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(」・ω・)」 MARS la Marf in Smash 4 (/・ω・)/


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
I finally finished watching Big O after like the 6 years since I first started.

Angel is cyute.

I'd fall in love with Dorothy.


Smash Champion
Feb 22, 2009
Training Mode
Wtf its saying I need to sign up for ustream lol also guys what spot do you guys think would be the highest marth would be on the tier list if MK is banned?


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2008
Top 4 no doubt. I think he'd rise over snake possibly. But at least with mk gone his spot now would be solidified. The top 4 at that point I think would be a toss up on the specific order because they could all win tournaments. I think what would be more interesting with mk banned is who the top mk's would pick up. Out of those 4 falco is the easiest to pick up, but marth is the most similar to mk. Imagine if M2K played marth in brawl? Ally would go back to snake/wario probably. Anti has diddy and snake. Tyrant has a good marth and would probably get better than it is now. I think the competition between the top 4 characters would be very exciting to see at that point.



Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2008
However with mk gone marth mains can put more time into the diddy and d3 matches which might let us tip the scales and put marth on top of everybody else. Here's and interesting thought, if marth got popular, would people actually play marth dittos or have a secondary for him?



   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Just incase OP didn't know, everyone who mains Marth is the same person. Here's why:

So Marth said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT"
and there was Light.
but Marth was unhappy with the beasts, and their lack of intelligence, so in his divine proclaimation he stated:
"Let me create a being fitted in my own IMAGE"
So he created KEN, named after his own ultimate combo.
But Ken became lonely, and Ken said to Marth, "I am lonely, create me a being I can fornicate with, or flame on the parchmentsmashingstones.com"
So that night while Ken was asleep, Marth ripped out Ken's C stick, and in the image of Ken, created Mew2King, taken from Ken, as in mEw2KiNg.

Ken was unhappy with his partner, but put up with him as Marth would gloat about how good he feels about being played by a woKENman. (pronounced: WHOA, KEN, MAN, usually followed by, YOU JUST 3 STOCKED ME)

Mew2King one day was roaming the land of final destination, when an Emblem Lord said to him "Take from the fruit of Sakurai, or the fruit of Frame Data so we can expend our metagames". M2K was afraid, he was told by Marth, the ultimate being that he had been created from his image, said to never learn of frame data. But Mew2King wanted to beat Ken, so Emblem Lord laughed as M2K learnt some extreme metagamez.

Marth was furious, and in punishment banished Emblem Lord to forever slide on his belly and to play horrible competitive fighters (as they didnt have Marth in them), forever. M2K, who told Ken the data, to further understand "The One", were both stricken from the land of Final Destination, to roam the Earth and toil the metagames in a harsh environment by themselves; as the Sakurai tree was no longer available to them ;_;.

A new generation was born, and at this point Mew2King had turned into an evil witch, with wings and a mask; the ugly offshoot of everything MARTH, but with wings and a mask, and a ****ing longer dtilt, to further punish Emblem Lord's deception. Ken had started to roam with Marth for several hundred years, and was long forgotten by the 2008/09 generation of today.

The new generation was of Neo and Roy_R, and to try to satisfy Marth, they both offered holy metagames to their Lord. Neo offered pivot grabs (they're awesome), whilst Roy_R offered release grab to tipper fairs on Metaknight. Marth favoured Roy_Rs metagamez and Neo was upset. Neo then ripped apart the GC Controller of Roy_R.

Soon after Marth said to Neo: WHAT IS THIS CONTROLLER PARTS THAT STAIN THE FLOORS OF MY TROPHY CABINET, and Marth knew what Neo had done. Marth was so angry at Neo, for killing Roy and getting rid of him out of Brawl, that he grew wings, a mask, and flew off to be with Mew2King as to let his being remain top tier. Neo was left with a mark of "Best Marth who killed Roy.", and would forever be hated by others who were like "ROY'S OUR BOY".

Neo cloned himself a couple of times.

So in conclusion, all Marth mains are created in Marth's godly image, which is no longer originally available, and the closest we have is Neo. But we're all hivemind, like bees.


Virg locked the original topic I wrote this for, but good thing the Marths like spamming hivemind



The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
That wouldn't even have covered a one-way ticket, Nike x) I'll take the San Japan money instead ;p


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
sonic lost?
I hosted a tourney today in which none of San Antonio's top10 players entered. Was a chance to cater to the lower level players. We didn't know who was gonna win lol. A Sonic main won, same guy that Rei-Gun beat a month ago. Which is why HE SHOULD'VE CAME TO THE TOURNEY :p

Oh, Rei. I money matched Justin's MK after the tourney. Went to game3, but he started scooping me for low percent gimps and 2-stocked the last game :(


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
Wahahah x) That's good. I haven't played him in a while but we were going pretty even the last time. He's reeeeeally patient >_>
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