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3/14/09 M!Xcoatl Presents: A Naples Brawl Tourney... "Bound By Pride"


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
that why he said he changed it hes not saying the brackets were completely perfect he m
its not as bad as playing with someone who you play with everyday

I saw the bracket b4 ur boi got to it and it waz pretty even except for the sebrik chops match but that was fixed next tima ur boi is gonna be restricted from m!xs room shogun style.
Lol okay and then who will run the tourney? M1x? LOLOLOLOLALALALAL thats some funny **** cuz he didnt run anything this tourney. Seibrik and Chops play pretty much everyday, so your problem isnt anywhere above theirs btw....

Like i said if you had a problem, if anyone could of change it, it was m1x and he choose not to i guess.

**** afro too good
I know bro but i cant help it people bein mad dumb....


Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2008
Outer Haven
To Afro

as I mentioned before yea I am at fault for letting him run the tournament, I had the bracket set and done and he was just taking a look and then next thing I know I went and play in crews while he stayed behind finishing up the bracket and seeing who fights who... then my friends come and complain that how did they had to fight each other in round one after the whole thing started... and it was just in the time I was busy with my matches... it's not so hard to understand that now is it Afro if you wanna keep talking then do it lol I know what happened and I'm not gonna say that I ran the thing... what I did was just finish the thing but there was no point.... ohh yea and before I left for crews and changed a couple things he messed with.. like Emo^Wolf going against PolMex23 on round one and SheikSSBM against Chops... i chaged it so that they would meet later on and they did... and Naples came out on top as I predicted but the other things i did not saw so i couldn't do anything about it.... Seibrik was the last one to change the bracket....

so again I had the bracket set and done and he was just gonna help me call out matches and keep updating the thing but then hes just took over and keep doing things on his own... so I just said w/e I'll just enjoy my tournament with out worrying about the thing.. if you think about it the only thing that was needed to be done was call out names and assign a tv.. it's not hard if you think thats so hard to do then that's sad... I could of done it but just finished the thing midway though i should of done it since match one... I let him do what he wanted and that was my mistake.... as I said I'm guilty but get this right if you can... my bracket had one thing wrong and that was chops being right next to seibrik and i missed it so he complain about it and I understood him so i gave the yes to move chops... then he went and change things and was gonna put him self in your side of the bracket and I was just like ok shouldn't you be on the other side to meet in winners and he agreed but it didn't matter since you for some reason lost to DC on your first match... sooo there you have it talk what ever you want this is gonna be my only reply since I know you will still be talking **** about it and is so funny now that i think about since I heard u say it's not worth arguing with someone but we'll see

btw Afro your too good, you should know that... I'm glad you're back to being Snake :) get your No. 1 Spot back since I still think your are Fl. Best!!!

No Johns, it is what it is my friend!!!


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
OMg...what is your problems???

Like, how old are you guys?

I just said stop misinterpreting me!!! For ****ing sakes, wtf??? Is it that hard to understand a mans ****ing english???

I said no excuses...I said me saying I felt ****ty meant I FELT ****ty!!!! Not meant to secretly downplay your skill////////

???? I didnt even read your ****s cuz its all wrong...

The only reason I think yall are doing this is just to piss me the **** off....

Before I blow,...please, Do I have to ****ing get on my knees an start ****ing sucking **** to show how much respect I have for naples??? Do i???? really?

Just to put it in simple terms you guys are good. I told someone that you have Chris for practice since hes REALLY smart....ISNT THAT ****ING SAYING HES GOOD????

An we dont get shoutouts, **** that.

I dont give **** shouts cuz it takes forever....

Guys? Grow up. Im shaking wit stupid anger.

Anyways dont talk like that **** if u down for the MM im ****in down aint no playin around or bull**** ANd I hope i dont feel like passing out AKA ****ty...

I felt ****ty losing to you cuz i became stupid and lost patience...YOU should know thats key with Luigi...WHY ARE you saying Johns an ****???

Im ****ing losing my mind you guys sound worse than West Coast


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
as I mentioned before yea I am at fault for letting him run the tournament, I had the bracket set and done and he was just taking a look and then next thing I know I went and play in crews while he stayed behind finishing up the bracket and seeing who fights who... then my friends come and complain that how did they had to fight each other in round one after the whole thing started... and it was just in the time I was busy with my matches... it's not so hard to understand that now is it Afro if you wanna keep talking then do it lol I know what happened and I'm not gonna say that I ran the thing... what I did was just finish the thing but there was no point.... ohh yea and before I left for crews and changed a couple things he messed with.. like Emo^Wolf going against PolMex23 on round one and SheikSSBM against Chops... i chaged it so that they would meet later on and they did... and Naples came out on top as I predicted but the other things i did not saw so i couldn't do anything about it.... Seibrik was the last one to change the bracket....

so again I had the bracket set and done and he was just gonna help me call out matches and keep updating the thing but then hes just took over and keep doing things on his own... so I just said w/e I'll just enjoy my tournament with out worrying about the thing.. if you think about it the only thing that was needed to be done was call out names and assign a tv.. it's not hard if you think thats so hard to do then that's sad... I could of done it but just finished the thing midway though i should of done it since match one... I let him do what he wanted and that was my mistake.... as I said I'm guilty but get this right if you can... my bracket had one thing wrong and that was chops being right next to seibrik and i missed it so he complain about it and I understood him so i gave the yes to move chops... then he went and change things and was gonna put him self in your side of the bracket and I was just like ok shouldn't you be on the other side to meet in winners and he agreed but it didn't matter since you for some reason lost to DC on your first match... sooo there you have it talk what ever you want this is gonna be my only reply since I know you will still be talking **** about it and is so funny now that i think about since I heard u say it's not worth arguing with someone but we'll see

btw Afro your too good, you should know that... I'm glad you're back to being Snake :) get your No. 1 Spot back since I still think your are Fl. Best!!!

No Johns, it is what it is my friend!!!
No i said the crew thing wasnt worth arguing about, and i dont even wanna post that....We all know how bull**** that was.
All i can say is if the brackets had to be changed they could of been changed you simply choose not to so i dont wanna hear any complaints. It was your tournament if Naples wants to complain about having to fight Naples, they can complain to NAPLES who was hosting the tourney. Its not seibrik's fault.

I dont know why you're sayin im talking ****. Im only saying what you can do about problems at YOUR tournament.....


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
i think naples just thinks everyone is talking **** when ...

we are or not...so, in whatever situation its safe for them to say everyone is talking ****....

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
I had a blast at this tourney! I'll do shoutouts a little later, since I'm in New Hampshire on a road trip lol. It was fun being able to play everyone!

@M!X:: Thanks for havin the tourney and yes...we will have the MM at Gigs. I didn't forget either lol.

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
just one request. plz dont make a tourney the same day as another tourney. lol i woulda much rather play sheikssbm than seibrik first round. it is true wat fro said u werent runnign the tourney so seibrik stepped in so the tourney coulda end at a reasonable time


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Get that complete fvckin bull**** outta here.
If the brackets bother you remake them!

Its not seibriks fault you pretty much choose to do nothing. Anyone who was there knows that the entire tournament you didnt run ****. You just played matches and sat in your room doing ??????. Seibrik hosted that entire tournament, it just happened to take place at your house. If you had a problem with the brackets, if ANYONE had a right to speak up about it, it was you THE TOURNAMENT HOST. Dont go posting that bull****.
Whether ANY1 likes it or not Afro is right...

It's up to the tourney host to make sure everything is the way that it is supposed to be. In a tourney your not supposed to be able to fight a crew member in your 1st match(In singles, In double it might be hard to arrange)

So, No matter what it's all Mix's fault.

Every1 come up to Tally's PHB on April 11th.

There only Fluxx'ed Up members will be allowed to touch the brackets and solve dillemma's.

As 4 U Mix, I heard my crew had a blast @ ya tourney and I hope U have more so I can come to one in like, May or June XD


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
lol mix didnt really do anything. seibrik ran the entire bracket. You know you have a good TO when the TO is running his own tourney (seibrik at ZP, me at brawl wars, fluxxed up at tally, etc.)

and what was with putting the best two crews on the same side of the bracket? lrn2seed

naples is good in brawl, but you guys are REALLY good in misinterpretation. You guys are so defensive cause you think everyone is trying to diss you cause i guess you all believe you suck on the inside but youre too ashamed to admit it and you dont wanna hear what you believe is the truth


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2008
Tallahassee, home of the CHAMPS
The bracket was definitely balls :\

But w/e no johns.

Would've helped to have the bracket where people could see it instead of Seibrik running around with a sheet of paper with coming matches.

Edit: M!X, might I suggest getting a/some partner/s to help run the tournament/bracket? It'll help things go smoothly if you're in a match or otherwise distracted. (And you won't have to rely on Seibrik to run your tourney)

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
lol crews pot layout....

just sayin...

and... lol at crews takin forever-----> only reason i started to help cuz honestly had i not gotten singles started when i did, and ran them how i did, we would have been there till 2 in the morning i garuntee you that.

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
yea rule that was pretty gay at the pot change. and it was a **** move to put it on the same day as melee gigs. if u do that bs again ill lose all respect for u mix.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
lol crews pot layout....

just sayin...

and... lol at crews takin forever-----> only reason i started to help cuz honestly had i not gotten singles started when i did, and ran them how i did, we would have been there till 2 in the morning i garuntee you that.
Crews only took forever cuz for some fvckin reason the naples crew like had to think for 10 minutes between me beating them on whot o put next. Seriously when your crew gets called to play its time to play. I understand mix was making the bracket, that doesnt mean it takes all 5 of your people a extra 10 mins PER PERSON to get to the seat plug in a controller and play....

And yeah changing the pot split for crew was really gay, especially since it was mid crew tourney but w/e.......


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
And me, chaz and bonesaw went to subway, we got back for crews and ppl saw us wit subway as crews started so they went


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
well every1 said it was great, now ppl are hatin. i think it was good. i woulda turned the ac on though


Smash Lord
May 24, 2006
>_> Im not hating cuz i think it was fail

It was cool meeting ppl n the road trip but

it was pretty much fail...........IMO


Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2008
Outer Haven
OMg...what is your problems???

Like, how old are you guys?

I just said stop misinterpreting me!!! For ****ing sakes, wtf??? Is it that hard to understand a mans ****ing english???

I said no excuses...I said me saying I felt ****ty meant I FELT ****ty!!!! Not meant to secretly downplay your skill////////

???? I didnt even read your ****s cuz its all wrong...

The only reason I think yall are doing this is just to piss me the **** off....

Before I blow,...please, Do I have to ****ing get on my knees an start ****ing sucking **** to show how much respect I have for naples??? Do i???? really?

Just to put it in simple terms you guys are good. I told someone that you have Chris for practice since hes REALLY smart....ISNT THAT ****ING SAYING HES GOOD????

An we dont get shoutouts, **** that.

I dont give **** shouts cuz it takes forever....

Guys? Grow up. Im shaking wit stupid anger.

Anyways dont talk like that **** if u down for the MM im ****in down aint no playin around or bull**** ANd I hope i dont feel like passing out AKA ****ty...

I felt ****ty losing to you cuz i became stupid and lost patience...YOU should know thats key with Luigi...WHY ARE you saying Johns an ****???

Im ****ing losing my mind you guys sound worse than West Coast
Your too funny man, you still owe me $2 XD I do have respect for you, your pretty cool though i hate it that I coulndt MM you or friendly you :( we can chill at gigs though :)

just one request. plz dont make a tourney the same day as another tourney. lol i woulda much rather play sheikssbm than seibrik first round. it is true wat fro said u werent runnign the tourney so seibrik stepped in so the tourney coulda end at a reasonable time
ummm I don't like repeating my self man... I already said what had to be said on my part if you can't understand it then I can't do anything about :chuckle: and I was running it at the beggining, I never asked for help he just stepped in trying to take control or thinking I needed help i dunno I kept going back to my room back and forth with him, the only difference was that he had a book and updated the bracket... is that so hard to do... NO... he stepped in and i was just like cool he can keep himself busy with that since he likes doing it and I can enjoy more in my tourney... as i said before it was my mistake to have let that happen but I actually learn from my mistakes so it will be the last time I let anyone help me out... it's not hard running a tournament, it's just making the bracket proper and assigning matches.. with 10 tvs it impossible to finish at 2 AM unless 6 tvs are just for friendlies T_T

lol brawl

isnt mix that dirty looking kid that was following chu around at my tournament?
That's messed up man :( Did I smelled or something???

lol mix didnt really do anything. seibrik ran the entire bracket. You know you have a good TO when the TO is running his own tourney (seibrik at ZP, me at brawl wars, fluxxed up at tally, etc.)

and what was with putting the best two crews on the same side of the bracket? lrn2seed

naples is good in brawl, but you guys are REALLY good in misinterpretation. You guys are so defensive cause you think everyone is trying to diss you cause i guess you all believe you suck on the inside but youre too ashamed to admit it and you dont wanna hear what you believe is the truth
Learn to read man, learn to read... if you can't even read what I said and at least understand what I mean then wow... I regret housing you.... simple as that... i miss understand the names so i didnt remember your crew name so yea... my mistake just like i said before... IT IS MY FAULT AND I DONT HAVE TO DENY IT CUZ I LET IT HAPPEN WHEN I SHOULD OF JUST TOLD SEIBRIK TO BACK THE **** OFF AND LET ME BE.... there that feels better :laugh: it's funny seeing all of you how u react but w/e I'm laughing and your not hahaha

The bracket was definitely balls :\

But w/e no johns.

Would've helped to have the bracket where people could see it instead of Seibrik running around with a sheet of paper with coming matches.

Edit: M!X, might I suggest getting a/some partner/s to help run the tournament/bracket? It'll help things go smoothly if you're in a match or otherwise distracted. (And you won't have to rely on Seibrik to run your tourney)
yea I can deff. run things on my own as i sad before it's not hard calling out matches and update the bracket... so simple it makes people think its hard... i don't get it...

lol crews pot layout....

just sayin...

and... lol at crews takin forever-----> only reason i started to help cuz honestly had i not gotten singles started when i did, and ran them how i did, we would have been there till 2 in the morning i garuntee you that.
my mistake... again i should of changed it befor the day so people wouldnt complain.... crews was ment for a side fun thing... and i had it for last and it was after doubles.... so people asked things to et change then complain.... i dunno....

yea rule that was pretty gay at the pot change. and it was a **** move to put it on the same day as melee gigs. if u do that bs again ill lose all respect for u mix.
dude may i repeat my self??? Gigs choose my date... if you wanted to go to melee then you should of gone instead of coming to mine and ***** about it the whole time... "melee has more priority" u told me that but i didn't saw you acting on it.... maybe you should do and not complain... just saying :)

your wayyyy to cool man don't loose respect for the M!X XD I'll cry man, for realz dawg!!!! hey I'll take you to hooters man, good chicken wings... the Best lmao or a chinese buffet.. they have some fried Duck **** ... your fav. :laugh:

well every1 said it was great, now ppl are hatin. i think it was good. i woulda turned the ac on though
lol i think it was good over all.... but yea I had a sign to keep the doors close but half the time no one listen.. so yea 'yall ask for it T_T


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
if running a bracket is easy, and you can deff do it on your own, then answer me a question:

why didnt you?

I noticed that you didnt call out very many matches at all. Seibrik called out more matches than you did. You didnt ask for seibriks help, but if he didnt. we'd probably still be playing tourney matches. You say its impossible to finish at 2am with 10 tvs unless 6 were for friendlies...THATS EXACTLY WHAT WAS HAPPENING. before seibrik interveined (spelling?), almost every TV was for friendlies. I was about to run the tourney myself but he started it first (if anyone went to Impact Clash II, they know that I'll just start running a tourney if the original TO in charge starts failing)

You regret housing me? Because i straight up told you the truth? Because i reminded you that you didnt run the bracket very much and that you didn't seed very well in crews? Youre only proving my point of you guys being overdefensive and misinterpretating everything :laugh:

And then you get mad at seibrik for the brackets? Youre the TO. you make the brackets. even if he rearranges them youd have to confirm them or just remake it. Ive ran many tourneys and no one has every started my bracket without me, because i know how to keep that **** under control. And perfect except for two of the top 5 players playing each other the first round. They shouldve been seperated on their side of the bracket. And you cant just LET seibrik run the tourney, and go off to "enjoy your tourney without worrying", and then be mad at seibrik for it. It basically turned into a tourney being ran by seibrik that just happened to be at your house

I know you guys are good at misinterpretation, but you cant misinterpret this: You guys are a bunch of annoying kids. Especially emo wolf. His response to what polmex said has to be the biggest amount of *******ery ive seen in a post ever. Im actually saddened that shiekssbm has to be associated with that. and lol @ thinking shiekssbm is better than polmex just cause of one tourney. Thats like believing DC is better than afro cause be beat him in 1 tourney wololololol...dumb

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
people calm down the tourney is over sheesh, let it go...dont think about what happened at the tourney just make up your mind whether or not you guys will ever attend another tourney there and STFU, geez

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
I already made up my mind about that.

I very much doubt i will ever be going to a tourny there again, and possibly not in wfl at all unless GDX is hosting it.

What I will do is this.
BEcause of all these shinanigens, and I almost feel dumb for choosing this over gigs, Im going to make sure that doesnt happen ever again, that no one will ever travel over there just to get pissed off and let down (this is comming from the person who won so EF money)

Anytime I see a tourny being held over there, I'm simply gonna host one over here the same day. WFL can be dumb and stay with WFL, maybe the smart ones will come to mine for a quality tourny with some of the top players in FL in sfl alone, let alone if CFL comes (which I hope they do).

Just a note, dont you guys EVER host a tourny on the same day of a tourny, ESPECIALLY IF ITS GIGS!

I've had tournies up when gigs put they're tourny up after on the same day as mine, and just on the shir wim of ME wanting to be at gigs, i pushed my own tourny back almost 2 weeks.

AND you cannot freakin say the crews were for fun if

A)you guys DECIDED to change the pot AFTER tourny started AFTER seeing brackets and AFTER realizing you were on opposite sides of mine and afro's crew. I'm only assuming you originally said winner take all cause you weren't expecting us to show. If you ever have a 2nd place prize, no matter how little entrants, that means you have to have double elimination. Cause do you really think you deserved money anymore than Gmoney's team? They did a **** ton better than you against us, its not they're fault they had to play us first. Double elim makes sure that 2nd place goes to the true 2nd place, no arguing or b!tching about getting bracket fVked. Anytime its single elim, which it should have been to save time for the "fun" part of the tourny, it should have been winner take all, i dont care if I wasnt in crews at all. (had i not joined im sure it still WOULD have been winner take all cause I doubt mix is that generous to the other contending players.)

B)you guys gloat about taking 10 stocks with one person, Afro took 11 stocks from your crew (4 from the first person, 4 from the 2nd, and 3 from emowolf) Thats 11. we sent in chops on emo's last stock, he took it, then chops played dewdadash on delfino with even stocks and won (lol) then chops played Mix and lost i think, then chaz beat mix. If you guys can count, that makes afro taking 11 stocks true. But the point is for us it was just for fun until we played you guys, and we wouldnt have even brought up the 11 stocks at all, but we saw you gloating about 10 in the "just for fun" crews? The only reason afro tried SO hard against you guys was because of the next reason you guys are assh0les for this "just for fun" crew tourny.

C) Fighting real hard for their 2nd place money, they had to make sure they at least got to finals, and so to do so in this "just for fun" tourny, Dewdadash had to Inf. polmex, whom to my knowledge was woopin pretty good prior to this. Do you think Pol was having fun in these crews during that time? Do you guys realize that at huge tournies with up to 500 dollars on the line, and no rule banning it, myself, co18, or hbox have never done the inf to someone during TOURNY matches? Its called pride and self respect and respect for the other player. Something I had for Sheikssbm at my own tourny, and for Polmex at one of GDX's tourny in naples. But im sure your 2nd place 22 dollars that you just decided to hand to urselves was worth it.

And mix, you better stop saying ive messed with the bracket against you guys, cuz you know ALL i did was change chops to another side, then you said "chops is near ssbm" so i moved CHOPS a lil higher, into a BI, then later on before the first round was done, you said "this person is near this person" and i changed it without issue. At any time if you were unhappy before i started ****, or after i started ****, you could have changed something or at least SPOKEN UP AT UR TOURNY. I didnt hear very many complaints at all till i got home at smashboards and see you ranting behind the protection of your computer screen.

I just want to be clear, I have no hate in my heart for sheikssbm, or dewdadash (even tho he inf. im sure he felt bad/wouldnt mind MMing Polmex without the inf.... if he actually cares about his win over him anyway) or even emo wolf. The only person I have a problem with after this tourny, is the Assistant T.O. Mix. Thanks for letting us use your house for the tourny. Never let us do it again. Hope to see you guys round SFL or Gigs sometime in the future, and im sure we'll have many manly matches.

P.s. 6stocking you guys in doubles wouldn't have felt nearly as good if it was anyone else. Yeah, I went there. Sorry Chris :)


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
i Already Made Up My Mind About That.

I Very Much Doubt I Will Ever Be Going To A Tourny There Again, And Possibly Not In Wfl At All Unless Gdx Is Hosting It.

What I Will Do Is This.
Because Of All These Shinanigens, And I Almost Feel Dumb For Choosing This Over Gigs, Im Going To Make Sure That Doesnt Happen Ever Again, That No One Will Ever Travel Over There Just To Get Pissed Off And Let Down (this Is Comming From The Person Who Won So Ef Money)

Anytime I See A Tourny Being Held Over There, I'm Simply Gonna Host One Over Here The Same Day. Wfl Can Be Dumb And Stay With Wfl, Maybe The Smart Ones Will Come To Mine For A Quality Tourny With Some Of The Top Players In Fl In Sfl Alone, Let Alone If Cfl Comes (which I Hope They Do).

Just A Note, Dont You Guys Ever Host A Tourny On The Same Day Of A Tourny, Especially If Its Gigs!

I've Had Tournies Up When Gigs Put They're Tourny Up After On The Same Day As Mine, And Just On The Shir Wim Of Me Wanting To Be At Gigs, I Pushed My Own Tourny Back Almost 2 Weeks.

And You Cannot Freakin Say The Crews Were For Fun If

A)you Guys Decided To Change The Pot After Tourny Started After Seeing Brackets And After Realizing You Were On Opposite Sides Of Mine And Afro's Crew. I'm Only Assuming You Originally Said Winner Take All Cause You Weren't Expecting Us To Show. If You Ever Have A 2nd Place Prize, No Matter How Little Entrants, That Means You Have To Have Double Elimination. Cause Do You Really Think You Deserved Money Anymore Than Gmoney's Team? They Did A **** Ton Better Than You Against Us, Its Not They're Fault They Had To Play Us First. Double Elim Makes Sure That 2nd Place Goes To The True 2nd Place, No Arguing Or B!tching About Getting Bracket Fvked. Anytime Its Single Elim, Which It Should Have Been To Save Time For The "fun" Part Of The Tourny, It Should Have Been Winner Take All, I Dont Care If I Wasnt In Crews At All. (had I Not Joined Im Sure It Still Would Have Been Winner Take All Cause I Doubt Mix Is That Generous To The Other Contending Players.)

B)you Guys Gloat About Taking 10 Stocks With One Person, Afro Took 11 Stocks From Your Crew (4 From The First Person, 4 From The 2nd, And 3 From Emowolf) Thats 11. We Sent In Chops On Emo's Last Stock, He Took It, Then Chops Played Dewdadash On Delfino With Even Stocks And Won (lol) Then Chops Played Mix And Lost I Think, Then Chaz Beat Mix. If You Guys Can Count, That Makes Afro Taking 11 Stocks True. But The Point Is For Us It Was Just For Fun Until We Played You Guys, And We Wouldnt Have Even Brought Up The 11 Stocks At All, But We Saw You Gloating About 10 In The "just For Fun" Crews? The Only Reason Afro Tried So Hard Against You Guys Was Because Of The Next Reason You Guys Are Assh0les For This "just For Fun" Crew Tourny.

C) Fighting Real Hard For Their 2nd Place Money, They Had To Make Sure They At Least Got To Finals, And So To Do So In This "just For Fun" Tourny, Dewdadash Had To Inf. Polmex, Whom To My Knowledge Was Woopin Pretty Good Prior To This. Do You Think Pol Was Having Fun In These Crews During That Time? Do You Guys Realize That At Huge Tournies With Up To 500 Dollars On The Line, And No Rule Banning It, Myself, Co18, Or Hbox Have Never Done The Inf To Someone During Tourny Matches? Its Called Pride And Self Respect And Respect For The Other Player. Something I Had For Sheikssbm At My Own Tourny, And For Polmex At One Of Gdx's Tourny In Naples. But Im Sure Your 2nd Place 22 Dollars That You Just Decided To Hand To Urselves Was Worth It.

And Mix, You Better Stop Saying Ive Messed With The Bracket Against You Guys, Cuz You Know All I Did Was Change Chops To Another Side, Then You Said "chops Is Near Ssbm" So I Moved Chops A Lil Higher, Into A Bi, Then Later On Before The First Round Was Done, You Said "this Person Is Near This Person" And I Changed It Without Issue. At Any Time If You Were Unhappy Before I Started ****, Or After I Started ****, You Could Have Changed Something Or At Least Spoken Up At Ur Tourny. I Didnt Hear Very Many Complaints At All Till I Got Home At Smashboards And See You Ranting Behind The Protection Of Your Computer Screen.

I Just Want To Be Clear, I Have No Hate In My Heart For Sheikssbm, Or Dewdadash (even Tho He Inf. Im Sure He Felt Bad/wouldnt Mind Mming Polmex Without The Inf.... If He Actually Cares About His Win Over Him Anyway) Or Even Emo Wolf. The Only Person I Have A Problem With After This Tourny, Is The Assistant T.o. Mix. Thanks For Letting Us Use Your House For The Tourny. Never Let Us Do It Again. Hope To See You Guys Round Sfl Or Gigs Sometime In The Future, And Im Sure We'll Have Many Manly Matches.

P.s. 6stocking You Guys In Doubles Wouldn't Have Felt Nearly As Good If It Was Anyone Else. Yeah, I Went There. Sorry Chris :)
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