oooooh boi time for them shout-outs:
uuaa- forget what i said about you not playing low tiers. . .you are nasty at low tier. good stuff
hiroshi-good to see you weren't getting pissed, we will do better next time
zoro-man you got the skills just put them to use in the tourny, good junk in low tier double we got you the second time though
Ray- yeah boi, you with us now, join singles next time
vericz-wow, stop sucking at tourny matches and start winning. you be good enough to win
skrach- good junk on first, nasty combos
otru- your fox got a lot better, that MM was more difficult than i thought
sheer-fun teaming with you, how about we try again next time
bo! and TBP- we will get you next time
cake eating guys
DF-fun playing you, good junk
law- fun dittos, you play smart
fenrir, hozart, derf- didnt play you guys but i saw your matches good junk.
A-L- we all knew you would win low tiers, good job
vijin- join next time
RFX- you too!!
lambchops- falco dittos were fun, sooo close too. at least i beat your other characters
XIF- nasty peach, yours is toughest yet soooo fast
green mario- wow, I cant seem to ever beat you. . . unless i pick mewtwo. thats just weird
other peoples
dguy-nice mewtwo, i learned some stuff
<3- fun playing you again, but next time i want some of that samus
ted-your roy is nice, I'll teach you some more stuff next time
anyone i missed-good junk fun tourny. see you guys at the next one