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4/25/09 Gigabits and SilverMineSubs Brawl Tournament #10 An April Brawl


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
lol willis i'll teach u how to play vs snake if u teach me how to play vs metaknight

I'm too pro vs snake.
You pro vs. snake? I must be too then :chuckle:

and arguing with u is liek arguing with a handicapped ESE kid bound to a wheelchair with down syndrome. ur literally using ur own exp to create a horrible math logic. i lsoe to snake therefore snake counters gw. *** outa here with that garbage son. im done arguing wit it anyway but w/e. dont use me as an example or ill just use u as an example as well. use another snake player not me and i wont bash u either. first get on my level b4 using me as an example cuz that **** was wack wat u did.

and yes u gotta accept that most gw players arent even that GOOD as a player name a melee pro that mains gw lol thier all trash imo ur the best one and u dont even come close to seibrik or afro level or colbol level as a player. with those odds wat are the chances of u beating afros or my snake lol. u DO hype urself LOL look at how u talk son u literally just said "not once have i hyped myself up, im just stating some facts." thats the epitome of a math logic lol thats inui logic son stay away from that **** its bad for the brain
Arguing with either of you seems like a chore (probably you a little more after seeing how you handle a loss, no offense I've heard your super chill none the less). That's why I agree with Will. From what I can tell Will and Tony are at about the same skill level, maybe will a little more (sorry tony, still your biggest fan :)), and I've seen tony consistently win with snake.

Shout outs later tonight.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
*sigh* I don't blindly judge, I'm just kinda a first impression kinda guy......

But you're right, I don't know you. I just know of you, so I apologize for that

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
i apologize too. stress outside of smash+anger issues+me losing sets in tourneys=bad impression. when im pissed u know thats not how i really am at least the people that know me. but my bad. i can control my temper really well but not atm its just taking control of me lately so for that my bad for whoever i got pissed at gigs. i dont really mean it.

as u can see words help me calm down lol


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
i apologize too. stress outside of smash+anger issues+me losing sets in tourneys=bad impression. when im pissed u know thats not how i really am at least the people that know me. but my bad. i can control my temper really well but not atm its just taking control of me lately so for that my bad for whoever i got pissed at gigs. i dont really mean it.

as u can see words help me calm down lol
This here proves chops is truly a cool guy. Even I get pissed at smash sometimes (looking at bonesaw, for april gigs anyway...going cornered rabid wolverine on kei and i :chuckle:)

lol. they sure did. Funny how that worked. Gindz you should be an international peacekeeper.....for smash.
Ha, nah. I actually started the whole argument :ohwell:

So you should do it virg, you make the world a better place for all who inhabit it.

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
i apologize too. stress outside of smash+anger issues+me losing sets in tourneys=bad impression. when im pissed u know thats not how i really am at least the people that know me. but my bad. i can control my temper really well but not atm its just taking control of me lately so for that my bad for whoever i got pissed at gigs. i dont really mean it.

as u can see words help me calm down lol
i got that first hand experience son. But im not really good at letting people alone generally because i want them to cheer up. sorry again sensei chops


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
i'm not even going to attempt to argue with chops because thats like argueing with a frusterated 10yr old. so thats that. not once have i hyped myself up, im just stating some facts.

however, i will put money on myself that I will beat your mk afro. not only will i beat your mk, but i'll then i'll want to mm your snake just to show you how ****ty the matchup is.

Seibrik... no. you will not beat HRNUT's snake with gw. I will put $50 on that. you will not beat Radix's snake with gw... i'll be $20 on that. you will not beat co18's snake, i'll put money on that. Hell i bet money that izzy and ruuku wont even beat those players.

redhal, yes im aware of that match, but he still didn't win that set. it was a good one though, but valdens will probably lose to dsf most of the time if they had rematches.

its 65/35 snakes favor... why is it so hard to see??

i've constantly lost to radix/hrnuts snake in friendlies and in tourney matches round after round. I will keep playing the matchup because gw is my best character, but the match is not even... not even close actually.

Sorry to bash you guys, doesn't change the fact that i <3 u guys... but trust me on this one, i actually play gw and I place high with em, and I follow (according to chops, other scrubby gw mains.)

and when I mean snake, i'm talking about snakes of high lvl play. I can destroy just about any snake in FL with the exception of the ones who usually place top10.
I'll destroy yo GaW.
Rofl you need humbled greatly, your ridiculous amounts of cocky for no real reason.
I'll put 20 up on that match, even more. And i havent played MK in months.

You've done nothing but hype yourself up in every thread for gigs or any tournament you attend. You even post saying looking for a amazing teams partner when the top teams wreck your team (me and brik). You act like your a top placer or even a CONTENDER for 1st at tournaments but the truth is you arent. You base Gaw vs Snake being bad off NOTHING OTHER THEN YOU LOSING which is completely ********. Essentially you seem to think you are on the same levle as me seibrik co18 and other top brawl players even tho you lose randomly and dont place nearly as well as us (and get owned by us).

I aint tryin to be mean, your still gonna be my homie after this is over, but you being stupid son. Straight up, if you REALLY think your gonna beat me JUST CUZ YOU THINK gaw vs mk is a more even matchup, i'll gladly take your money and humble you in front of people and force you to understand that you ARENT on our level.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
i also hate how i havent played afro yet......

i think i can beat top snakes but i havent had shot yet, lol


Smash Master
Apr 30, 2008
Miami, Florida
I haven't played against Afro yet either, even though I've seen him in almost all the tournaments I go to. :ohwell:


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Shout out time: :)

Kei: Amazing teammate, we shoulda gotten top 4 instead of just top 6. I let you down, but we're getting better :). You're also the best 2 v 1 fighter around, crowning everyone.

Tony/radix(for sake of what everyone else knows you by): Good job doing the best out of the newly conjoined crew, you and kei had an amazingly close set.

Virg: Bam, you're too good man.

Gmoney: thanks for inspiring me to use wario, I get grabbed still though so he'll be for doubles only. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLeXGOfJqe4

Tom/Xfactor: **** metaknight, I'm Ice climbers SON!!!

Justin: wait you weren't there :chuckle:

xYz: we actually gave you and hbox a run for your money in doubles, but you're too good.

hbox: "how'd you guys get this far?" I had no idea what that was supposed to mean :chuckle:

Mata: beating tony's snake, your Ivy's gotten better soon you'll see why she's my favorite

Chops: glad we're cool now, working on my first impressions thing ha.

Spike: Awesome that you were "allowed" to make it

Micky: I beat your sonic, OMG. with yoshi...........................in friendlies so it doesn't count. Your snakes way better now too.

Sheer+GDX: extremely close set, it was fun too (stupid bananas)

Bonesaw: going cornered wolverine on me and kei in 2 v 1, jerk. Ha, next time we'll be sure to get you in the middle of us.

Polmex: Daaayyyummmm, I'm not using wario in singles thanks to you

Zoro+verciz: Nice to see you two have joined the dark side (brawl)

Seibrik: **** wanted to MM your MK, maybe next time.

For everyone else sorry, but this was too long as it is. ha


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
GW vs MK is so dumb for GW. its like watching a kid trying to climb a brick wall

imma learn the matchups though. Ive been recently inspired to get my GW good again


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
pika ***** snake's c4 recovery. thats a true story.

oh and stop qq'ing about gaw having bad matchups. pika gets wrecked by marth and MK and gaw AND ROB BUT YOU DONT SEE ME GOING CRAZY EVEN THOUGH I ALWAYS GET A ROB SOMEHOW IN A MATCH(stares at zom~b)!!!!!!!! zom~b is a crazy kool guy though.

i actually enjoy playing gaw as pika. its fun. so is using snake though.....


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2009
im pretty sure GaW can take snake on...there are much worse matchups than that...for instance sonic vs snake...but i still **** snakes with him =]
Mind Games son
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