just find a different play style for snake + the bucket DI and you'll be good I promise

Kei - Sorry for beatin you in the tourny -_- I felt like **** trust me.

Wonder bread - you cool as **** bro. **** meta...

Sandtru - beef squashed bro, the rumors were ridiculous and false. GGs in doubles when we played.

MVD - nice snake bro I like how you fight meta, let me know when you want another money match

Hbox - Thanks for the hug -_-

Lambchops - You chill as **** bro, hope everything gets better bro, dont forget we got a match at next gigs.

Spike - **** pit...

Anyone else I didn't mention, I'm sorry my memory isnt the best


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2008
lol never think sex puma is going. Its been like 4 straight gigs hes like IM GOING IM GOING.

Then doesnt show up.

Also Ill take that MM Seibrik for any amount up to 40$ lol
you're right though...he never goes xD


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
Spike - **** pit...
Lol the usual response from mickey. Good **** tho with sonic at gigs! From now on i dont think were teaming anymore. After multiple losses i think me and you just dont mesh well on teams. You still my dawg tho, and Ill still help you out during your single matches!

Spike is looking for a possible permanent partner.

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
Was a Fun gigs =] even though i got knocked out by two friends =/ better them then someone i didn't know i guess.. good games =] Was good to see people i haven't seen in a while as well!

I think me and gindz are perma double team for gigs (if he wants), but we should pair up for another tourny sometime ! even though peach ditto is horrid in teams ;x peach and pika? ;D
That sounds nasty! But yeah Perm teams is what it should be..... I miss my legion...


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008

polmex - ur raw ***, to bad u couldnt play dubz

gmoney - ur pretty sick with that sand attack, gotta teach me one day

hbcspike - great friendlies, id like to team with u, pit and rob are both sick in teams, wed do great

zip - ggs dude, u got bracket ****ed. work on that d3 and never play wifi again, ull get 10 times better

mickey - nice friendlies, work on that sonic more, its pretty readable. The spring into dair is nice but when u do it so much its ez to punish

chaz - nice falcon dittos, rematch next time we meet

sheer - ur fox hax, ur not allowed to play him anymore

petey - ur a piece of ****

xyz - ggs bro, u ***** me. u knew the matchup better then me. i thought i was ready.

mvd - GET THERE ON TIME BISH!!! lol i had the best matches with u dude.

radix - nice snake dude, hit me up next time so we can play more

overall i had a good time besides gettin knocked out early in both singles and dubz. if i forgot any it just because i dont like u at all. jkjkjkjk


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
spike is the ****

and good stuff x factor those were fun matches lol
:coolmonke Oh Yea!

But lets not forget that Petey is the ****!!!


hbcspike - great friendlies, id like to team with u, pit and rob are both sick in teams, wed do great
Most def! Let me know whenever you wanna partner up and im down. Great friendlies and your a cool *** guy!

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
This Tourney was pretty good for me, I'm proud of how much I have progressed. Can't wait for the next one. Also the Smash Fest at Virg's after Gigs was dam fun. With that said...


- Good Meta, came down to the last stock with our match! Dam Nado (lol)!

- Friggin awsome Kirby! Look forward to our next fight, sorry about the chain grabs. I still agree with you that IC's don't pose much of a threat for Kirby mains. That win was a fluke for me.

Fearless - A wins, a win. Dam Meta, another close fight for me. Next time I'll be sure to take a a stock with each grab, lol.

TXP - I hope your first tourney was good. Keep playing, and learn your match ups. Hope to see you around more often.

Ravyn - Nice Pit, he's tough to fight. I never liked him anway, lol.

- Glad you decided to learn climbers. There a lot of hard work, but the rewards are amazing. Shoot me with any questions you have. I'll do my best to answer them, if the IC boards aren't helping you.

Verikz - I think that's how you spell it (sorry for getting it wrong). Good fights, glad I got to play you. Your Snake is tough to get around.

Garbonzo - Good to see more climbers on the mountain bro! :bee:

Mata - We did pretty good in teams, just got to stay off the edge.

- He's Virg

<3 - Shiek is ... well shiek...

- Always a pleasure to fight you man.

- You to want to pick up climbers... the more the merrier.

Caps - F@g... you didn't go (lol).

- Read Caps

Kei - It's all peachy, I never get tired of fighting you.

Hrnut - Better watch out, I'm taking IC to the top. By all means, Popo thanks you for sending him home early for dinner...I think Nana was gonna get mad.

- Nice Diddy, ask Zyzzx how much I hate them. Diddy IMO destroys IC.

Petey - Great fight at Virg's man. Sorry about the chains, non the less Meta still a hard fight.

PoleMex - I think I butchered your name. You owe me a fight. Your Weeg is top notch, and to that I say Daaaaaaammmmmmn!

Mickey - Sonic is beast...let's leave it at that.

Dercs - Glad your taking the chain grabs lightly now, I know how much they bothered you before, and yes I still frigging hate pit.

G-Money - Crazy Wario, thanks for all the tips. Your mad chill, and a dam good fighter.

I think that's everybody. I fought a lot of different and really good players. Too anyone I missed, my bad! Everyone I played was really good and skillful. Look forward to fighting and seeing everyone again.

X = IC

Solve for X ...

Im sorry I didnt get to play you =(

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
I did pretty good, considering this is like the 2nd time I've played brawl since last brawl gigs!!!

I'm gonna try and attend more local brawl stuff, whenever it isn't coinciding with melee stuff!!!

Yeah man Do what you gotta do. It was nice talking to you for that little bit with vericz.

BTW...... I dont like snakes........Chops..... stupid nades


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Was a Fun gigs =] even though i got knocked out by two friends =/ better them then someone i didn't know i guess.. good games =] Was good to see people i haven't seen in a while as well!

I think me and gindz are perma double team for gigs (if he wants), but we should pair up for another tourny sometime ! even though peach ditto is horrid in teams ;x peach and pika? ;D
I'm up for perma teaming since we're both actually good teammates.

You could try teaming with kyon at a gigs too if you so wish as well, just give me a head's up in advance rather than the day of :chuckle: (getting dropped the day of a tourney sucks)

Shoutouts coming later btw...................hope results do to

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
I'm up for perma teaming since we're both actually good teammates.

You could try teaming with kyon at a gigs too if you so wish as well, just give me a head's up in advance rather than the day of :chuckle: (getting dropped the day of a tourney sucks)

Shoutouts coming later btw...................hope results do to
I doubt it will happen. like i said perm teams is nasty!
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