Can't (can't make worlds either, which also sucks). I have an exam on thursday that I can't get moved, and a gig saturday night. So I won't even be leaving new orleans still sunday or monday.
I actually never played ravnica block limited, as I didn't really get into limited play till time spiral. Though I have heard from multiple sources that it's an awesome set for it.
Man, I haven't drafted all semester. NO ONE plays limited in new orleans, it's ridiculous. I even have a cube, which people can draft out of for free and lets you draft totally ridiculous decks made up of the best cards in magic, and I STILL can't get a draft going. Wtf.
Incidentally, to give you an idea of the ridiculousness (and because I'm bored) I went over to my cube and picked 15 cards at random from it. What do you first pick out of this pack (first pack, first pick obviously):
Rorix bladewing, griffin guide, diabolic edict, plagued rusalka, azorius guildmage, carven caryatid, spiritmonger, krosan tusker, catastrophe, chrome mox, tolarian academy, phyrexian processor, steam vents, enlightened tutor, and braingeyser.
The pick is actually pretty easy, but it gives you an idea of the card quality we're working with.