Smash Apprentice
blahhh, all this fighting (i'm not picking out seibrik's post for any particular reason) is what makes this game seem so much lamerI already made up my mind about that.
I very much doubt i will ever be going to a tourny there again, and possibly not in wfl at all unless GDX is hosting it.
What I will do is this.
BEcause of all these shinanigens, and I almost feel dumb for choosing this over gigs, Im going to make sure that doesnt happen ever again, that no one will ever travel over there just to get pissed off and let down (this is comming from the person who won so EF money)
Anytime I see a tourny being held over there, I'm simply gonna host one over here the same day. WFL can be dumb and stay with WFL, maybe the smart ones will come to mine for a quality tourny with some of the top players in FL in sfl alone, let alone if CFL comes (which I hope they do).
Just a note, dont you guys EVER host a tourny on the same day of a tourny, ESPECIALLY IF ITS GIGS!
I've had tournies up when gigs put they're tourny up after on the same day as mine, and just on the shir wim of ME wanting to be at gigs, i pushed my own tourny back almost 2 weeks.
AND you cannot freakin say the crews were for fun if
A)you guys DECIDED to change the pot AFTER tourny started AFTER seeing brackets and AFTER realizing you were on opposite sides of mine and afro's crew. I'm only assuming you originally said winner take all cause you weren't expecting us to show. If you ever have a 2nd place prize, no matter how little entrants, that means you have to have double elimination. Cause do you really think you deserved money anymore than Gmoney's team? They did a **** ton better than you against us, its not they're fault they had to play us first. Double elim makes sure that 2nd place goes to the true 2nd place, no arguing or b!tching about getting bracket fVked. Anytime its single elim, which it should have been to save time for the "fun" part of the tourny, it should have been winner take all, i dont care if I wasnt in crews at all. (had i not joined im sure it still WOULD have been winner take all cause I doubt mix is that generous to the other contending players.)
B)you guys gloat about taking 10 stocks with one person, Afro took 11 stocks from your crew (4 from the first person, 4 from the 2nd, and 3 from emowolf) Thats 11. we sent in chops on emo's last stock, he took it, then chops played dewdadash on delfino with even stocks and won (lol) then chops played Mix and lost i think, then chaz beat mix. If you guys can count, that makes afro taking 11 stocks true. But the point is for us it was just for fun until we played you guys, and we wouldnt have even brought up the 11 stocks at all, but we saw you gloating about 10 in the "just for fun" crews? The only reason afro tried SO hard against you guys was because of the next reason you guys are assh0les for this "just for fun" crew tourny.
C) Fighting real hard for their 2nd place money, they had to make sure they at least got to finals, and so to do so in this "just for fun" tourny, Dewdadash had to Inf. polmex, whom to my knowledge was woopin pretty good prior to this. Do you think Pol was having fun in these crews during that time? Do you guys realize that at huge tournies with up to 500 dollars on the line, and no rule banning it, myself, co18, or hbox have never done the inf to someone during TOURNY matches? Its called pride and self respect and respect for the other player. Something I had for Sheikssbm at my own tourny, and for Polmex at one of GDX's tourny in naples. But im sure your 2nd place 22 dollars that you just decided to hand to urselves was worth it.
And mix, you better stop saying ive messed with the bracket against you guys, cuz you know ALL i did was change chops to another side, then you said "chops is near ssbm" so i moved CHOPS a lil higher, into a BI, then later on before the first round was done, you said "this person is near this person" and i changed it without issue. At any time if you were unhappy before i started ****, or after i started ****, you could have changed something or at least SPOKEN UP AT UR TOURNY. I didnt hear very many complaints at all till i got home at smashboards and see you ranting behind the protection of your computer screen.
I just want to be clear, I have no hate in my heart for sheikssbm, or dewdadash (even tho he inf. im sure he felt bad/wouldnt mind MMing Polmex without the inf.... if he actually cares about his win over him anyway) or even emo wolf. The only person I have a problem with after this tourny, is the Assistant T.O. Mix. Thanks for letting us use your house for the tourny. Never let us do it again. Hope to see you guys round SFL or Gigs sometime in the future, and im sure we'll have many manly matches.
P.s. 6stocking you guys in doubles wouldn't have felt nearly as good if it was anyone else. Yeah, I went there. Sorry Chris![]()
however (now i'm picking at seibrik's post), seibrik this is an extremely juvenile way to vent your "animosity" about a tournament, you made brackets, got lunchbox to yell out names, WOW! and i do agree that M!X should've been more helpful in hosting his tourney, but all of this name calling, johning, *****ing, and complaining is solving nothing. If you don't want to waste time at Naples tourneys, get a gf (or a *****) and go get ***** instead.
btw Chops and Gmoney are ****ing studz