Smash Ace
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dude ppl at 1st thought this was a good tourny untill 1 person began to *****, then every1 else began to ***** and now we are here. i think this ****s funny
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yea it was all u, thanks for runnin everything. dude get at me at gigs. mm me mk vs mk. we never got to play hereactually my entire crew was *****ing mid-crews. Teams was aight but i was basically runnin that too.
I already made up my mind about that.
I very much doubt i will ever be going to a tourny there again, and possibly not in wfl at all unless GDX is hosting it.
What I will do is this.
BEcause of all these shinanigens, and I almost feel dumb for choosing this over gigs, Im going to make sure that doesnt happen ever again, that no one will ever travel over there just to get pissed off and let down (this is comming from the person who won so EF money)
Anytime I see a tourny being held over there, I'm simply gonna host one over here the same day. WFL can be dumb and stay with WFL, maybe the smart ones will come to mine for a quality tourny with some of the top players in FL in sfl alone, let alone if CFL comes (which I hope they do).
Just a note, dont you guys EVER host a tourny on the same day of a tourny, ESPECIALLY IF ITS GIGS!
I've had tournies up when gigs put they're tourny up after on the same day as mine, and just on the shir wim of ME wanting to be at gigs, i pushed my own tourny back almost 2 weeks.
AND you cannot freakin say the crews were for fun if
A)you guys DECIDED to change the pot AFTER tourny started AFTER seeing brackets and AFTER realizing you were on opposite sides of mine and afro's crew. I'm only assuming you originally said winner take all cause you weren't expecting us to show. If you ever have a 2nd place prize, no matter how little entrants, that means you have to have double elimination. Cause do you really think you deserved money anymore than Gmoney's team? They did a **** ton better than you against us, its not they're fault they had to play us first. Double elim makes sure that 2nd place goes to the true 2nd place, no arguing or b!tching about getting bracket fVked. Anytime its single elim, which it should have been to save time for the "fun" part of the tourny, it should have been winner take all, i dont care if I wasnt in crews at all. (had i not joined im sure it still WOULD have been winner take all cause I doubt mix is that generous to the other contending players.)
B)you guys gloat about taking 10 stocks with one person, Afro took 11 stocks from your crew (4 from the first person, 4 from the 2nd, and 3 from emowolf) Thats 11. we sent in chops on emo's last stock, he took it, then chops played dewdadash on delfino with even stocks and won (lol) then chops played Mix and lost i think, then chaz beat mix. If you guys can count, that makes afro taking 11 stocks true. But the point is for us it was just for fun until we played you guys, and we wouldnt have even brought up the 11 stocks at all, but we saw you gloating about 10 in the "just for fun" crews? The only reason afro tried SO hard against you guys was because of the next reason you guys are assh0les for this "just for fun" crew tourny.
C) Fighting real hard for their 2nd place money, they had to make sure they at least got to finals, and so to do so in this "just for fun" tourny, Dewdadash had to Inf. polmex, whom to my knowledge was woopin pretty good prior to this. Do you think Pol was having fun in these crews during that time? Do you guys realize that at huge tournies with up to 500 dollars on the line, and no rule banning it, myself, co18, or hbox have never done the inf to someone during TOURNY matches? Its called pride and self respect and respect for the other player. Something I had for Sheikssbm at my own tourny, and for Polmex at one of GDX's tourny in naples. But im sure your 2nd place 22 dollars that you just decided to hand to urselves was worth it.
And mix, you better stop saying ive messed with the bracket against you guys, cuz you know ALL i did was change chops to another side, then you said "chops is near ssbm" so i moved CHOPS a lil higher, into a BI, then later on before the first round was done, you said "this person is near this person" and i changed it without issue. At any time if you were unhappy before i started ****, or after i started ****, you could have changed something or at least SPOKEN UP AT UR TOURNY. I didnt hear very many complaints at all till i got home at smashboards and see you ranting behind the protection of your computer screen.
I just want to be clear, I have no hate in my heart for sheikssbm, or dewdadash (even tho he inf. im sure he felt bad/wouldnt mind MMing Polmex without the inf.... if he actually cares about his win over him anyway) or even emo wolf. The only person I have a problem with after this tourny, is the Assistant T.O. Mix. Thanks for letting us use your house for the tourny. Never let us do it again. Hope to see you guys round SFL or Gigs sometime in the future, and im sure we'll have many manly matches.
P.s. 6stocking you guys in doubles wouldn't have felt nearly as good if it was anyone else. Yeah, I went there. Sorry Chris![]()
Nah, I wouldn't go THAT far...Seibrik is ****.
He should be a lawyer.
I can confirm this.DC is superior to me
wtf who are you.......The tourney is over, stop *****ing already or i'll just close the thread.
look I don't like repeating my self if you didn't catch what i said before then w/e be like that... I know my **** and you can belive/think what ever you want I don't care anymoreif running a bracket is easy, and you can deff do it on your own, then answer me a question:
why didnt you?
I noticed that you didnt call out very many matches at all. Seibrik called out more matches than you did. You didnt ask for seibriks help, but if he didnt. we'd probably still be playing tourney matches. You say its impossible to finish at 2am with 10 tvs unless 6 were for friendlies...THATS EXACTLY WHAT WAS HAPPENING. before seibrik interveined (spelling?), almost every TV was for friendlies. I was about to run the tourney myself but he started it first (if anyone went to Impact Clash II, they know that I'll just start running a tourney if the original TO in charge starts failing)
You regret housing me? Because i straight up told you the truth? Because i reminded you that you didnt run the bracket very much and that you didn't seed very well in crews? Youre only proving my point of you guys being overdefensive and misinterpretating everything
And then you get mad at seibrik for the brackets? Youre the TO. you make the brackets. even if he rearranges them youd have to confirm them or just remake it. Ive ran many tourneys and no one has every started my bracket without me, because i know how to keep that **** under control. And perfect except for two of the top 5 players playing each other the first round. They shouldve been seperated on their side of the bracket. And you cant just LET seibrik run the tourney, and go off to "enjoy your tourney without worrying", and then be mad at seibrik for it. It basically turned into a tourney being ran by seibrik that just happened to be at your house
I know you guys are good at misinterpretation, but you cant misinterpret this: You guys are a bunch of annoying kids. Especially emo wolf. His response to what polmex said has to be the biggest amount of *******ery ive seen in a post ever. Im actually saddened that shiekssbm has to be associated with that. and lol @ thinking shiekssbm is better than polmex just cause of one tourney. Thats like believing DC is better than afro cause be beat him in 1 tourney wololololol...dumb
lol I agree and too bad you couldn't come T_T since the beginning I said it was my fault and i will learn from my mistakes but do they listen??? no!!! so i can't argue with thatpeople calm down the tourney is over sheesh, let it go...dont think about what happened at the tourney just make up your mind whether or not you guys will ever attend another tourney there and STFU, geez
I know what u mean and i learn from my mistakes, it's not hard but w/e don't wanna keep repeating my self to those that don't listen at all so w/e if he does that or not i don't care anymore well just see how things run next time and then when i fail when im running it, if it takes for ever when im running it then thats when all **** can be thrown at me
... ****...
Although I wouldn't say that it is neccesary to go THAT far. There's no reason to bicker on tehe boards to the point where we are gonna host tourney's on teh same days as each other and compete with tourney's. Trust me, it b better for us to all suport each other aned go to each others tourney's.
Like MrFTW & I said, next time, Mix... RUN UR TOURNEY. U need to decide what is fair and not in your tourney.
It's whatev... Ur prob not gonna listen 2 me cuz I aint make it w/ my crew. But I hope U learned ya lesson and you will move on.
lol tha's messed up man how can u be so cruel... i know you still cool with me... i hope >.>yeap i lost respect for m1x. all i can say is ur a ****** lol. *** outa here with that garbage son.
He IS Jewish enough...Seibrik is ****.
He should be a lawyer.
**** BRO YOU GOT ME GOOD ONEEDIT: I had said that Afro should be 1st in Fl. but hes not... for some reason he lost to DC
Since we movin on and all... Wen is Ur next tourney gonna b???I know what u mean and i learn from my mistakes, it's not hard but w/e don't wanna keep repeating my self to those that don't listen at all so w/e if he does that or not i don't care anymore well just see how things run next time and then when i fail when im running it, if it takes for ever when im running it then thats when all **** can be thrown at me
no need to be super smart to grab a piece of paper calling out names T_T if you all think its that hard then w/e I'll see you in tally on the 11th of Next month
EDIT: I had said that Afro should be 1st in Fl. but hes not... for some reason he lost to DC but yea we all know next ime things can be different and when I say "imo SheikSSBM is the best Luigi in Fl." is because hes my friend so it's ovious to say things like that T_T untill him and pomex dont meet again for a few more times and see who places better using luigi then we dont know who is best but w/e just keep throwing words out it's pointlesss![]()
ummm prob till may or june not sure.. i have a couple Cons i have to hit... so idk yet >.< cool ill be seeing you then... maybe ill make up my mind by your tourneySince we movin on and all... Wen is Ur next tourney gonna b???
I wanna go!!!
*Confirmation of McGriddles statement* XDAfro i'll do it :D
actually i take that back, i like money too much to do that
true dawg true....amen brother however all this petty bull**** is just going to ruin the dame for a lot of people. If florida pits themselves against eachother like this its going to makr going to these tournaments more about ripping eachother than it is about getting better and improving our game as a state.
People shouldn't be on here *****ing about who they lost 2 or why they should have won if you lost then redeem yourself at the next tourney or quit brawl.
If you won congratualations good job.
people making attacks on other people need to stop because that just shows how immature you really are. If you don't like sum1 get over it or keep it to yoursef.
Seibrek, Afro you know that u guys r topo good i mean you won the ****ing tournament so Don't say that the tourney sucked because you left the tounry 250$ richer and you won because your ****ing good hands down
Every1 may say that they don't plan to attend because of one thing or another but it shouldn't be about peoples differences it should be about winning, Pride, and getting ****ing better that was what this tourneywas originally about so every1 stop *****ing what happened happened if u dont like it get on your w!! and get better and reeem yourself at the next tourney i think that every1 should just stop the *****ing.
Tampa you guys are sick
FIU you str8 ****
Tally you guys ripp
now every1 grow the f*** up
even tho im frum naples i still got respect at gigs i wanna party with some of the tampa and tallly kids more cause i think this whole tourney started off on a bad foot and that made this **** bound to happenm I say that we all party after f*ckin Gigs and have fun cuz thats what smash is about.
dude im one of the happies dudes out theree just cuz my name iis emo wolf it dont mean i AM. i just dont like you guys putting naples down and M!X. show some respect if not then dont say anything you got me dawwg?Its all about that E thug personality baby xD
Dude, just act cool in real life at tourneys an itll all be gravy xD
I talked mad **** before CoT4...But then I got there an showed them the Polmex love, all gravy now
what ev take it personal its just words not fists dont worry....
Be happy =)
I didn't even go, but I agree.FORT1 was the best SWFL tourney ever!!!
we got ur back n u did a great job at the tournament...n im not saying this "hebind the safety of my computer" but if a ever see u ill say it in ur face you ain`t nothing sh*t but a bunch of fakers...i agree with Emo^Wolf were not gon let u talk **** about naples and Mix...all that me n Emo^Wolf are sayin is that u proved that are a bunch of a$$h0les, if u wana trow a tournament go ahead n do it, were still gon trow tournaments if u wana come, then come, if not we dont care, we dont need u. also, we respect cuz were also in brawl as a crew. :uzi:i know this tourney is over and the reason im posting late is cuz ive been busyy but im not going to sit here and watch everyone trash talk my brother M!X saying the tourney was a failure and etc. i would quote alot of you people but ima say this to EVERyone. mostly all of the people that went to the tournament are fxcking a$$**** excluding a couple of people but mostly everyone had a goodtime and they go home at start ranting. and all of you that want to say im anooying or whatever like gdx i can careless what you think. how the fxck are you going to say shxt about the tournament. you stay at our fxcking house and you act all cool even before you left and you go home and write shxt on the boards saying im annoying and the tourney failure! wtf. WE GOT your back M!X RevaL!X man. were acualy in this for pride and cuz we got this. my brother did a good job throwing the tourney we might of neede help but if you didnt like the timing or whatever was going on we would of gave you your money back and you couild of gotten the fxck out my house.. thats how we do it in our side. i respect everyone that i played that i losed to and that i beat. and for those that are saying that we wait till we got home behind the commputer to say this (this goes to seibrik) im saying this now and if i ever see you ill say it again. i dont want to start a fight or sound like imj saying this cause im on boards so if you want me to say it you ill say it.you guys did that shxt. you act all cool but when you left the house you go home and post right away.
al of you showed what kind of ****** you are. you guys need to back the fxck up. i know we moving on the topic but im not going to let m!X be put down like that.So take it how you want it, personally I dont give a fxck
and when the tourney came out we told you it was about pride until everyone had to open your mouth with a motherfxcking opinion so all i have to say is FXCK bRawl, fxck the people that are mking excuses of why they lost. and all the fxcking crews that came and if your not down With M!X then Fxck you too[/COLOR]
No i ain GoT yOu dAwwwG....dude im one of the happies dudes out theree just cuz my name iis emo wolf it dont mean i AM. i just dont like you guys putting naples down and M!X. show some respect if not then dont say anything you got me dawwg?