**** i got told
well i wasn't mad or anything about losing it was just disappointing having to rush everything so i could play in losers, i already said you beat me F&S.
Man, if I knew this was the case, I would have camped a hell of a lot more in our match!
Coming up in the middle of my set and pulling my chair away from me was a pretty douche-bag thing to do.
EDIT: some shout outs
Dguy- good stuff in teams; considering your fox is just fresh out of the womb, we did pretty good considering.
Hazard- Sorry that you got the shaft by Gigs... pretty lame. But on the plus side you got to team with Ted, right?

Jamil- GANONDORF! (or Falcon!)
Corey- You did good man, you must never forget... Bowser on Yoshi's story counter pick FTW!
Rfx- Good stuff in singles. And the 2v2 friendlies were awesome.lol
AL-We must team next time!
Thomas- I didn't get to play you at all but I'll be down to come play you on the weekends whenever you're in Orlando during Christmas break. Can't wait!
Colin- Grats on taking 1st place. All is right with the world again. Oh, and add me on myspace!

Geogria Guys- Good games. You guys played a tight-as-hell team game. And tough as hell singles matches with C.
Boosley- Good seeing ya! We all gotta get back into melee shape.
Raistlin: Longest match EVER! Good lord, it was crazy as hell. If anybody got that recorded, that would be awesome. Good match, we're 1-1 now as far as tourney matches go

Dark Sonic- Wish I got some friendlies with you. When are we taking 1st place in doubles?
Otru and Skratch and other TNT member- good friendly doubles with you guys, sorry we had to bail and bring the setup along with us

Chops & Linguini- I demand friendlies next time! I'm considering going to the melee tourney next week so maybe we'll see you guys there.
Rohins- Good seeing you man, I can't believe I didn't get any friendlies with you! I guess I can thank Raistlin for that one.