i know this tourney is over and the reason im posting late is cuz ive been busyy but im not going to sit here and watch everyone trash talk my brother M!X saying the tourney was a failure and etc. i would quote alot of you people but ima say this to EVERyone. mostly all of the people that went to the tournament are fxcking a$$**** excluding a couple of people but mostly everyone had a goodtime and they go home at start ranting. and all of you that want to say im anooying or whatever like gdx i can careless what you think. how the fxck are you going to say shxt about the tournament. you stay at our fxcking house and you act all cool even before you left and you go home and write shxt on the boards saying im annoying and the tourney failure! wtf. WE GOT your back M!X RevaL!X man. were acualy in this for pride and cuz we got this. my brother did a good job throwing the tourney we might of neede help but if you didnt like the timing or whatever was going on we would of gave you your money back and you couild of gotten the fxck out my house.. thats how we do it in our side. i respect everyone that i played that i losed to and that i beat. and for those that are saying that we wait till we got home behind the commputer to say this (this goes to seibrik) im saying this now and if i ever see you ill say it again. i dont want to start a fight or sound like imj saying this cause im on boards so if you want me to say it you ill say it.you guys did that shxt. you act all cool but when you left the house you go home and post right away.
al of you showed what kind of ****** you are. you guys need to back the fxck up. i know we moving on the topic but im not going to let m!X be put down like that.So take it how you want it, personally I dont give a fxck
and when the tourney came out we told you it was about pride until everyone had to open your mouth with a motherfxcking opinion so all i have to say is FXCK bRawl, fxck the people that are mking excuses of why they lost. and all the fxcking crews that came and if your not down With M!X then Fxck you too[/COLOR]
all im gonna say to this is ur pretty dumb wen it comes to the boards time line.
go look at who said wat first. We posted, random stuff about the tourny, nothing bad but shoutouts and cool stuff, THEN Mix called me out in his shoutouts, and thats wat started it. we were all gona be quiet and chill and let it go under the rug, until someone else brought it up, mix brought it upon himself, we didnt start ****, we were just defendin ourselves, by pointing out the flaws mix did. Thats all.
Get **** strait, then make points. You can't do it the other way around, you'll just look ***** dumb.